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The rest of the trip was progressing smoothly until Yin Yao decided to come crash the party, ``Senior brother Zhao! how could you play favourites and take junior brother and her with you and leave me back home?'' knowing that without compensation he would never hear the end of it, Xin Zhao apologised and offered to buy something of her choice. The rest of the events were the same as the book. They were joined by Xin Zhao's friend Tai Meng, a local overlord, a True Heart Yin Master. He invited them to the recruitment of new disciples at his sect. in the book, Lei Feng tested his talent on the Star Python Drum and got the highest result possible, Plume Lun Circles, only those with Peak talent in their element are able to get the Star Python Drum to make the Plume Lun Circles.

If Lei Feng chose to take the test now, the drum would crush itself as it would not be at all capable of measuring Lei Feng, a `God's' potential. In the book Lei Feng took in a disciple, Han Jiao for her talent in the Thunder Element. This time was no different except he didn't go over everyone's head and just shout, ``She is mine!'' but followed the precedent and talked to Tai Meng afterwards. There was no real reason behind him taking her in besides she was an adorable girl and he felt like she would be a good friend for YaoYao.

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After the short but eventful trip, all of them, with the addition of Han Jiao and her family returned to the Secret Sect. in the book, Lei Feng and his family were separated due to a series of events but such a thing was impossible to occur now. he didn't need to go looking for them or anything, he went back to Gaea Castle every night anyway. For now, Lei Feng was waiting for the invitation from his Senior Brother to go to the Hanya Castle at the Outer World where the cold would be so extreme that even True Ashen Yin Masters would become Ice Sculptures. He was excited to meet another person who was going to join his family. He could feel the world of `God of Thunder' integrating into his, the powers he could display now had come to the `Half-Saint' level but even True Saints would be helpless against him, he had unlimited power, top class techniques and the world itself would strengthen his every move.

Months passed and the day finally came when Aiba, his Master's manager came over to get him, ``Feng, Owner has called for you.'' ``Uncle Aiba! let's go meet Master then.'' Catching up on their way over, Lei Feng made it to the Main Peak where Ancestor Master Wuqi, Master Guqi and His Master's Wife Tanya resided. Arriving there, Aiba went to complete his other duties and lei Feng arrived into Guqi's cultivation room. It was a well-furnished room with the `best materials' possible, it was going to change in the very near future so Lei Feng didn't let it bother him and greeted his Master.

``Disciple Lei Feng greets Master''

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``Feng, come. Let's talk outside. Your Third Senior Brother is going to Hanya Castle and is taking a few people with him. This is a good opportunity for you to gather materials and with your cultivation it wouldn't be too harsh for you.''

Lei Feng was excited and immediately agreed to go, ``Master, I am willing to go.''

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``talk to your third Senior Brother and ask Ai Shan to prepare materials for your stay at that place.'' Guqi talked a little more about cultivation and some other preparations before he let go of Lei Feng. Lei Feng made his way over to his Third Brother's residence and shouted out loud, ``Senior Brother Zhao!'' before he could continue shouting and waking up the mortals on the peak, Xin Zhao poked his head out of a window and responded, ``Quiet Down Feng! People are trying to sleep.'' After reprimanding him for a bit, Xin Zhao invited him inside but Lei Feng didn't stay long. After making superficial inquiries and telling Xin Zhao about his addition to the expedition he quickly left to tell Ying and Hu to get ready.

Ai Shan was a bit concerned but was quickly convinced and as there was no need for supplies, as Lei Feng literally had a `Universe' with him, the `preparations' were quickly finished. All that was left was to wait but Lei Feng remembered that it was going to be so cold that even True Ashen Yin Masters could die. Although he would have no trouble at all, his companions were a whole another story. So, he started to make Runic Rings for them that would keep them warm in the Coldest Iceland and cold in the Hottest Desert. There were going to be around Five Disciples and ten Guards with them, for Lei Feng this was a walk in the park to make these rings. So, he decided to make a sh*t ton of them and just in case of an accident, he made a Defensive Rune along with an Energy gathering and Energy Storing Runes as well.

And the day finally came, they were all gathered around Guqi's Secret Door, the treasure that allowed for the people from the Secret Sects of a Small World to grow to the levels that they did. Without them they would have no way to reach Outer Worlds (Small Worlds) and gather materials to advance. ``Ok! Everyone gather around. Little three, do you have the Lun Rings?'' Xin Zhao handed the required amount of Lun Rings to Guqi, every time a Secret Door was used, it used a lot of energy and the Owner could supply it themselves but Lun Rings acted as a substitute so that in case of an emergency, the owner would be able to fight or use the Secret Door.

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``Before we leave, here's a present for everyone here. Ancestor Master, Master, Master's wife, please accept this present. Everyone here's yours as well. Uncle Aiba, you can give these to the other Managers and Guards who have performed exceptionally.'' Everyone except Ying and Hu came forward to get the ordinary looking yet captivating ring. Once they wore it, they immediately felt the Temperature become ideal and Energy being gathered and stored in the ring. ``Feng! Where did you get these?'' Wuqi was shocked even with his Peak Sky Monarch cultivation, he could feel an increase in cultivation. In this Small World, it was incredibly time-consuming and expensive to advance in cultivation. So even this slight increase came as a surprise.

``I made them Ancestor Master, don't worry when all of my fellow disciples have gathered, I will give you an even better present than this. Actually, compared to that, this is just trash.'' It took a lot more than that but Lei Feng finally got them to let them leave but his Master and everyone else didn't want to wait so as soon as their group left for Hanya Castle, Guqi sent men to tell his disciples to return no matter what. Meanwhile, Lei Feng and friends had arrived at the world Hanya Castle was stationed at.


Author: Thanks for reading

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