Rhodes’ situation was not exactly great.

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The fact that the Black Dragon was burning the ground to ashes was essentially forcing Rhodes to fight for his life.

In that moment of extreme speed, the two entangled with each other, unable to separate.

Rhodes may have shattered the Black Dragon’s heart with one sword stroke, killing it, but the dragon’s indestructible dragon claws also tore open Rhodes’s chest, ripping away a chunk of flesh and blood.

If it wasn’t for Rhodes’s lightning-fast reflexes, maximizing his nerve response, barely creating some distance, that claw would have also crushed Rhodes’s heart.

“What a resolute and proud creature,” Rhodes sighed as he looked at the claw marks on his chest.

This was the most serious injury he had received since he began training, and the closest he had ever come to death.

However, as long as the injuries did not affect his heart or other vital organs, this kind of injury was already unlikely to trouble Rhodes, and he would recover in a few days with some cultivation.

The vitality brought by refining the viscera is so terrifying.

For someone like the King of Beasts, Kaido, such an injury would probably be recovered in just one breath.

However, the harvest this time was also great.

Putting aside the potential reputation for now, this Black Dragon itself was a great treasure trove.

Dragon skin and dragon scales can be made into an armor of excellent quality that is impenetrable by swords and guns.

Dragon claws and dragon teeth are top-notch forging materials. With other auxiliary materials and a master blacksmith, it is possible to forge an unparalleled great sword.

As for the dragon meat and dragon blood, although it’s not as sacramental as the legends suggest, it still possesses unique power, boosting strength for those who consume it.

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For Rhodes, however, it’s simply an unparalleled treat; a dragon liver or phoenix gallbladder, not something you could eat every day!

Guess Little Snowy will be thrilled.

Amidst the awe-filled, longing, and worshipful gazes of all, Rhodes sprang from the dragon’s corpse, strolling with a slow pace.

The port’s manager and several pirate captains were about to approach in reverence, but then a sudden twist occurred!


As Rhodes reached an open area, it seems like he triggered something, a strange light flickered through the void around him.

Immediately after, a pale purple mist surged from the void, enveloping from all directions like a tidal wave.

One could see that wherever the mist passed, the earth was almost instantly corroded, making a creaking noise, a frightening sight.


Rhodes’ expression changed slightly but soon regained composure, as he knew who had arrived.

“Is it that assassin, Nightblade?”

He muttered the name softly, the man’s ruthless and decisive methods, as well as his accuracy in finding opportunities, were unparalleled.

Everyone thought that Rhodes’ successful dragon-slaying would have resulted in heavy injuries, and he would be on verge of death; the young man’s mentality would surely be inflated, inevitably becoming lax, making it the perfect opportunity to ambush.


Acting carefree is impossible, not in this lifetime.

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Unless the dragon head slain today was that of Kaido.

“Is this some sort of Devil Fruit ability?”

“Involves space, it seems like a superhuman-poison Devil Fruit.’

“Conceptual abilities are really troublesome.”

Rhodes’ thoughts raced, as the poison mist spread like a plague, completely sealing off any escape routes and the air carried a corrupting scent.

“What’s going on?!”

Outside, everyone exclaimed in shock.

One of them, too excited from witnessing the birth of a dragon slayer, got too close and inhaled a bit of the poison mist, then almost instantly turned purple, collapsing to the ground and convulsing, saliva spilling from his mouth, and eventually melting into a puddle of pus and blood.

This was just the aftermath!

Everyone inhaled a cold breath and covered their mouths, quickly retreating.

“A Dragon Slayer, heh, you really did slay a dragon.”

“But this specially made SX-type poison mist, is incredibly toxic, not even Sea Kings can withstand it. Rest in peace, all the spoils will be mine.”

In the darkness, the black-clothed Nightblade chuckled, a sickening excitement and fanaticism flashing in his eyes.

Nightblade was different from other assassins.

He took on bounty missions not for the reward, but for the target.

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For a long time, he was disinterested. He only had a fondness for slaughtering rising young superpowers like Rhodes, satisfying his twisted inner self.

If not for Firefist Ace’s Logia flame fruit abilities, capable of neutralizing toxins, Nightblade would have already paid him a visit.

It all sounds long, but in reality, it only took a few moments.

Under everyone’s gaze, a black figure suddenly emerged from the purple poisonous mist, stumbling as he fled. he appeared somewhat disheveled, with a blue aura flickering on the surface.

“Hmph, still as tenacious,” Nightblade sneered, drawing a blue, poisoned dagger. Without hesitation, he charged forward, ready to strike.

Rhodes, seemingly in a bad state, charged forward without anyone noticing.


The dagger sliced through the air, striking like a poisonous dragon from its lair, aiming straight for Rhodes’s heart.

Nightblade was confident that this dagger would send the renowned young swordsman – or rather, dragon slayer – to the underworld.

However, in the next moment, his expression froze.

Just as they collided, Rhodes’s body gracefully dodged to the side, then slammed into Nightblade with ferocity.

“You’re not hurt!” Nightblade was shocked to see Rhodes slightly tilt his head, grin and reveal his pristine white teeth.

At the same time, his hands rested ghostly on Nightblade’s chest.


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The thunderous power compressed to the limit burst forth like a volcanic eruption, like a small sun exploding in the sky.

Nightblade had no time to react and was directly hit by the blow.

The entire person flew out like a burst bag, spraying blood from mid-air, with a deep visible wound in the chest, as deep as an adult fist, with the surface tissue necrotic and finally slamming heavily on the ground in the distance.

Rhodes finally stood up slowly, his complexion pale, but obviously not as badly hurt as everyone thought.

The poison mist had a limited effect on Rhodes.

Especially after the thunderous power is perfected, Rhodes can condense a layer of extremely dense thunder armor on his body, and the mist could not penetrate it. Even if there are leaks, he can refine his own body through the lightning current and eliminate the toxins.

Cough cough.

Nightblade is a well-known ace killer in the dark world, and even with this severe injury, he wasn’t dead yet.

He coughed blood and covered the ferocious wound on his chest with one hand, standing up tremulously, then quickly took out a green potion and poured it on the wound.

The robust vitality bloomed and the wound quickly stopped bleeding and he slowly crawled back to life.

Nightblade showed a hint of pain, obviously, this potion was also very precious to him.

“I’ve underestimated you,” he muttered in a low voice, looking at Rhodes with a cold expression.

As a top killer in the dark world, even without assassination and sneak attack, his own combat strength is equivalent to that of a normal headquarters captain. How could he be so badly injured by Rhodes, falling to this state?

On one hand, Rhodes’s trap was good.

On the other hand, Rhodes’s image as a sword hero was deeply rooted in people’s hearts. With no sword in his hand, his vigilance drops to its lowest.

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