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The Next Day Lie Fan was waiting for Diao Chan at the courtyard,when he meet his father with Wang Yun walking together.

"Good morning Father,Uncle Wang Yun." Said Lie Fan

"Ah, good morning Fan'er." Reply Lie San

"Good Morning." Reply Wang Yun

"What are you doing here Fan'er?" Ask Lie San to his son

"I was waiting for Diao Chan to tour the city together." Said Lie Fan

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"Then you better protect her when touring the city,by the way tomorrow we are going to greet the Emperor and give our offerings Fan'er so tomorrow make sure your schedule is empty from morning till afternoon." Said Lie San

"Yes Father." Said Lie Fan

After Lie Fan talking with his father and Wang Yun the two of them left when from inside the mansion come Diao Chan wearing purple silk dress that made her look more mesmerizing.

"Lie Fan sorry I'm late,did you wait long?" Ask Diao Chan to Lie Fan when she see Lie Fan

"It's okay, I was just arrived to. So are you ready?" Ask Lie Fan

"Of course I'm ready, let's go." Said Diao Chan

Lie Fan and Diao Chan leave the mansion and begin touring Luoyang,Lie Fan who were live in a city smaller than Luoyang was awestruck by how big and large Luoyang is.The two of them visit many places in Luoyang,like the bustling marketplace in Luoyang,taverns,memorials place and many more.while the two of them were walking together with talking happily suddenly a man in his twenties stop them.

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"Hello lady what's your name? why don't you come with me to somewhere I can make you happy." Said the man with his eyes looking up and down on Diao Chan while liking his lips.

"What did you just say!" yell Lie Fan angry when he see what the men do.

"Shh Lie Fan stay calm the man in front of us is Zhang Xiao the son of the merchant guild leader of Luoyang Zhang Pi." Whisper Diao Chan to Lie Fan when she saw how angry Lie Fan is even though her heart felt a little warm because of Lie Fan.

"Ah isn't this lord Zhang Xiao,I'm sorry but i can't join you because I have to accompany a guest of my father touring Luoyang." Said Diao Chan to Zhang Xiao with a smile

"Hmm? this man looks like a peasant and you want to accompany him?! why don't you just leave him snd accompany me instead." Said Zhang Xiao with his hand want to touch Diao Chan when Lie Fan suddenly take Diao Chan hand to pull her and put Diao Chan behind her making Zhang Xiao furious.

"You?! what do you think you're doing peasant! who do you think you are touching Diao Chan like that!" Shout Zhang Xiao toward Lie Fan

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"Humph?! My name is Lie Fan and I'm the son of the administrator of Huai An not a peasant." Said Lie Fan

"Just a son of a small port city and dare to do that to me a son of the merchant guild leader?! qho do you think you are!"

"Let me tell you Zhang Xiao! I'm Diao Chan fiance so I have a right to make her feel safe!" Said Lie Fan in an impulse that make Diao Chan blush and feel sweet in her heart.

"Humph! fiance?! I will make you aware who you are dreaming for Diao Chan as your fiance is not qualified for you! Guards!" Said Zhang Xiao stepping back to let 2 bodyguard that accompany him teach a lesson to Lie Fan.

When the two bodyguards want to slash their sword suddenly tbe two of them was parried by a sword and the bodyguards sword was thrown aways because of Lie Fan raw strength.

When Zhang Xiao see that he suddenly feel afraid because the two bodyguards that he hires was one of the best mercenaries that money can hire in Luoyang.

"Humph?!is this power of the bodyguards hired by the leader of the merchant guild son have?!" Shou Lie Fan making Zhang Xiao step backwards and finally run away.

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"Lie Fan you look so cool when you do that!" Said Diao Chan toward Lie Fan with her heart fluttered and make her blush when she remembered how Lie Fan protect her from Zhang Xiao.

"Hahaha! it's just cleaning scum like him what makes me cool!" Said Lie Fan with a laugh and blush because of Diao Chan compliment.


[Host has just show your cool side toward Diao Chan and raising her favorability with you by 50 from 40 to 90 (friend->Love Interest)]

"Hmm so the system can show other favorability with you if its was put in a quest" Thought Lie Fan

After that incident Lie Fan and Diao Chan continue their tour until the sun want to set and finally the two of them go back to the mansion with each of their feelings become more and more interested toward each other.

The Next day Lie Fan wake up and prepare himself for meeting with the Emperor.

"Okay I'm ready to meet The Emperor!" Said Lie Fan.

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