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Lie Fan were walking toward the training yard to find Chao Bo and Chao Bai when he meet Ying Yue

"Ah Ying Yue I want to tell you something." Said Lie Fan when seen Ying Yue

"Ah Brother Lie... I mean My Lord." Stuttered Ying Yue when when Lie Fan called her while blushing

"Hmm Ying Yue why are your face bright red? Are you sick?" Ask Lie Fan with concern while placing his hand on her forehead to check on her temperature.

"No-nothing,so what do you want tell me about My Lord?" Said Ying Yue to change the topic.

"Well okay,so i want to tell you that father has agreed that you become the supervisor of the town agriculture and you can start working tomorrow." Said Lie Fan

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"Really?! Thank you My lord for giving me this chance and I will work hard yo not disappoint you to put your trust on me." Reply Ying Yue excited while giving a salute

"Yup,Okay that just what I want to tell you and I still have a work so excuse me now." Said Lie Fan

"Yes My Lord." Said Ying Yue

After that Lie Fan continue walking toward the training yard leaving Ying Yue who were blushing while looking at Lie Fan back who were farther because of walking until its gone.After 10 minutes of walking from the place he meet Ying Yue, he finally arrived at the training yard and see that Chao Bo and Chao Bai was playing chess.

"Chao Bo! Chao Bai! I got some great news for you two!" Shout Lie Fan toward Chao Bo and Chao Bai who were playing seriously and the latter startled because pf the shout

"Ah My-My Lord!" Said Chao Bo and Chao Bai together with giving a salute

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"What great news My Lord?" Ask Chao Bai with curiosity

"The great mews is that I finally become the city army commander!" Said Lie Fan proudly

"Ah! Congratulations My Lord!" Said Chao Bo and Chao Bai together

"And there's more! Chao Bai you are right that father will definitely agree with our plan about the trade so thats why I'm putting you as the vice supervisor to help my dad incase he overloaded with work that will happen and you Chao Bo you will become the trainer for a new division of troops named Hépíng,thos division is for becoming the security of the town and numbered 2.000 man." Said Lie Fan giving more good news toward Chao Bo and Chao Bai

"Ah! Yes My Lord thank you for the chance to prove my self on becoming a trainer for the new divison and giving me chance to build my leadership abilities!" Reply Chao Bo with a salute

"And me too thank you My lord for giving me this chance.' Reply Chao Bai

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"Hahaha! Why would I not giving you chances! The two of you will become my first general and advisor for my hegemony remember that!" Said Lie Fan with a laugh seeing that his two best friend/retainers happy with the prospect of proving their self.

"Okay now Chao Bai go meet My father and begin discussing at the material and investment needed for our trade mark and Chao Bo follow me to begin recruiting people for the Hépíng!" Order Lie Fan toward his retainers

"Yes My Lord!" Answer Chao Bo/Chao Bai together

After giving his order Lie Fan and Chao Bo begin discussing how to recruit and the minimum requirement age for joining and Chao Bai after said his goodbye began walking toward the hall for meeting where Lie Fan father Lie San is.


After 10 days of recruiting Lie Fan and Chao Bo have manage to recruit a 2.000 man at age of 17-40 with a strong and healthy body.

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The two of them began training the 2.000 freshmen starting with sword,bow,and spear while pushing them with harsh exercise and food full of nutritions with the help of army veterans.

For 5 months the new division was given this kind of training with showing better results day by day because of Lie Fan knowledge of modern exercise that more benefit for the body.While training the new division Lie Fan didn't forget to oversee Chao Bai and Ying Yue progress of their respective job.

For Chao Bai,his progress has been showing great result with both the chess and wooden doll sold even to entire of the country and many people buy them everyday.While for Ying Yue she were showing great progress at the agriculture with the soil is more flourish and the plants is more healthy than before.

While Lie Fan was giving training for the new divison with Chao Bo suddenly a soldier seen running toward Lie Fan and kneeled while saying,"Young Lord there is an unknown ships coming toward us from the east!" Report the soldier with an urgent voice

"What?! How many ships?" Shout Lie Fan shocked

"5-7 ships Sir!" Said the soldier

"Okay now everbody continue training while I and Chao Bo invistigate this unknown ships!" Order Lie Fan toward the Hépíng while he and Chao Bo leave the training yard while riding their horses toward the port

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