Chapter 46

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“Are you finished with the interrogation?”

Unexpectedly there’s a voice that came from behind me, then I turned my back.

“That was fast, master”

A chibi sage with a pointy hat, fluently floating in the dark night.

“I’m very tired because of the treatment…… Oh my, ain’t that thing so handy?”

Master said that then touched the rolling sword.


Just like the dry cloth sucked up the water, magic power instantly vanished from the magic sword. It was master who absorbed it

“What are you doing master!?”

“I’m supplying the magic power. It was to know the effect, Vaito.”

“Absorb it now master, maybe that was the dragon slayer magic sword Lionnich”

That was a bizarre sword which held the power to kill a dragon and dragonewt. Usually to equip it you needed at least the power to hold 2 big shields.

“I know, it’s okay I just tried it for a bit. It’s dangerous after all. Oh, this shield is good too.”

“This shield has a kingdom crest on it, obviously it was stolen since a long time ago…… isn’t it at least around 150 years?”

“what, that is not at this period?”

After shield then next is the armor. Oh that was…… perhaps that person was really the hero’s successor.

“Stop! That’s too wasteful! It’s okay to leave the armor!”

“I know, I know, I’ll go prepare it for demonkin next time. I’ll use my magic power to recover for now. The treatment at Bachen  is still in progress after all”

“Liar, you absolutely will not be doing that right?!”

If my mana that I held is equal as 1 Vaito, then, for now, the sum of the sword, armor and shield is equal to 27 Vaito.

I would be happy if this was given to the second division…….


Master showed a great satisfaction after absorbing all magic power from the equipment of hero imitation.

I keep counting for it but, if I am not wrong then it’s equal to around 128 Vaito.  This lolibaba, her magic power capacity is bottomless.

“Not bad. So, who is this apprentice witch?”

“it seems she is a hero companion”

And then Master was convinced and gave a nod.

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“I see, so this haribote is pretending to be a hero. This girl, I don’t want to know her height so I’ll destroy her body” 

All that person’s companions are already destroyed you know, master.


That girl magician face became pale and as if ignoring her, Master lightly marked and bound her.

“I’ll bring back this fellow corpse, It will become a feast. Now wake up, I’ll begin to give you a temporary life. ”

Master wave her finger a little bit, and 3 dying corpses begin to rise up. It became a zombie.

A small hand gently stroking the zombie who was dripping  fresh blood at the time, then master kindly said.

“You better go to your compatriot’s place. And then bury them courteously.” 

Master waved his hand and made an innocent smile.


This is why necromancers are misunderstood as big rascals…….


they walked unsteadily while spilling out blood, going to find their former comrades.

The girl magician raised her face like she was attracted to it, that made her start trembling and clattering.

Seeing that girl, Master made a sneering smile.

“What, you can walk by yourself, right? You all, it’s better if you take your comrade that is  still alive as well” 

The zombies turned their backs slowly, then looked at the girl magician with their hollow eyes.


While walking swayingly, they caught that girl waist and lift her.

“Heee!? Nnnnoooo!”

“That surprisingly good. Oh well, just go”

When master swayed her hand, false hero zombies carried the girl magician and disappeared into the crack between the wall.

“So messed up, master is”


“is something wrong?”

“No…. it’s fine. I’ll go scouting for a bit ”

Master has lost her human heart since a long time ago.

It can’t be helped, I’ll sneakily return to schubelm town. If there’s something then master will come to help, so it will be easy.

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As I thought, the town was in an uproar.

“Hero-dono!? That wound is!?”

“It’s, it’s dead! That’s a zombie!”

“ That zombie was Ranhart-dono!”

“Sword saint-dono and holy knight as well!”

They have pretty good titles. That’s unfortunate, It’s self defense after all, so it can’t be  helped.

“Wait! Saint dono is still alive!”

So that girl is a saint.

Please just leave me alone.


The zombies walking to the center of Schubelm plaza, then they got crushed there.

After fulfilling the order from necromancer Gomovira, they turned back into dead bodies.

There are a lot of soldiers in the surrounding, but they were overwhelmed with the situation and can’t do anything.

Of course, it would be like that.

It is because of Hero-sama and his party are the stars and hope for the northen front, suddenly became a zombie parade after all.


When officers from The Alliance troop become dumbfounded,a civil official that looks likely a noble ran away in panic.

Actually, it’s the first time I have seen that, but that appearance is certainly  that of a Senate secretary.

The middle ageSecretaryy looked at saint-sama, then cross examined her with high tone.

“What happen!? Explain now, Saint Mildin!”

And then the magician girl who fell on stone pavement, gave a reply while shouting.

“It’s werewolf desu! The one who killed all of them was just one werewolf! Furthermore, they had been turned into  zombies……”

“Werewolf you said!? Impossible, there’s no way enemy of that degree can beat hero-dono!”

If that was an average werewolf then, it’s certainly can’t beat a surprise attack from 3 people. (Tn: for those who don’t remember, the number of people who gave a surprise attack is only 3. This magician came after that.)

Maybe I would out too if I didn’t use “soul shaker”.


However, the girl that they call as Mildin is shaking her head in objection.

“When that werewolf howling, it’s completely block the magic and the sword desu! It’s impossible to win!”

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When they keep arguing back and forth, the soldier began to leak out a troubling conversation.


“One werewolf can take on 4 people and defeated the hero, is that true……?”

“No, I heard there’s  terribly strong werewolf general in the demon king troop”

“There’s no way such an important person came tothis place nonchalantly.” 

I hear that.

I hear that you know.


Because of troubling noise from the soldiers, the secretary became flustered.

“Wait, Saint-sama just got distracted! Now, come here please!”

The secretary pulled Mildin’s hand, then gave a command to the one of the soldiers. The civilian soldier who was wearing casual clothes arrives and placed his helmet on his chest.

“Wait a minute, is that really the hero Ranhart-sama!?”

“That’s right, there’s no way hero will die with only this!”

“No way, are we being tricked!?”


The reserve army who were hired by the Senate was a group of retired swordsmen and Nomad soldiers. They are professional, so they will fight no matter what happen with their companion.

But if it is a civilian soldier from a garrison, there’s no way they will do that. the only one who can take control at the garrison was only themselves, but civilian soldiers’ way of fighting was amateurish.

Their morale will easily drop If there’s bad something happening.


The soldier numbers that are arriving at plaza kept increasing, and they were falling into a state of utter chaos.

The senate secretary tried to stop the frenzy of the soldiers, but his face got punched. His nose and mouth was covered with blood. After that someone grabbed his sleeve, and then that secretary figure dissapeared inside that horde.

No one paid any respect to the fake heroes’ dead bodies, and the soldiers surrounded that fake saint.

“You, for 26 years you thoroughly went to the magic school and became master right!? If it’s only one werewolf , then isn’t it possible to defeat it with magic?”

That’s amazing. Isn’t that beyond my master?


And then saint Mildin shake her head horizontally, she look at them with scared expression.

“Im, impossible…… I can’t do that”

“What do you mean!?”

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“Because I, I was a senior magician just…… in, in genjutsu……”


Threathen by The rough soldier, she blurt out everything.

“Hi!! It, it just a service to make situation lively, and concealing the scandal, that kind of job desu!”

It became silent instantly


“This terrible woman was a fraud!”

“So you are just a fake saint! Don’t joke with me!”

“Just think how many our comrades died because  of obeying this person!”

“Just kill this person!”

“Kill! Cut her head!”

Oi oi seriously?


It’s unusual if they gather just to kill an unarmed and non-resistant woman.

After all, it’s because of helping them in taking back their town , isn’t it for their sake so that they can raise their morale by becoming fake heroes?

When I  was thinking about that, my sleeve was pulled from behind.

“Vaito-sama, Vaito-sama”

In this situation the only one who calls me like that was… there’s no mistake it was trade dealer Mao’s subordinate.


There are 2 young trade dealers, I stared at them with a shocked gaze.

“For Vaito-sama himself to be coming here, what are you doing at this place?”

“Well, somehow when I looked at the situation here I got attacked by the hero”

“That was ridiculous!?”

To tell the truth, it’s because your boss is too stinky.

“Anyway, come here. Change your clothes”

I was pulled into the nearby tent and was dressed in a general coat of the northern civilian common soldier.

“Please remember to not be conspicious, it’s dangerous for us”


As I said, the one at fault was your boss.

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