A Hand Reaching Out to Save a Loved One 1

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It has been a long time since he’s prayed at her memorial monument.

The bouquet that he always placed there is completely withered. Perhaps this is even the first time that he’s stood before his late sister’s grave for such a long period of time.

“I’m back, Sister.”

Reynaldo placed his hand on the coffin where his beloved sister rests.

He brushes aside the bouquet of flowers and touches his sister’s name engraved on the coffin. It was none other than Reynaldo who had prepared the casket with the name Rosemary Hubert and the date of her death engraved on it.

Never did he imagine that he would be able to return this coffin to the place where he once spent time with her.

Reynaldo smiled wryly at the fact that the idea had never been part of the revenge scenarios he had been thinking about for twenty years. He believed that it was only possible due to Marie, who held Rosemary’s memories.

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His sister had never really wanted revenge.

“I’m sorry that I let you sleep in such a dark place for so long. It seems my sister wanted to return to her homeland. I’m embarrassed for being such a foolish little brother. But now I can finally grant your wish.”

The only way to get revenge, Marie told him, was to clear Rosemary Hubert’s name and return her body to her homeland. Other than that, there was nothing else she could wish for herself.

Since realizing that the regrets Rosemary carried were about the future of Reynaldo himself, he had nothing but remorse.

He felt ashamed and foolish for not being able to find a single result that his sister would have wanted.

Furthermore, a revenge plot involving not only himself but also Alberto. He thought it was a revenge that he would never regret.

He had despised those who had humiliated Rosemary and led her to her death, wanting to tear them apart. That hatred still lingered like a curse to this day.

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If there had been an opportunity to kill King Gray, he would have gladly taken it.

If he could hang the still-missing Queen Tia, he would do so with great pleasure.

However, even in death, he couldn’t bring himself to inflict pain upon Rosemary.

Reynaldo brought his face close to the coffin and kissed the stone-cold casket.

“To me, as long as I had my sister, I wished for nothing else.”

Perhaps because he didn’t know where to pour out such intense emotions directed toward his sister, he ended up like this.

He pulls his face away from the long kiss and stands up, gathering his resolve.

He had come back to take her home.

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The black-painted wagon is made of simple but high-quality materials. It’s a wagon specially commissioned by Reynaldo for this coffin transfer.

He hadn’t considered transporting it bare. Instead, he prepared a horse-drawn carriage with a spacious roof, much like those used by nobles. With several attendants, they carried the coffin onto the carriage.

Since it was a long way to move the coffin to the former Hubert territory, Reynaldo departed from the Rose territory with several guards and followers.

The directions were already set, and to avoid drawing attention, they didn’t use the main roads much. He didn’t want to expose his sister to curious eyes.

Reynaldo and his beloved horse are leading the way in front of the carriage carrying the coffin. The distance from the northern region, the Rose territory, to Hubert territory is long.

Yet, due to the occasional entry into mountain paths, everyone accompanying the journey travels by horseback. Sometimes they had to traverse cliffside paths, making it nerve-wracking. Although his attendants suggested that they at least take the main road, Reynaldo couldn’t agree.

Reynaldo was lost in thought as he occasionally gazed at the carriage.

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He was thinking about Marie, the reincarnation of his beloved sister.

Reynaldo knew immediately what was troubling her most at the moment. Unfortunately, the oblivious Alberto hadn’t noticed. Being the way he is, he probably acts according to his whims without even realizing the causes of her worries. Reynaldo envies him greatly.

Marie is haunted by the shadow of Rosemary, her former life.

No matter how much Reynaldo or even Alberto whispers words of love to her, she can’t help but perceive them as words meant for Rosemary.

Reynaldo could clearly understand Marie’s feelings.

Because Reynaldo himself saw the shadow of Rosemary in Marie.

It is an act of blasphemy against Marie, who is a living person.

That’s why he couldn’t express his affection in words to Marie, like Alberto does, precisely because of his clear understanding of his emotions towards Rosemary as his sister.

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