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With Lie Fan's order,in 5 days the scholars manage to copy it and begun begin sending it across all village and town in Xu Province.

Whole of Xu Province were shocked when they see the Pamphlets posted,shocked not because of recruiting talents but because "doesn't care what your background" phrases slap some noble clan faces but not to extreme but still make them feel angry.

even though it will make some noble clan despise them,many people with talents from many background were intrigued with the openness the recruitment is so they begin packing and go to Huai An.Not only Xu province,province besides Xu heard about this because of merchants who were traveling between provinces,were shocked to but many people with talent(especially the one having a commoner background)begin prepared their self to go toward Huai An

While In Huai An, Lie Fan were making new plans for having more stable income and military.after thinking for a while Lue Fan remembered that in ancient china,salt was an important commodity because there was no one understood how to make it produce more.

After remembering the manufacture from his past life when he were in school,he called the servants and told him to call for 100 farmers that have their field close to the sea.

For military Lie Fan buy ships and ballista blueprints from system shop.this two blueprints cost Lie Fan 30.000 SP,even though the price stings him,the gain was worth it when Lie Fan see the stats of the Ship and the ballista.

•Ships Level 1

Upgraded ships with more armor rating,speed,cargo weight,and maximum capacity of man by 15%

•Ballista Level 1

Upgraded Ballista with more firepower,reload speed,number of shots by 10% while reduce weight by 15%

"While level 1 is upgraded this much,how about the max level?" thought Lie Fan excited.

After that Lie Fan go to Huai An best ship Wright and Builder.when they seen what Lie Fan has give to them,they were so excited that they forgot how Lie Fan can have something like that and tell their employee's to hurry prepare the tools and material needed to make the thing they saw in the blueprint.

Seeing that Lie Fan can only chuckle and tell the two of them that he want the prototype ready in 2 month.

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The next day Lie Fan was awoken because of a servant and told him that there's many people coming to the city.hearing that Lie Fan told the servant to tell Chao Bo that he have to bring The Hépíng and began securing the city from fights between martial artist.

"My Lord we have to hurry began the recruitment or the city will be flocked and to late to discern real talent." Said Chao Bo to Lie Fan.

"Yes I know,I just want to wait for some more to let talents enter our city." Reply Lie Fan

"If only Chao Bai was here,he will begin the recruitment wherever you are ready or not My Lord." Said Chao Bo

After waiting for 2 hour,Lie Fan finally begin the recruitment.He told the scholars to write their name,age,and specialty.

Lie Fan who were supervising the scholars doing the recruitment suddenly heard two man,a young and middle aged have an argument,seeing that Lie Fan hurry walk toward them.

"So?! you think just because you understand strategy doesn't mean you can humiliate others because of your Knowledge." Said one of the young man wearing a green robe.

"I'm not humiliating them,I just say the truth that he can't boast about knowing strategies if he can't read and understand the fundamentals of strategy!" reply the other man wearing a black robe with white patterns.

While the two of them continued their argument Lie Fan cut them off.

"The two of you stop arguing! you are bothering other people! Guards!" Said Lie Fan.

Hearing that the guards apprehend the two man who were already stop arguing.

"You two what are you argued about?" Ask Lie Fan

"He is humiliated a man because the man doesn't understand strategy and he does." Said the man in green robe

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" I'm already said it right! I'm not humiliating him,I just said the truth!" Said the man in black robe.

"Stop! if the two of you start arguing again I will personally bring the two of you to jail!" Yell Lie Fan when he see that the two of them wanted to argue again.


Name:Lie Fan

Age:15 years old(33 years old)


Current EXP:7.000

Next Level:21.000

Cultivation:Art Of War (level 43)

Skill:Apprentice Art Of Spear mastery(New):(boost spear piercing by 25%),Adept Spear Mastery(New):(boost spear handling by 50%),Pill Of Sight(New)




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ATR Points:40




(gives boost of 50% when comprehending the meaning behind martial art)


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•Cultivation and Pills

•Equipment(Weapon,Armour,and Mount)





-Spear of Chaos

-Vision Map

-510.000 Gold and 1.100.000 Kg rations

-10 Health pills,91 EXP pills

-1 Set of the Crouching Tiger Armor

-1 Mongolian Horse

-The Book of Knowledge

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