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``so you want us to set up cities and cover them with Formations to make them more hospitable?'' Zhou Yan was busy so it was another uncle, Huo Wang that was responsible for Hanya Castle Resorts. ``yeah! And I also would like for you to recruit the original inhabitants of that place and train them to become stronger. I have created a Body Strengthening Technique that will allow them to use the cold weather and the annual Yin Ice Winds to train their bodies.'' After telling Huo Wang of his plans and handing him the technique Lei Feng left. Huo Wang and a few other people were going to go at different points on the planet and start building cities and recruiting people.

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The next day back at Hanya Castle everyone was waking up and were having breakfast when Xin Zhao sprung the questions, ``So Feng, ready to tell us somethings?'' Xin Zhao's question made everyone stare at Lei Feng for answers while still chowing down on the delicious food.

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``not yet Senior Brother, you have to wait until we are back at the Secret Sect and all of us are in one place.'' Xin Zhao, Miao Ling and the others thought that Lei Feng said these things out of the fear that some other Secret Sect might overhear and try to take the knowledge and materials required to build Runic Rings but Ying and Hu knew the real reason, Lei Feng didn't want to explain again and again. Hammer and Axe wanted to ask some questions as well but Lei Feng told them they would get all the answers they needed when they went back to their tribe. The cities would be finished in a day or two and they would function as a place for transactions and exchange, a place to stay and most importantly a safe haven for both outsiders and the originals from the cold weather.

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But now was the time for fun, Lei Feng and the group were following Hammer and Axe to some treasure spots. Although they were literally nothing in his eyes he wanted to have fun looking for treasure with his friends. ``These rings of yours are amazing, we are the original beings of this world but these rings allow you to walk in the cold weather like you have been living here your whole life.'' Hammer's words made them happy but they could also hear a little bit of envy in his words. They were enjoying the same benefits as those that were gained by hammer's people through thousands of years of evolution. ``The Technique I gave you will give you a lot more benefits if you take the cold head on.'' Lei Feng had already given Hammer and Axe the Body Strengthening Technique and it was perfect for them. the cold weather here made for a perfect catalyst for the technique, it harsh and cold. The Yin Energy would stimulate the Yang within the males and for the Females, they could directly absorb the Yin Energy present in the air.

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A few days had passed and the group was enjoying themselves. They were playing treasure hunters and with the help of Lei Feng they had amassed a lot of materials from different spots. Even Hammer and Axe had their Lun Spaces full of materials which they could exchange or use for themselves. ``ok everyone, time to go back. The Yin Ice Winds season is coming soon and it's too cold to do anything much less look for Treasure.'' Xin Zhao called everyone and they were okay with leaving. During their time here they had collected Top Grade Purple Crystal, Silver Leaf Ore, Ice Gold Essence and many other materials. After returning to the mansion which was cloaked from the eyes of other people, everyone jumped into the Hot Springs to relax. While they were enjoying the comforts provided by the Runes, most people at Hanya Castle had left to go to the Cities they had encountered during their search for treasure. The Cities were protected by some sort of light that kept the cold at bay, that was the most important factor to anyone who was at Hanya Castle.

There was a time when one Ninth Ring True Body Cultivator died from the cold. In a place where Ninth Ring True Body Masters were the overlords this was a huge deal. From then on everyone started to build houses with walls as thick as possible. Materials on standby to fix the walls from the damage done by the Yin Ice winds and to keep a fire going to find warmth in a hell like place. In a world like this, a place which could keep the cold at bay was all they wanted. The cities were managed by the original inhabitants of this world, at first some had the idea to take over the cities but the ones who took action became an example to everyone else. The tribes here had become much more powerful due to a Technique they had received from the creators of the cities. Even if the Secret Sects wanted to, they couldn't take over a city.

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