When Lie Fan was preparing his things for going to Luoyang, Zhang Fei suddenly enter his room while shouting something

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"My Lord! when are we going to leave for Luoyang, it's boring here in Huai An!" Shout Zhang Fei

"You're here Zhang Fei, And I was just about to tell a servant to call you here." Said Lie Fan

"Call me? do you have a task for me, My Lord?" Ask Zhang Fei

"No, I just want to tell you that we are leaving Huai An to go toward Luoyang in three days." Said Lie Fan

"Really!? finally, it's time for the great me leave Huai An for a whole new world!" Shout Zhang Fei

"But remember Zhang Fei you have to behave yourself or this is the last time you are going to accompany me." Said Lie Fan

"I promise that I will behave My Self!" Said, Zhang Fei

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"Good, please inform Chao Bai to about our departure in three days." Said Lie Fan

"Yes My Lord!" Said Zhang Fei who then leave the room to inform Chao Bai about this

'Now let's continue my packing' Thought Lie Fan

Lie Fan continue to packing his item for one hour then browse the system shop to buy something that may help him when he arrives at Luoyang to help Wang Yun

'Hmm, there are many interesting items you can buy from the system.' Thought Lie Fan

While Lie Fan was browsing to find an item that can make him interested, he suddenly found something that piqued him

•Animal Training Skill

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Make the Host understand what are the animal says from their simple gestures and can train them to follow whatever the Host order them to do, permanently increase animals favorability with the Host.

Price:100.000 SP

'This is an awesome skill, I can use it to train Birds, horses, and other animals that can be trained to follow my orders.' Thought Lie Fan

'The price is expensive, But if I buy this skill the gain will outweigh the cost.' Thought Lie Fan

After thinking for a while, Lie Fan finally decided to buy it because it was a very useful skill especially in this age where you need to send letters through messengers that need to ride on their horse that travell all across the country and wasting time

'Let's use this ski immediately and try it.' Thought Lue Fan while swallowing the pill that he has taken from inventory

"Now let's have a stroll on the garden and try this new skill." Said Lie Fan who already walking toward his garden

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*Chirp* *Chirp*

When Lie Fan arrives at the garden just outside of his mansion, he hears sounds from birds. While he chooses the candidate to try and use the skill, he stumbles upon a small lizard who was staying atop of a rock while enjoying the light from the sun.

'Let's try it on that lizard first.' Thought Lie Fan

Lie Fan then walk silently toward the small lizard then grab it with his right hand and try to communicate with it

"Hey, there little fella." Said Lie Fan while stroking the small lizard head with his finger

*Szz* *Szz*

The small lizard who was at first struggle to free itself from Lie Fan suddenly stop and look toward Lie Fan with his two little eyes

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"Are you hungry little fella? how about I give you some snack then two of us will play together, how does that sound?" Said Lie Fan toward the small lizard

The small lizard who hear that nod his small head after hesitate for some minutes.

Lie Fan who see that understand that the lizard agrees with what he said then bring the small lizard back to his bedroom.

After entering his bedroom, the small lizard began to travel across the room and familiarise itself with the room, while the small lizard does that Lie Fan order the servants to bring some fruits and plants for the small lizard to eat.

"Well little fella while waiting for your food to come, how about I give you a name?" Ask Lie Fan

The small lizard who hear that was jumping happily while nodding its head

"How about-"

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