Chapter 86 Thunder Dragon!

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The battle rages on, and the Saboady Archipelago is no stranger to madmen. Stronger individuals continue to flock to the scene, watching the battle with great interest.

“Hey, isn’t that Diamante? Who would dare to provoke him? Could he be the new star of the year?”

“Are you kidding? The New Star? Anyone worth their salt knows that a new star can only cause a stir in the first half of the Grand Line at best. Diamante is a well-known figure in the New World, capable of easily defeating someone like Cavendish, with one hand.”

The crowd is abuzz with speculation about Rhodes’s identity.

For ordinary people in this world, the most straightforward and brute method of achieving fame is to force the World Government to put a bounty on your head. The higher the bounty, the higher the fame, and the easier it is to be remembered. Otherwise, the best thing that will happen to you is to be mentioned in one of the small articles in the newspaper, but who reads those?!

Rhodes lacks a bounty and has not done anything noteworthy enough to make headlines, so only a few people know of him.

“What’s the point of being strong? Being handsome is the most important thing. Cavendish is the best!”

“Exactly, this handsome pirate is not something the likes of you rough folk could understand!”

“Ah~~ My Cavendish.”

Upon hearing the derogatory comments about Cavendish, some female fans become disgruntled and shoot daggers with their eyes. Upon seeing this, the big men before them suddenly quiet down.

They looked at these women with their large waists and ferocious appearance wielding axes and whips, and all secretly sighed.

For this legendary pirate nobleman, they only had admiration… and a faint sense of pity for the poor guy.

At this moment, on the battlefield.

Hearing Rhodes’s words, Diamante sneered and said nothing more.

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The collision just now had indeed put him at a disadvantage, so if he was suppressed, he would just fight back.

Cruel words should be spoken while stepping on the enemy’s head.


He lightly shouted and suddenly activated his Flying Fruit ability.

Army Bandera!


Almost in the next moment, the ground within dozens of meters rippled suddenly, as if injected with a mysterious force.

Under the surprised gazes of all present.

The whole piece of land suddenly lifted off, like a piece of cloth fluttering in the wind.

“It’s here, Diamante’s Fruit ability!”

“It’s truly terrifying.”

“There’s no way to maintain balance in this situation. It looks like this battle is going to end.”

The Donquixote family members all showed a look of excitement as if they had already seen Rhodes being flattened by the flying land.

But they didn’t think that.

Rhodes simply lightly stomped his foot and leaped into the air. He stepped on the Moon Step and easily avoided Diamante’s Fruit attack with a casual wave.

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“I see you know the Moon Step. But it’s not easy to leverage your power in the air. Let’s see how you handle this!”

As expected, Diamante snorted coldly and suddenly swung his sword.

Half-Moon Glaive!

A grand green sword energy swept out as if it would split the sky and earth in two.

Different from the previous one, this strike was Diamante’s ultimate burst, using all the sword skills he had learned in his lifetime to the extreme, reaching the limits of his speed and strength. He wanted to cut Rhodes down from the sky with one sword and restore his majesty, proving himself.


Seeing the green sword energy slice towards the sky, almost illuminating the dark night, everyone couldn’t help but sigh, feeling that Rhodes was doomed.

“Is this all you’ve got?” Rhodes suddenly laughed.

He laughed and shook his head.

“I thought the highest officer of the Donquixote Family would be much more reliable, but it turns out you’re just a fame-seeking opportunist.”

“You think you can show off with this petty sword technique? I really overestimated you.”

“It doesn’t matter. Let me show you the true art of swordsmanship.”

Rhodes stood with his sword, proud and aloof.

In the shocked and confused gazes of the crowd, he calmly said two words:

“Thunder Dragon!”

In an instant, the void came alive with electricity and the thunder exploded as if it were broad daylight!

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And as he was bathed in the thunder, he swung his sword!


It was like a clap of thunder on a clear day. A thunderous dragon formed from this strike and an energy cut was shot out and serpentined in the air for nine turns like a snake!

Diamante unleashed the strongest sword qi of his lifetime, but it almost had no chance once it met the dragon thunder, dissipating instantly like paper mache. The thunder dragon didn’t let up, roaring down as if a divine disaster had descended, destroying everything in its path.

“This isn’t possible!” Diamante exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock. Nevertheless, he dared not take the attack lightly and stomped his foot fiercely, causing the earth to rise up like a curtain, layer upon layer.

But how could these ordinary earth walls stand up to the terrifying thunder dragon from the sky?

Puff puff puff!

The earth walls were torn apart like a ruin, and in the blink of an eye, the thunderbolt wrapped in violent force broke through the nine layers of the earth walls. It crashed onto Diamante’s sword blade with a loud bang, releasing the thunder dragon’s final burst of power. Diamante was sent flying, spraying blood from his mouth as he crashed into a shop, causing the building to collapse.

As the earth shook fiercely, accompanied by a blanket of smoke and dust, the large tracts of earth controlled by Diamante also fell, bursting out with a series of rumbling noises.

Many of the wealthy nobles who were leisurely enjoying themselves on the Saboady Archipelago suddenly noticed that the cups in their hands were shaking, creating ripples on the surface.

“Is this an earthquake?”

Everyone was puzzled and rushed outside.

The many spectators at the scene were left completely stunned.

In mid-air, a figure clad in white was surrounded by thunder, standing tall with a sword in hand, and a cloud of dust at his feet. The sky was illuminated by this person, taking on a deep blue hue. The thunder that tore through the darkness was intimidating.

“Such powerful thunderous energy!”

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“Could he be a Logia-Type user of the Thunder-Thunder Fruit?”

“No wonder he’s so powerful at such a young age! This is almost an unbeatable Logia ability, even the current three Admirals are not as skilled as him.”

Everyone’s mouths gaped open in shock, their hearts trembling, and they didn’t even notice the dust they were inhaling.

“What…what did I just see? He…he shot out a thunder dragon with one strike?!”

West Blue’s wealthiest man, Gates, was left speechless.

“Even Diamante was beaten by him?!” Soros also swallowed his saliva at this moment.

Not only was he taken aback, but the usually composed Rayleigh, who was calmly drinking nearby, even spat out his drink.

He got his wish and laid his eyes on the rumored demonic “Thunder Sword Intent”.

But this encounter didn’t go as he had imagined, with him acting like an old man while pointing out mistakes. Instead, he was shocked like any ordinary passerby!

Who is this guy?

Rayleigh, the vice-captain of the Roger Pirates, the legendary Dark King, a man who once split an island with a single sword strike, is one of the world’s top swordmasters!

Even in his later years, he can still effortlessly deflect Admiral Kizaru’s attack.

“N-… No way, right?”

“This cannot be Sword Intent?!!”

Rayleigh blinked; his face was filled with a “you’ve got to be kidding me” expression as he mutters to himself unconsciously.

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