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``Wow! I never knew the world was so big and wonderful. Thanks older Brother Lei, for showing this to me.'' All the fishing boat uncles and Zhou Xin were thanking Lei Feng for his efforts. ``it's all right, I am just happy you aren't mad at me for not asking before I did all this.'' Looking at the flustered lei Feng, everyone started laughing.

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Time passed since that event and they were alternating between staying at Gaea to consolidate their cultivation and having fun at the lake. ``hey! Look, I caught the Star Lake Python, hahaha!'' looking at Zhou Yan's happy face, Lei Feng smiled awkwardly and thought `you are a Ninth Ring True Body Master, this Python is barely at the First Ring True Body stage. You are basically bullying the weak'. Time passed like this and the day Lei Feng was waiting for came. ``huh! Two girls at the Sixth Ring True Body Stage are fighting over at the reefs. What do you want me to do?'' Lei Feng had already sensed them and told Zhou Yan, ``you guys go back to Gaea and have fun, I am going to get me a Master and fellow disciples.'' Leaving the shocked group of people behind him, Lei Feng Teleported over to the fight area and waited for his `Master' to come and stop his `Senior Sisters'.

He watched his senior sisters fight each other without a care in the world and wreck the surrounding environment, the lake evaporated, some of the surrounding islands sank, than. All of it stopped with a shout, ``enough! When are you two going to stop being so childish?'' the shout made the two stop in their tracks and turn to the direction the voice came from. Lei Feng looked over and found a beautiful couple coming over to the girl's direction. The man was incredibly handsome and the lady beside him was equally beautiful, the definition of a prefect couple. Arriving near the two girls, the lady spoke up in their defence, ``Don't be mad Dear, they just don't get along, nothing much to fuss over.'' Hearing the `Master's Wife's' words made lei Feng think, `Them not getting along would end the world, if they had the power to do it.'

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Qi Mei Yun and Yin Yao, the two young ladies who were fighting each other a minute ago, paid their respects in the air, "Master, Master's wife." Lei Feng looked at the conversation between the Master and Disciples and decided to just appear to fly over there. ``Hmm! Who's there?!'' Guqi sensed someone coming towards him and his group, feeling his cultivation was at the Ninth Ring True Body Stage, he relaxed but was surprised at the age of the person in front of him. ``Hello, My name is Lei Feng.'' Having introduced himself, Lei Feng waited for them to respond. He waited a little more and noticed their shock. Embarrassed he coughed a little to snap them out of their daze. ``What are you doing here? What secret sect are you from?'' Qi Mei Yun spoke up for the group as Guqi was of a higher status and didn't need to respond at all.

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``I was just staying here for a bit, travelling the world and I am not part of any secret sect.'' Guqi was observing the young man in front of him under close scrutiny, he didn't detect any lie in what they were told and this further shocked Guqi and his group. Even with the help from a secret sect, it took several decades for someone to reach the Ninth Ring True Body Stage and here was someone who was at this stage without any proper backing. He scanned Lei Feng's body to check if he used any Lun Rings and like he had thought, he hadn't. Lei Feng felt Guqi observing him and didn't let it bother him but if anyone else made the same mistake of disrespecting him, they would be destroyed both in body and soul. ``do you have a master?'' Guqi was making the cutest face when he asked this question and it made Lei Feng almost crack into laughter at hi master's antics.

``No, and also yes to your next question.'' Not wanting to extend this conversation any longer, Lei Feng got himself a new master. ``Junior brother Lei, I can't believe you are already at the Ninth Ring True Body Stage at such a young age. It makes me feel like a useless Senior Sister.'' Yin Yao started to talk as soon as he had finished and made Lei Feng giddy about his decision, he was extending his family and he couldn't wait to make them all stronger than ever. ``Don't worry Senior Sister, maybe you will catch up to me in the near future. Never doubt yourself.'' Encouraging both his Senior Sisters to cheer up didn't take much, he had just promised to take them on adventures when he could. ``now now, let's go back first, you will have plenty of time to mooch of your Junior Brother at a later time.'' Although Guqi looked displeased, everyone in the group knew he loved his disciples like his children and would never be truly mad at them.

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The next instant they all had gone through an Ancient Lun Passage without having gone through a Lun Spot, easier travel curtesy of Guqi. In a few moments, Lei Feng arrived at the Secret Sect Base of his Teacher.


author: sorry, i had to leave for a little bit, i will try to post more but... also now that he has reached this arc, the world opens up more to new and exciting opportunities, so thanks for reading.

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