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``Let's go to Hong Tong City, it's a middle class power around this area and I have a good friend over there.'' YaoYao and Lei Feng had no issues with that, they were both excited. YaoYao had never been outside Tiger Cliff Castle and Lei Feng was excited to travel in the footsteps of one of his favourite MCs, just more powerful. He was excited to meet many of the characters like Xi Quan his grandpa's friend, the awesome fatty Jin Da Pang and many others. ``Let's Go Grandpa, our subordinates would have probably chosen who is going to accompany us first before we get there.'' All three started flying, they could have used their powers like the Space Jump, Time Acceleration or Teleportation to reach there in an instant, but the two kids wanted to see the outside world with their own eyes and Man! They were correct to do so.

The wilderness of the Barbarian continent was beautiful, the trees going on and on for miles and then touching the foot of a mountain which reached for the sky. A lake in the middle of the forest attracted the attention of the Lei Family and they decided to go for a small picnic in the meadow. Lei Feng called for all their friends from their worlds to help them in preparing a barbeque and participate in it themselves. At first the `Minor Gods' were surprised and then happy and then got straight into it. Lei Bao's subordinates went to prepare the meat for the barbeque. They went to a couple of small worlds to hunt animals and they brought back Crystal Mammoths, massive elephant shaped beasts who had power equal to a King Level Master when fully grown but in front of a `Minor God', they were nothing and immediately killed, prepared and brought to be cooked. They also brought Dragon Bulls who were similar to the Crystal Mammoths in that they were also True Saint Level Creatures when fully grown and were equally helpless and delicious in taste. YaoYao's subordinates went to get herbs and spices to add to the taste. They brought back legendary herbs like, Yin Ice Heart Herb, Immortal Fire Ginseng which were both Immortal level Herbs. They also got some common spices but most materials they brought were pretty shocking.

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Lei Feng's own subordinates went above and beyond with the BBQ Hotplate and the cutlery, Yuanshi Shui used an alloy of Immortal Iron and Heavenly Steel to create the plate and the knives. Yuanshi Yin used Nine Yin Soft Water, an Immortal class material again to wash the meat and the herbs while Yuanshi Diqiu was busy making plates and seats from Immortal Breath Soil. While Shijie Zhi Shu was cooking with the help of Chun Yang's flame control, Chun Yin was busy preparing ice cold drinks which were more like Immortal Potions, from materials like Eight Petal Immortal Ice Flower and Delicate Winter Apricot. The whole family was blessed with good food and company.

After finishing their food,`` So, who's coming with us and who's staying back at Gaea?'' Lei Feng's question caused some to smile while the rest had frowns on their faces which quickly disappeared. ``Lord Feng, we have thought that we might delay our touring of this world and focus on developing Gaea and its surrounding worlds.'' Chun Yang's answer surprised Lei Feng but he knew that it was the correct choice, if the group of `Minor Gods' couldn't control themselves, they could easily destroy a Small World joined to this one, even with their powers limited by the World. ``What are your plans?'' Lei Bao asked them while telling YaoYao that she could see her friends every night when she went to sleep finally calming the little madam of the Lei Family. ``We planned to each go to a Small World and use `Temporal Shift' and go to times when the civilisation will be in an similar state to the one in this world. We will guide the creatures there on the path of cultivation and learn from their lifestyle as well.'' Listening to Shijie Zhi Shu, Lei Feng thought about the effects this would have on his world. Nope, Nothing bad! Just 25 Small Worlds with different cultures and civilisations. Although it would take millions of years for evolution and such to occur in the Universe Earth was in, in Lei Feng and his families Worlds, the presence of Mystical Energies like Qi, Yin Li, Mana and such caused the evolution date to decrease to more like a Thousand Years. `` Borrow power from Gaea to increase the difference in Time between here and there, make it so if we stay here for a Year, it will be more like Ten Thousand Years in there.'' Settling the new businesses once and for all, it was time to go again.

(Temporal Shift: A `Minor God' level technique which once displayed, depending on the power input could take you in any point of time, past or present. The technique, if performed in a Foreign World would face limits and present repercussions but in own territory, causes no harm to one's own world. )

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``Alright everyone, let's get going again!'' Lei Bao, gave the order for everyone to move. Once again they decided to go slowly and enjoy the journey. At the start it was alright but after a little while it got boring. It was just trees, mountains over and over again. Lei Bao had enough of it,`` Hold me by my sides, I will teleport us there.'' Although they could all teleport by themselves, even searching the location with their level of Divine Sense would take time due to the World's Limit on them. Lei Bao had already been to Hong Tong city and decided to teleport them close to the location. The Lei Family appeared at the treeline near the city and made their way to the city on foot. After scanning the Thousand Kilometre city with their Divine Sense, they all knew that the highest cultivator in the city had the cultivation of Fourth Ring True Body Master, someone they could all deal with a thought. Although here in this area, the person was an Overlord but in front of them he was but an ant.

``that's most likely my friend, Xi Quan. Although I was a bit of a loner in my days, the few friends I have had were good ones.'' The old man reminisced about his old days and all of them went into the city and YaoYao was instantly delighted to see so many people and so many new things, ``Oh! What's that Big Brother? Can we go but it please?! It smells very nice, like honey.'' Listening to his sister Lei Feng said, `` YaoYao, you cannot have things from such a commonplace, I will ask one of the others to get the honey from the Myriad Heavens Bees, the taste is exquisite and is also helpful for the body.'' What Lei Feng forgot to add was that the Bees were Low Level Immortal creatures and their Honey could help Saints to reach the True Sage Level. ``Feng, it's more about the adventure and the joy of experiencing mortals lives. We will live forever and it's only through living with mortals that we know of the joys of a `normal' life. And for us it's better because we can get the best of both worlds.'' Lei Bao spoke with the experiences gathered over a lifetime, although all three Lei's and their friends and had immense knowledge when it came to experience regarding life none was wiser than Lei Bao.

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``Thank You Grandpa!'' Lei Feng respected the old man immensely. He had raised two kids in the wilderness while injured and he never let them feel any loneliness at any given time. Lei Feng watched YaoYao go to the vender and pay the Owner some gold as payment for candy. Leaving the stall owner astounded and hurried to hide the wealth he had acquired the Lei Family resumed their walk to the Hong Tong Sect. At the front entrance of the Sect stood two Thousand Ring Masters. Looking at the group of three coming towards them, the two guards were a bit surprised. Around here Hong Tong was the King but these people didn't display any sort of reverence towards the Inner Sect of this local Giant. Having been exposed to the world of cultivation, they knew that only madmen or truly powerful people had such expressions, ``Who might you be looking for Sir?'' one of the guards asked Lei Bao.

Hearing the polite tone the question was asked in, Lei Bao didn't bother with the pressure of a higher level cultivator or any of that bull sh*t and just said, ``I am looking for Xi Quan, say Lei Bao is here to see him. He will know.'' The old man's name was similar to a bomb in the guards ears, Old Demon Lei Bao, that was the name people called Lei Bao. He was a wandering cultivator who was ruthless to anyone that annoyed him, rivers of blood flowed where he battled, people said he had moved someplace else as he wasn't seen for a few years but here he was. Looking at the guard just standing there, Lei Bao asked in a more stern voice, ``Why are you still here?!'' the Guards almost shat their pants and hurriedly went inside to relay the information. The entire sect was on its feet and within a minute, an Old Man was hurrying to the gate with several people in tow.

He was Xi Quan an old man who had lived for around 200 years and was at the Third Ring True Body level. ``Older Brother! It's good to see you. Come! Come, let's go inside to a more private setting.'' Xi Quan gave orders for his subordinates to leave and go prepare food and accommodations for the family.

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Siting in a fancy backyard, lei Feng and YaoYao were in their own world while the old men caught up.


Author: the story has now truly begun, from now on there will be fights here and there. new places and much more. leave suggestions if you want to .

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