The Reincarnated Lady Overcomes Her Fear of the Past 2

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Two men emerged through a hidden door that opened with a dull thud.

I checked their faces in the light of the candles they carried, but they were unfamiliar to me. They were dressed lightly, like merchants, with large burlap sacks and ropes in their hands.

‘I wonder if Riela invited them in….. No, she couldn’t have.’

Judging from how she looked earlier, I dismissed my own thought.

Moreover, I couldn’t imagine that she knew about the hidden door, as she seemed frightened when she trapped me inside.

It’s possible that someone might be behind this, instructing these men to find the hidden passage and take me out.

‘Although that’s more likely, why me….?’

Although I don’t think there’s anything of value, a possibility that came to mind is Rosemary’s existence. The timing of the memorial monument’s relocation is just too convenient.

Perhaps something involving Reynaldo?

I saw no use in even thinking about it unless I could escape for the moment, so I looked for an opportunity for them to go deeper into the stockpile.

I wish I can escape through the hidden passageway without being found, but if I’m discovered before that, it’ll all be useless.

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I slowly approached the wall that served as the door to the hidden passageway, waiting for the right moment.

“You see her?”

“No. Not this way. It’s too dark, I can’t see.”

I realized once again that these men were searching for me.

I know now that I can’t stay here like this, ‘Now!’ I gave the signal in my mind and rushed out into the hidden passage.

I’ve no choice but to take a gamble of running into a hidden passageway that I’ve no idea which way it leads to!

“Hold on!”

Ignoring the voices of the men who had noticed me, I sprinted down the corridor with determination.

At the end of the dimly lit corridor, I spotted a small door. I made sure it was unlocked and opened the door.

The place I emerged into was a small storage room. It was an unfamiliar location, but for now, my priority was to somehow deal with the pursuers.

Somehow, I managed to move a shelf from among the assorted items and placed it in front of the door to block the entrance. The men who had followed me arrived and started pounding on the door, unable to open it.

I scolded my body, which was shivering in fear, and searched for an exit. Despite the dim light, I couldn’t find the door. I searched around for a way leading outside and finally found a small window. Since it was locked, I used nearby objects to strike the window forcefully.

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Priingg, the glass shattered. Without hesitation, I continued breaking it until there was enough space for one person to pass through and managed to escape outside.

On the way out, the glass fragments cut my skin, but I was filled with so much tension that it doesn’t hurt.

Fortunately, the ground was right outside the window, so I quickly jumped out and looked around.

“Is this the outside of the castle….?”

I had no idea there was a path leading to such a place.

From a place where the castle walls tower around, I start running to see if I can somehow find any familiar spot.

An empty castle wall and a hidden passage in the woods. I see, with this, it’s possible to escape.

I ran desperately, but I still couldn’t see anyone. If only I could get to the castle gate.

However, my prayers were in vain, and the men I had locked up seemed to have escaped and were now chasing after me.

‘Anyone, please help me….!’

Even if I somehow managed to muster up the strength to run, which I could no longer do because of the pain, I was no match for the leg strength of the men.

My arm was suddenly forcibly grabbed.

I let out a loud scream, hoping that at least this sound would reach someone and bring help. But my mouth was quickly covered, stifling my cries for assistance.

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“Be quiet!”

They tied my struggling arms with the rope they had, and despite my resistance, the men forcefully lifted me, attempting to carry me away.

My body trembles with fear. Tears well up in the corners of my eyes out of frustration.

Still, I try to think of any possible way to save myself.

‘Let’s see… Heuuppp!’

I swung my still-free legs and hit the man’s sensitive area.

With a sharp cry, the man’s grip loosened as he bent over in pain. Seizing the opportunity, I fled while my hands remained bound.

While the crouching man was left behind, the other one pursued me.

‘I’m almost there…. Just a bit more….!’

I can’t afford to be caught.

I have to hold on until I reach the familiar gate!

However, my plea was in vain, as the man managed to grab me and pinned me to the ground.

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“You bitch….!”

I instinctively closed my eyes tightly, expecting to be hit.

But at that moment, I heard a terrible scream from the man, and at the same time, he fell to the ground beside me.

An arrow is stuck in his fallen back.


Trembling, I fearfully look at the place where the arrow had been shot.

At first, it was too far away to see anything.

But sure enough, the arrow was fired from the original path from which I had escaped earlier.

When I tried to get up in search of someone who might have noticed and come to my aid,

My eyes welled up with tears at what I saw.

I spotted Alberto rushing towards me with a bow and arrow in hand from a distance.


Overwhelmed with relief, I burst into tears.

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