Chapter 68 Gomoviroa’s Recollections

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What are Demon Lords?

Throughout the ages, those that were called Demon Lords were recognized for their apparent disparity in strength.

Some would only pursue their own strength, some were intoxicated by plunder and destruction, some tried to destroy the humans and some strived for coexistence with humans.

Looking at these diverse lives, it would seem that the endgame of those that gain power is not always the same.



On the other hand, heroes are also full of mysteries.

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In the past, whenever a Demon Lord started to invade a human territory, Heroes would make an appearance before you knew it.

During peacetimes, do these Heroes just reside in the midst of the public, or do they appear as a response to a Demon Lords arrival; I do not know the answer to this either.

There are many mysterious aspects of our current Hero as well.

As a Hero to the humans, his equipment and actions were bizarre. The simplistic weapon, his act of going straight away to challenge the Demon Lord.

I have heard that his purpose was not the protection of mankind, but simply vengeance.



Demon Lords and Heroes work to counteract each other. Like hot and cold water.

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By opposing each other, one will be annihilated and the other too will eventually disappear into the shadows of history. Much like after the combining of hot and cold water, what is left is just tepid water.

Perhaps this is the law of the universe to maintain a state of equilibrium.

Or perhaps Demon Lords and Heroes have a relationship like that of a mound of dirt and a hole.

If one were to dig into the flat ground, a mound of dirt would be made right next to it. The mound is the Demon Lord and the hole is the Hero.

If one were to throw the dirt back into the hole; we return to a flat surface, and in other words, return to a state of equilibrium.



In any case, we have received a tremendous blow by this attack from the Hero.

Friedenrichter, old Tiberito too, they have all left in succession.

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Alas, there is no one but I, who can be the successor to the Demon Lord’s seat.



No, accurately there is someone.

However, I do not think that he will ever accept the mantle of Demon Lord.

I know, as I’ve observed him for a long time since his childhood. Seen as a leader of monsters, he is soft; to put it harshly and moderate; to put it kindly.

He will surely struggle endlessly with that personality.

As his tutor, forcing my will on my own student is not an option.

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I myself may have a rather suspicious track record, but I’m also a veteran. That shouldn’t be a problem.

Fortunately, there are no opposing forces within the Demon Lord’s Army.

The only problem is whether I possess capabilities fitting of a Demon Lord.



As an organism, I am no more than a young human girl.  Even more, I am half dead.

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