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After reaching Wang Yun house, Lie Fan and Lie San separate and go to their respective room to take a sleep after a long day.

after entering his room Lie Fan sit down in a chair and see the token that he just got from The Emperor because of his appointment as the inspector of Xiapi.

"What does The Emperor want for giving me this position even though my merit is just considered average?" Thought Lie Fan confused with The Emperor decision of giving him the title.After thinking for some time Lie Fan finally changed his robe and take a sleep.

The Next couple of days Lie Fan spend his last week stay in Luoyang With Diao Chan,the two of them spend the time with walking around Luoyang,going to the market to buy things and many more.Their relationships grow closer day by day until the day Lie Fan and his father has to go to Huai An.

"Lie Fan why don't just stay here with me and foster father?" Ask Diao Chan with tears in her eyes to Lie Fan,sad that he is going to leave.

" I can't Diao Chan,I have duty at Huai An that need to be fulfilled." Reply Lie Fan heartbroken seeing Diao Chan sad.

"Don't be sad Chan'er I'm sure the two of you will meet again." Said Wang Yun to her Daughter.

"Don't worry Diao Chan uncle will make sure Fan'er send you letter evert day." Said Lie San to comfort Diao Chan while doesn't care about his son glare to him.

"Just like father said I will send you letter so don't be sad okay?" Said Lie Fan to Diao Chan.

"*sob* you *sob* Promise?" ask Diao Chan between her sobbing.

"I promise and the Heaven and Earth are my witness!" Said Lie Fan

Aftee hearing that Diao Chan stop crying and said her goodbye to Lie Fan and Lie San then run back to the mansion.

"Ah... forgive her Lie Fan,she just to shocked when you want to leave." Said Wang Yun to Lie Fan when see his daughter like that.

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"it's okay uncle,now I bid my goodbye to you and thank you for the past week." Said Lie Fan to Wang Yun.

Aftee saying goodbye Lie Fan And Lie San begin ride their horse and ride back to Huai An.

On their way back to Huai An Lie Fan and his group encounter a group of bandits with 5 carriages.Lie Fan order the soldiers to surround them and kill the bandits while don't scratch the carriages that they bring.

With Lie Fan leading the charge,the battle end with no casualty for the soldiers.Lie Fan order the soldiers to search what was inside the carriages,when the soldiers open the carriages they were suprised because inside them were golds and weapons.

After hearing what the soldiers found,Lie Fan ordered to bring the carriages with them back to Huai An because the gold and weapons can be used for the good of the City.

But after seeing the soldiers were exhausted because of the journey and battle with the bandits,Lie Fan order the soldier to stop and begin put up makeshift camp to take a rest for the night.after the soldier were done,Lie Fan told the chef to begin cooking foods for the soldiers and telling the 1.000 man commander to don't forget put people for the night watch.

Done with giving orders Lie Fan enter his tent and lied down on his bed.

"Sun Tzu,is there any equipment or something that can be used to see people level and strength?" ask Lie Fan to Sun Tzu when remembered the day where he protect Diao Chan from the son of the merchant guild leader.

"There is Host it name was Pill of Sight." reply Sun Tzu.

"Open the store for me and search that pill for me." Said Lie Fan

After waiting for one minute Lie Fan see his store window opened,

•Pill Of Sight

Pill that will give the host ability to see people name, level, and strength,not whole status.

Price:10.000 SP

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"The price is worth it considering the power that this pill give to me." Thought Lie Fan with pressing to buy the pill and consuming it then going to sleep.

The Next day Lie Fan and his group continue their journey toward Huai An.

After 1 Month of riding horse with resting,They finally arrived at Huai An their home.


Name:Lie Fan

Age:15 years old(33 years old)


Current EXP:7.000

Next Level:21.000

Cuktivation:Art Of War (level 43)

Skill:Apprentice Art Of Spear mastery(New):(boost spear piercing by 25%),Adept Spear Mastery(New):(boost spear handling by 50%),Pill Of Sight(New)



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ATR Points:40




(gives boost of 50% when comprehending the meaning behind martial art)


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•Cultivation and Pills

•Equipment(Weapon,Armour,and Mount)





-Spear of Chaos

-Vision Map

-510.000 Gold and 1.100.000 Kg rations

-10 Health pills,91 EXP pills

-1 Set of the Crouching Tiger Armor

-1 Mongolian Horse

-The Book of Knowledge

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