This is troublesome, it was already almost time for Rana’s interviewee but Lulu was still asleep. We’re now up to 9 members, although looking back all of the other members were females. I don’t plan to limit the members to female characters though, I would like to see some male characters join as well but for now I’m the only one.

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Hannah jumped as Rana flung the door open.

“Sorry I made you wait! I brought them!”

“Lady Rana, there’s someone sleeping. Can you keep your voice down?”

That was a rare complaint from Hannah.

“Oh, really? Sorry.”

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Rana quieted down when she saw Lulu sleeping. Rana may be selfish but she’s surprisingly reasonable. She wouldn’t selfishly cause trouble for others, so she apologized obediently.

“Your highness Rana, could you wait for a moment? I’ll move her to the next room. Hannah, can you help?”

“Of course.”

Ciara moved Lulu to the other room with Hannah. The small girl never woke up and once she was in the next room Rana was able to talk as usual.

“I made you wait.”

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“It’s fine, who’s that girl? I she lost?”

“No, she’s a new member.”

“?………A, AH! The daughter of the viscount! Ciara said something about her!”

Unlike Hannah, Rana had a good understanding of the aristocratic society. I turned towards the students behind Rana, one girl wore a maid outfit and another was dressed as a valet.

“Oh! Is this the [Butler}?”

Behind them was a male student wearing a crisp white butler outfit. He was tall, a little taller than me but had a baby face. But that didn’t matter, I had been waiting for a boy to finally show up.

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“Thats right. Celestin, why don’t you introduce yourself.”

“Yes, Your highness. Nice to meet you [Hero] Zephyrus, Im Celestin, I have acquired the job [Butler].”

Celestin politely bowed his head as he greeted me. He’d already acquired his job and it was [butler] nonetheless. Although all three of them had the category [branch]. This is a category that the relative’s of aristocrats are placed in. [Branch] literally means branch family and it is only available for them.

[Butler] is definitely a good job as it can use some [warrior] skills. The job can be used not just as its original purpose as an assistant but also has various places in a dungeon party where it can fit in.

Don’t panic, the guild might be full of beautiful women but I’m not an unscrupulous person. But what about Celestin? I prepared myself and went to turn to Celestin when Rana dropped a bombshell.

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“For some reason dad said that Celestin is supposed to stick with Zephyrus.”

What did she just say? Dad? Rana’s dad? Meaning the king of this country said that Celestin should stick with who?

“Yes, as of today i have been asked to take care of the [hero] Zephyrus. I will be Zephyrus’s servant from now on.”


Every [Hero] needs a butler.

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