Idle Talk (Chancellor and the Knight)

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Despite being called to the Chancellor’s office late at night, Alberto silently accepted and knocked on the door of the room where the man was waiting.

After waiting for a while and receiving no response, he found it strange, so he slowly opened the door.

Inside, Reynaldo was present, but he was dozing off with his head resting on the desk.

Alberto found it unusual that he was sleeping like this without noticing any presence.

As far as he knew, Reynaldo was typically vigilant and would wake up at the slightest sign of presence. The fact that he didn’t wake up now either meant he was extremely tired, or there was another reason behind it.

The sound of the door closing stirred Reynaldo awake, and he looked at Alberto with a drowsy face for a while.

“Did I fall asleep? Sorry for that.”

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“It’s okay. You seem tired.”

“Yeah, I guess I have a bit too much work.”

Seeing him stretch to shake off his drowsiness, Alberto couldn’t help but smile.

He recalled how Reynaldo used to do the same during their late-night meetings when he was young.

Alberto reminisces about the time when he used to meet him in secret to seek revenge, and apparently, Reynaldo was thinking the same thing.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve met this late.”

“Yes, it has.”

“Back then, I was merely a child, and you were just an ordinary knight.”

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Looking back, twenty years have passed. He was surprised at how quickly time had flown by.

They vowed to take revenge against those who had sent Rosemary to her death and discussed how they could achieve this. They clashed at times, but as a result, they were able to achieve their goal in an unexpected way. Alberto himself has no regrets about the outcome. If there’s anything to regret, it’s that he still hasn’t been able to exact revenge on Tia, whose whereabouts remain unknown.

Reynaldo is literally looking for her with all his might, but he doesn’t even know how she managed to escape from the castle on the day of the rebellion. He tried questioning Gray, the former King, but got no answers. Gray himself didn’t understand why the Queen vanished without a trace.

He thought that even if she could escape the castle, he would be able to find a lone woman in no time, but the situation turned out to be unexpectedly difficult. The situation suggests the presence of co-conspirators—individuals who’ve been aiding the Queen and keeping her hidden.


This is what is keeping Reynaldo busiest at the moment.

Even after investigating the Queen’s associates, there was no one in the capital who had the ability to shelter her. Hence, this leads to the possibility that her helper is from outside the country.


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The mere hypothesis that the former Queen, who was once a symbol of the country, could have had a relationship with someone from a foreign land, is a significant blow to the country.

King Risel himself lamented the actions of his own mother, and as the ruler of the country, he couldn’t afford even the slightest hint of leniency.

Even if she doesn’t love him very much, she is still his biological mother. She may have hoped that if she was captured, the punishment would at least be less severe, but he knew that if she was connected to another country, that would not be forgivable.

Although he still feels impatient towards the revenge target he has yet to grasp, Alberto no longer possesses the same thirst for revenge as before. That’s because he was already cleansed by Marie when she condemned King Gray.

Alberto himself wished to live his life as a knight, not as an avenger.

That’s why, he wanted to pass a fair judgment on Princess Tia.


Alberto looks up when he hears his name called. Reynaldo’s gaze pierces through Alberto, who was lost in thought.

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“You told Marie how you felt about her, didn’t you?”

“…. Yes.”

Alberto nodded his head honestly.

Driven by jealousy, he made a proposal that fell flat, but he took the opportunity to genuinely express his feelings to Marie once more after that.

After deeply contemplating his own perplexing behavior, he believes that with the help of his persistent assistant, he was able to express his feelings properly.

However, Alberto was still uneasy.

Because every time he tried to express his feelings, he felt that Marie’s expression became tense and strained.

At first, Marie showed an embarrassed look, and he even thought that appearance was endearing, but recently, when he conveyed his feelings, she began to make a different face from the blushing expression she used to show.

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