17 - The unfinished novel

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"So, your little sister, is Elise-san, isn't."

Mia went up to the second floor under the guidance of Anne.

"Yes, She's the same age as Mia-sama, but she have a weak body... I hope she's as healthy as Mia-sama..."

Anne floated a lonely smile.

"... It must be hard"

"No, but it doesn't mean that she's sick, my salary has gone up. So, we can eat lots of nutritious food, and she's getting more and more healthy, it's all thanks to Mia-sama, you know?"

With that said, Anne knocked on the door.

"Elise, are you up?"

"This is a Translation Content of pemudatunawisata[dot]my[dot]id. so, read only on there."

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"Ah, Nee-chan, please come in."

A small voice was heard and Anne opened the door.

That was a small room.

Unlike Mia's room, which was full of objects, that room was furnished only with a wooden desk and bed.

On the desk, there was a battered book that she would have read many times. The books were valuable, so she knew she had read them over and over, but all of them seemed in good condition.

"I'm sorry, Nee-chan. I couldn't greet her...."

Did she wake up? A red-haired girl rubbing her eyes. Her hair was splattered here and she seemed to have a strong habit, and very similar to Anne.

"Her Highness Princess, surely have already back now..... Aah, I really wanted to meet Princess....."

While saying that, the girl, Elise, wore the big glasses she had put on her bedside.....

"Eh ...?"

She saw Mia's face standing next to Anne and opened her mouth.

"Nice to meet you, Elise-san, I'm Mia Luna Tearmoon. I'm always indebted to your sister, Anne."

"Wa, wa, wa, a, umm, ni, nice to meet you. To showing you such an appearance, Please excuse my rudeness, Your Highness Princess, I'm....."

"I've heard. Elise-san right. There's no need to force yourself, just make yourself comfortable."

Mia smiled and stopped Elise trying to get up.

"Hello~ I am Bujangga from pemudatunawisata[dot]my[dot]id, Yoroshiku!"

At a certain time, there are creatures that walk by two feet. These creatures can be divided into two by gender. These creatures are surprisingly able to pick something using things called hands.

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And on a certain day, two of these creatures meet.


"Halloo~ I am Furujakka, ndesu! Nice to meet you!"

"Y, yes. Nice to meet you too, I am Fuurawan."

"Fuurawan-chan ka? Ii no namae."

"S, sangkyu."


The two greet each other due of their faces are facing each other.

They speak, breathe, blink, sweat, and so.

And after a long time passes,


"Kyaa~ Furujakka-kyun."
"Daijoubu ka? Fuurawan-chan."

"D, daijoubu... desu."


"Doushita no?"

"Fuurawan-chan no kaori, suuuuggoku WANGY, hmmmmmppppsshhh ahhhh wangyyyy."

"Mou~ Furujakka-kyun no eeccchi~."


On a certain day, these two meet and have lunch because they are hungry.

The boy orders fried rice while the girl orders a serve of seasoned rice being processed by frying.

For the drinks, the boy orders hot chocolate while the girl orders a cup of chocolate that has not been cold yet.

They eat their food.

They also feed some spoons with each other.

They then having a leisure exchange.


"Ikehh, yaru?"




"Ikeh, tanoshii, kimochii, ore, ganbarimasu!!!"


"Dame ka?"


"Dame nanoka."

"Ee, haayaakuuu~"


The two of them are having exercise, training, and workout, then.

When they finished, then they restarted.

And when they finished, the boy pleaded for the second.

Then when they finished, this time is the girl who asked the third.

And when they finished, the boy once again pleaded for the fourth.

Then when they finished, the girl also once again asked for the fifth.

And so on.




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On the other occasion,

On a day that is not a night.

That day the sun is shining brightly because it's a day and 12:00 o'clock.

The day is bright and the sun has not been set yet.

The breeze can be felt due to the air is flowing.

As he is breathing, a certain boy is approaching a girl.


"Yaa, kitten-chan, can I have your namae?"

"S, su, suteki~. Ah, hai. Fuurawan desu."

"Fuurawan-chan, huh. What a kirei no namae. By the way, watashi no namae is Badz Zheengan. Watashi wa Son of a Beach. Watashi came from The Pangea Selatan. Diligent in setsuyaku. Ketsueki type is I, I for Ikkehmen. Watashi no hobby wa breathing. Yoroshiku."

"Yoroshiku, Badz Zheengan-san."

"Fuurawan-chan, watashi no yubi to kimi no chawan, let's have made karera meet and greet."


"Watashi-tachi will have much tanoshi."


They have a wik wok awok koakoawaok akoawoakakwa kawkaowaoaok.

When they have done of their a wik wok awok koakoawaok akoawoakakwa kawkaowaoaok, then they re-doing again.

When they finished again, the girl pleaded for the second.

Then when they finished, this time is the boy who asked the third.

And when they finished, the girl once again pleaded for the fourth.

Then when they finished, the boy also once again asked for the fifth.

And so on.




"Fuurawan-chaaannn!!! Ikanaide!!!!."

"Gomen ne, Furujakka-kun."

"Dameee, Fuurawan-chaannnn!!!"

"Sayonara, Furujakka-kun."




"Ima, ore wa, Furujakka wa, pemuda tuna asmara dearimasu."


Who can stand to endure this situation

Who doesn't feel the loss

You leave me when I'm so in love

When I'm crazily in love

you choose another guy


Who can stand being dumped

Whose heart not hurt

The memories that have been passed

I keep it deep inside my heart

We are not one anymore


It's alright, I'll get through the days strong-heartedly

My wish is only one, be safe and sound

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I can only be able to harbor this, from day to night

Because I know I'm just nobody


It's alright, I'll harbor this feeling inside my heart

I'll keep wish you live well

All I can do is hope you won't regret

Goodbye and thank you




How should I explain this to my parents

We had gone through this long

But ended up breaking up

You are tempted by another guy's love


You yourself had been declared it

Living our love until our old days

Won't two-timing, I'm the only one for you

But now there's another guy inside your heart


It's as if the morning is cloudy

Then the day is rainy

In the afternoon you hurt me

And in the night I cry for you


I can only imagine

All of those had been just memories now

I rode you back, went through the way

Hugging under the rain

But now you are choosing

To be hugged by another guy


Do you not sense

How heavy-heartedly I am

Have to lost my loved one

Don't wanna leave my house

I have no appetite

If I'm not fed

"B, but....."

"Elise, hear my word. Mia-sama has such a wide heart that she can forgive you if it's just small rudeness."

"Umu, don't worry."

It was Mia who was good at being praised.

Then, for a while, Mia enjoyed chatting with Elise.

What most pleased Mia was that Ellis could not accept the ice confection.

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"I'm very sorry to refuse the gift from the Princess, It's very rude, but my body maybe will be going to get cold.''

Elise said she was very rude, but Mia had fallen in one shot.

Of course, the long-awaited ice confection came to herself.

Mia, was smiling. She felt so good that her body was bouncing.

"Good for you, Elise. You said you wanted to meet Mia-sama.''

Anne was smiling happily next to Elise.

"Ara, do you want to meet me that much?"

"Yes! um, etto, I'm writing a story....."

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~"(This is a Translation Content of pemudatunawisata[dot]my[dot]id. so, read only on there!!!)"~

After saying excitedly, Elise brought a bundle of paper that had been placed on the edge of a desk.

The cover had a title that was "The pauper prince and golden dragon", and something like the title.

――Ara, this title, is somewhere.....?

There was a memory in Mia's head that was coming back.

~ "(This is a Translation Content of" ~

Life in the dungeon was boring anyway. After all, there was nothing to do.

It was a painful time for Mia, as she didn't want to be taken out in front of everyone in the judgment and to be cursed, she could not doing anything.

On an occasion, Anne told her about the pauper prince and a golden dragon.

It was a story that Mia had never heard of, an adventure that began with a prince who had become poor by sharing his treasures with the poor and then helping the injured golden dragon that couldn't move.

In the Tearmoon Empire, fantasy novel was not often seen, although Mia liked it, she couldn't hear it until the end.

It was not that she was executed before hearing it.

But the creator, Anne's sister died of famine before writing it.

Before the execution, one of Mia's greatest remorse was her inability to hear the ending of the story.


"originally translated by bujangga - pemudatunawisata[dot]my[dot]id"

――I totally forgot it.

Mia thought.

Fate was changing little by little. She didn't know if a famine will occur, and if Ludwig worked well, it might not be so severe.


After flipped over the stack of paper, Mia looked at Elise.

"This story is very interesting."


Elise tilted her head with a mysterious face.

As expected, she didn't think Mia could read so quickly. But regardless of her reaction, Mia said.

"You, serve me as an artist, I'll sponsor you"


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