First Day of the Being Knights’ Maid

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Alberto, having finished the day shift, suggested we go outside where, although it was a bit chilly, we could see the night sky. I wrapped a stole around myself and followed him outside.

Despite my concern for Alberto, who had just returned, I couldn’t object when he told me that he wanted to talk first.

In the glow of the city’s lights, beneath the star-obscured sky of the capital city, I followed Alberto as he led me to a small garden.

“I heard from Fiell… Thank you for accepting.”

“No, I should be saying thank you. I look forward to working with you.”

The awkward glances were quite unsettling. Neither of us can hide our nervousness, and both of us are a little too shy for our own good.

“And also…”

Alberto looked up and finally met my eyes.

His cheeks were flushed from more than just the cold weather.

“About what I told you last night…”

I remembered and involuntarily turned my head down in embarrassment. I didn’t know what to say in response to his sudden offer of marriage.

“U-Uhm, thank you for your consideration. It seems you’ve been thinking thoughtfully about my marriage prospects. But, you know, making decisions like this hastily might lead to regrets.”

The tension makes me talk too fast.

Even though I’ve thought about how to respond many times when I saw him, I still can’t put my words together properly.

“That, I appreciate your concern, but―”

“I didn’t say it out of concern.”

His serious and weighty statement made me lift my face from its lowered position.

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Under the dazzling moonlight, I found myself entranced by Alberto’s unwavering gaze, unable to move.

Time seemed to slow down as I watched his lips open and begin to speak.

“I yearn for you, that’s why I expressed my true feelings.”

A genuine confession.

He confessed.

It was a night of consecutive shocks.


In the morning.

I left the mansion early and headed to the waiting room of the Knights’ Corps.

I got ready in the same waiting room I used last time. Since the maid’s apron I used previously was still on the shelf, I decided to wear it again.

I tied the ribbons behind my back and bundled my long hair into a bun.

After I finished getting ready, I checked myself thoroughly in the mirror, adjusting my bangs slightly and then gazing at my reflection again to ensure everything was in order. No issues.

I gazed at my face for a while, then smiled slightly. No problem.

To calm my rapidly beating heart, I took a deep breath and left the room.


Today marks the beginning of my work as a maid of the Knights’ Corps again.

“Hey, Marie!”

“Welcome back. We’ve been waiting for you.”

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“Niki’s absence has led the flowery atmosphere to become dull—it was very lonely!”

Every time I encounter a member of the Knights’ Corps, I greet them and try to call them by their names as far as I can remember, engaging in lively conversations.

“I look forward to working with you all again from today.”

“I was surprised to see you attending the coronation ceremony. You looked really beautiful.”

“Thank you. You all did a great job at work too.”

“Right? Just watching over the food can be tough work.”

In no time, I was surrounded by tall figures.

The members of the Knights’ Corps are generally tall and well-built, making me feel like a child among them.

“Well, with this, the Commander’s mood should finally improve!”

“Hey, you…”

As soon as one of them mentioned Alberto’s name, the atmosphere changed.

“Ever since Miss Edigma left, the Commander seems lonely, and he’s been restless recently.”

“Shut him up!”

I was dumbfounded, watching as they tried to silence the chatty knight who continued to talk.

Even though I was informed about Alberto’s condition, I still couldn’t fully comprehend the reality of it.

Memories from the other day suddenly resurfaced, causing my face to turn bright red.


As the knights noticed my reaction, they all stopped moving and stared at me. Feeling embarrassed, I hid my face with my hands, not wanting to be seen any longer.

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“Could it be…”

“Did the Commander finally say it!?”

“He did it!”

Eh? I was taken aback, and before I knew it, the surroundings began to buzz with excitement.

While I was still unsure of what had happened, Eva-sama approached from behind.

“Hurry up and get to work, or it’ll affect your evaluation~”

After the Commander’s assistant made a terrifying remark in a gentle tone, everyone immediately composed themselves and saluted before hurrying off to work. They scattered in a hurry.

Eva-sama, standing beside me while my face still flushed with heat, watched the members as they left. He then looked at me with a gentle smile, his smile as charming and good-natured as ever.

I wonder how much he knows. It’s scary to think about.

“I’m counting on you from today onwards, Miss Edigma.”

“U-Uh, yes… please… take care of… me…”

“I don’t know why, but the Commander, who should be off duty today, is here for work, so if you don’t mind, please go and say hello. Your job responsibilities are the same as before. There are a few other maids as well, so perhaps you can greet them during the lunch break.”

Eva-sama spoke smoothly and, following his lead, I was directed to the Knights’ Corps office.

I felt like everything was happening according to his will.

It’s only now that I feel like I truly understand what Reynaldo was saying.

A capable subordinate helping a pitiable boss.

He may be skilled in ways that differ from Reynaldo’s.


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As I knocked on the office door, a voice from inside invited me to come in.

The same voice as the confession I heard last night.

Despite the restless pounding of my heart, I manage to calmly open the door.

Inside, there was only Alberto, standing near the window. He turned his gaze towards me.

The typically aloof him gave a faint smile.

“Good morning. I’ll be relying on you from today.”

“Yes. I’ll do my best… Thank you.”

Last night, I made a similar greeting, but now we are in a different setting.

I bowed deeply, as befitting a subordinate, to my superior, Alberto.

Albert approached me and offered his right hand.


I return the gesture and offer my right hand for a handshake.

Assuming it was a way of saying “good luck,” I shook his outstretched right hand, only to find him gripping mine tightly afterward.

He lightly pressed his lips against my hand for a brief moment.

“Even though we’re at work, I hope you’ll allow me to express my feelings for you.”

The radiance of Alberto’s smile, highlighted by creases at the corners of his eyes, was simply dazzling.

“Commander, please try not to abuse your authority too much. It disrupts the workplace, you know.”

I forgot about Eva-sama’s presence and became stiff, while still holding hands.

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