"We scored a <Gold Chest>!"

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Lulu's voice echoed throughout the boss room.

As we defeated the last remaining boss, <Boss Mogyu>, on its spot were left a huge amount of materials and a treasure chest.

It was a gold chest! sparkling in radiant golden hue!

"There is another one-desu!"

I immediately turned my head at breakneck speed upon hearing the report from Pamlea.


A second gold chest was enshrined on the spot where we had defeated the second boss <Boss Puby>. Joyful exclamations escaped my lips unconsciously.

And then, a flash of light lit inside my mind momentarily.

Both <Boss Mogyu> and <Boss Puby> have dropped a gold chest. So, maybe! maybe!

I feel like it's just my imagination running wild, nonetheless, excitement was bubbling inside me as I shifted my gaze to where <Boss Coccco> was!

However there was nothing.


It was indeed just my imagination running wild.

The maximum number of gold chest normal bosses can drop are two on normal ocassion. So is the common sense among the <Dungeon Activity> players. I should have known better than anyone that there's no way for the third gold chest, yet I can't help but feel sad about it.

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"Lulu really really wants to open this Mr. treasure box! Can I, Zephyr Onii-sama?"


"Zephyr Onii-sama?"

"Don't mind, Lulu. Zephyr-dono has just been KO'd."

"? ?"

I kneeled on the ground with one hand on my chest. Lulu's call of onii-sama caught me defenseless, like a punch straight to my heart. So close, I was almost about to agree to her request.

Celia nodded her head, as if saying 'I understand where you're coming from', looking at me. Meanwhile Lulu simply tilted her head at my and Celia's reaction, kuh, talk about the cuteness.

I feel like Celia's face appears slightly loose. Err, might be my imagination. As mine was surely loosened in a grin.

Sierra would have been sighing at the current spectacle, had she been here. Get a grip, Zephyr.

"Ahem. Well then, let's decide who will open the treasure chest, shall we!?"

Ack, I put too much energy and sound a bit snobbish. Whatever.

We now have two <Gold Chest> today.

I am not sure if it's because we have to pay QP but the drop rate for gold chest in Extra Dungeons is higher than in regular dungeons. <Gold Chest> drops at a rate of around 5%.

And further add the blessing of Sachineko-sama, there you have the rise in drop rate! This is the crème de la crème! Fuhaha!

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Thanks to all this, we scored a gold chest in just three rounds! Not to say it's a double of them. This is definitely the blessing of Sachineko-sama!! I bet there must be equally good drops either!

The question now is, who is gonna open them.

" " "I would like to!" “ “ “

Three hands are raised at my question.

One of them is Lulu, who's doing her best to appeal by waving her tiny hand. "If this doesn't decide, then what else?", so whispers my mind.

Hold on, don't be so anxious, me. This is yet not time to decide.

I somehow stopped myself from riding into the wave.

2nd candidate is Pamela, donning pink color equipment which does not even remotely fit the description of a 'concealment'. Every time I see these equipment, I feel a bit excited as my mind screams 'A female ninja!'. I wonder why ninja equipment inexplicably excites me? They just have a different charm to them compared to regular equipment.

Her eyes as she raised her hand were gleaming. Well, she has shown remarkable growth today, to the point that if someone says the current her and the past her, one month before, are different people, I might readily believe them. It made me want to give her a reward for her hard work.

and the third person is Celia. Though her gaze is completely fixated on Lulu. I immediately sensed, it's not about the treasure chest.

Celia adores her. It's visible from her action, prioritizing Lulu even as we are at the juncture to decide who will open the treasure chest. In fact, she is even sporting a breezy expression, a different take from the other two.

Oh, not to forget, there's still the 4th candidate, me. I also want to open it.

"You're not participating in the draw, Rika?"

"I got to open <SIlver Chest> from the second round drop, so I am excusing myself this time."

Rika replied in negative when I asked about her intention and began to gather the ample amount of drops scattered on the floor.

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It should be her thoughtfulness so that we can quickly return back after we're done with <Gold Chest>.

I mean, next is Lana's team turn. I am sure I will get an earful from her if we don't free up the room quickly.

There's not much time to waste.

Speaking of, the treasure chest in the first round was <Wooden Chest>, Lulu opened it. The drop was <3-Piece Cookware Set>. In the second round, we scored a <Silver Chest> which dropped <Aging Box>. An item used to mature meat and other foods.

The drops in this dungeon are centered on cooking related drops. Though of course, they also drop weapons etc too.

"Alright, let's quickly decide on the draw."

"Zephyr-dono, I would like to open it with Lulu, is it alright?"

Celia proposed a joint opening of the treasure chest just when I was wrecking my brain to come up with a way to decide the draw.

"Lulu, too, also wants to open it with Celia Onee-chan!"

"Sure so."

I immediately approved of their request. I think this kind of thing has happened before, wasn't it? Somehow, joint opening the treasure chest is becoming a trend in <Eden>.

Ah, well it's a good thing though, since it saves time.

Now that left me and Pamela to decide on the last one. ----Or, so I had believed but a scary incident happened just then.

"Then I will open the last one-desu! This treasure chest is mine, yahoo!"

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"Whaa!? Huuuuh!? Hold on, Pamlea!!?"

By the time I realized what happened, Pamela had unknowingly secured the gold chest and her hands were creeping at its lid. I only had one second timeframe left before she opened the treasure chest.



And one second later, Pamela took the win, and I stumbled to the ground with a din...

"T, This is a treasure-desu! High-grade Automatic Curry Making Tool, <Ultra Curry Tool>! Karua had wanted it so desperately-desu!"

Pamela was extremely excited seeing the item, however I was in an utter state of shock.

Why, Just why did she not wait!

It was something I heard later, but apparently, the reason was I hadn't raised my hand. Come to think of it, i, I had forgotten to raise my hand.

Such a blunder, I couldn't believe my stupidity!

And so the draw for the <Gold Chest> come to an end on a bitter note.

Speaking of draw, the treasure chest Celia and Lulu opened together dropped a frying pan <Meat Blaster>.

This is a wonderful item that allows you to cook grilled dishes even without fire, and enhances the taste, buff, and quality of meat ingredients, and for some reason, also increases the quantity.

You can get five dishes instead of the regular three with this frying pan. Ah, I thank our lucky stars we got this!

But, could it be that Sachineko-sama is urging us to offer more things? Nah, there's no way Sachineko-sama is greedy, hahaha!

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