"My lord you are finally arrived!" Said the man

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"Yes I'm." Said Lie Fan

"And may I know this gentleman beside My lord?" Said The man

"Hello,my name is Mi Zhu courtesy name Zizhong,I was one of the newly recruited advisor by Lord Lie Fan and may I know why do your face look alike with General Chao Bo?" Ask Mi Zhu after his introduction

"Hahaha you must be surprised,I'm Chao Bai the twin brother of Chao Bo." Said Chao Bai

"Ah?! so thats the reason when I said that I was tasked to go to Xiapi with My lord,General Chao Bo was so happy that he went drunk when we were having wine together and told me to give this letter to the man you're going to meet." Said Mi Zhu while taking out an envelope from his pocket and give it to Chao Bai

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"Thank you for delivering this letter to me and please forgive that blockhead if he ever done anything stupid." Said Chao Bai giving his gratitude to Mi Zhu for delivering the letter

"Hey Chao Bai,Chao Bo it's not stupid but just love to behave that way." Said Lie Fan

"Let me show you the way to our merchant guild." Said Chao Bai ignoring what Lie Fan has just said

After that Lie Fan and Mi Zhu were lead by Chao Bai to go toward the merchant guild that was build by Chao Bai and Ying Yue.when they were walking,Lie Fan were checking Xiapipopulation life condition and see that it was under average even though Xiapi is one of the biggest City in Xu province.

When Chao Bai see that Lie Fan was checking Xiapi,he said something.

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"My lord when I was send here,the condition is much worse that you seen.they have to sustained hunger because of the crops failure and the grand administrator of Xiapi is an greedy man who think about himself making us can take advantage and making our merchant guild famous in just 2 month of establishing." Explain Chao Bai

"That's great news! how about the other guilds? do they give us some trouble?" Ask Lie Fan

"There is one merchant guild that always make trouble for us,it was backed by the grand administrator of Xiapi but the population know about this and despise him more." Said Chao Bai

"Good,now then before we arrive at our guild I want to tell you that you will come with me back to Huai An because there something that I want just you to do it." Said Lie Fan

"But then who will replace me My lord?! Ying Yue is a great person but she is not suited for this kind of responsibility." Said Chao Bai

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"And that's the reason that I brought Mi Zhu here,to replace you don't worry he is a better merchant and economist than you." Said Lie Fan

"My lord your praise is to much." Said Mi Zhu

"Are you really capable Brother Mi Zhu?" Ask Chao Bai

"Don't worry,I will make the guild become more famous and bigger that it will become the best guild in Xiapi." Promise Mi Zhu to Chao Bai

"Good! now look here we have arrived." Said Chao Bai

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Lie Fan and Mi Zhu who see the guild for the first time is satisfied with the progress that Chao Bai has made.The building is very big,bigger than any of other merchant guild except the merchant guild that was backed by the grand administrator of Xiapi and some importan places in the was bustling with people entering and getting out from the guild.

"Ah?! Brother Lie Fan!" Said a woman who then run toward Lie Fan and hug him

"Ah?! oh its you Ying Yue." Said Lie Fan who were at first shocked that relieved that it was Ying Yue

After separating themself,Ying Yue who were overly excited of Lie Fan coming were told by Chao Bai to do her work first.dejected she pinch Chao Bai then run enter the guild.

"Now then Chao Bai for tomorrow close the guild to inform the change of the leader and have them help the soldiers to move the necessity that we bring from Huain An to the warehouse." Said Lie Fan

"Yes My lord!" Reply Chao Bai

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