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The school festival ended at 5 o’clock, but to the students, the real fun began from 5 to 10 into the late night. On this special day, the school would allow students to stay late until 10 o’clock. They would then use the time to hold a bonfire party and play all sorts of games.

Originally, Mu Rulan didn’t want to participate in this sort of thing. She didn’t really like crowded places. But she couldn’t withstand the combined tactics of Mu Rusen, Li Qing and others, pleading with her to participate, so she had no other choice.

With Mu Rulan’s participation, the party of course became more lively, and the Block B basketball court was filled with an astounding amount of people. The students outside the court were setting up stalls for barbeque and games. However, they were all rich kids, so they just set up the stalls for fun and didn’t really take responsibility. In no time at all they were off to dance with their fellow students.

When Mo Qianren said he was going to Liu Silan High School, Lu Zimeng left Mo Qianren with no hesitation and went for a drink with his friends.

Mo Qianren had never really gone with the flow; when they went for drinks and to pick up women, he spent his time holed up in the library reading books; when they graduated from college, he had already become a researcher at the Cohen Psychiatric Hospital in the US. That was why the only friend Mo Qianren really had was Lu Zimeng. The others didn’t really like to hang out with Mo Qianren because nobody dared to say anything around him, since Mo Qianren would quickly and easily see through their lies.

It was just too embarrassing. Translated by The Novelst

Under the dark sky, the campfire lit the surroundings of the basketball court. Suddenly, a lively melody sounded from the center, and the crowd flooded in. Mu Rulan hurriedly tried to escape from the rush, while Mo Qianren didn’t expect the sudden movement of the students, so he was inevitably pushed by the crowd of students.

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Bang! Mu Rulan bumped into Mo Qianren with a heavy thud.

The sudden weight in Mo Qianren’s arms made him want to reflexively push away, but he was utterly helpless as people crowded in from all sides. The two were pushed together and couldn’t separate at all.

Mu Rulan’s delicate scent filled Mo Qianren’s nose. Despite such serious mysophobia, Mo Qianren unexpectedly found the scent neither disgusting or hard to breathe. Mu Rulan had the side of her face resting on his chest. The man’s calm heartbeat sounded into her hears, and his unfamiliar, minty smell surrounded her.

Looking into the crowd, Mo Qianren grabbed Mu Rulan’s hand and tried to back away out of the mess by squeezing into the gaps between bodies, until they managed to find their way into an area that was less packed. Only then did he release her hand.

“Are you alright?” Mo Qianren looked at Mu Rulan, with his icy gaze that seemed to pierce through all falsehoods.

Mu Rulan rubbed at her arms where he’d grabbed her on their way out of the crowd, and raised her head to look at the man in front of her. She couldn’t see his face clearly, and he was much taller than herself. He was standing against the light, and his pale, handsome-looking face looked outstanding in the blurry shadows.

She was stunned, then pulled a clean smile onto her face. Mu Rulan looked into his eyes: “I’m fine, thank you, sir.”

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Mo Qianren was staring at her in silence, as focused as he had been when looking at her photos.

Mu Rulan, seemingly not noticing the intensity of his stare, turned around and saw students surrounding the fire in a large circle. She couldn’t see what was happening in the middle – why did everyone become so excited all of a sudden?

Mu Rulan thought about it for a bit, before her eyes sparked with understanding. Because she never thought to stay late to play with them, she hadn’t paid attention before, but the program list seemed to have held a dancing contest. The theme was passionate flamenco dancing. What was the reward again? Hmm…

“Ahhh! I need to win! I want to go on a date with Master Ou!” A girl screamed nearby.

“I want to go on a date with President-sama!” A boy in the crowd sounded out excitedly, which sparked an argument.

“Get lost! President-sama is too busy to go on a date with somebody like you! Of course she’ll be going with me!”

“Me me me!”


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That was right, the winner of the contest could choose anybody they liked for a day-long date. That was the reward suggested by the wicked-humoured public relations department, but it was unexpectedly popular this year. No wonder tonight’s party was way more crowded than last year’s.

Having overheard her name as a reward by so many boys, Mu Rulan’s smile deepened in helplessness. Really, this bunch of cute, misbehaving kids…

Mo Qianren seemed to have come to the same realization, scanning the crowd and peering sideways at her with a helpless smile, “It seems you are quite popular, Miss Mu.”

Mu Rulan was surprised, then doubtfully: “You are…” There might be a lot of people who knew her name and face, but that didn’t necessarily mean she recognized all of them.

Mo Qianren stretched his hand out toward her: “Mo Qianren.”

Mu Rulan shook his hand. “Mu Rulan, hello.”

They joined their hands in a handshake as if it was their first time clashing. Mo Qianren’s hand enveloped hers. Her skin was smooth and tender, as if a soft scratch could easily scar her hand. He couldn’t find any calluses or scars on her hand, which he noted inwardly with consternation, but his expression remained neutral, gaze on her face.

Mu Rulan seemed not to notice that he was scanning her, but in truth Mo Qianren’s action was too practiced and he was too experienced so he was not easily found out. It was just like a normal handshake.

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The handshake lasted under a second, and the pair released their hands as if nothing had happened. Mu Rulan had her normal warm smile on her face, not feeling uncomfortable toward Mo Qianren’s bold gaze.

“Mr. Mo isn’t someone originally from K city, right?” Mu Rulan started up a casual conversation.

“How did you know?” Mo Qianren replied lightly, his typical cold expression unchanging.

“Mr. Mo doesn’t seem to be a normal person, and I don’t remember a family surnamed Mo in K city’s high society.” Not only in K city, even throughout the many cities in the country, she’d never heard of any family named Mo…

“That’s just a misconception on your part.” Mo Qianren looked at her from his superior height, his eyes and profile delicately contrasting his icy gaze that seemed to pierce her. “In this world, there are many liars trying to cheat with their looks, and too many idiots who get tricked.”

Mu Rulan was staring at him before her smile became even warmer. “You’re right. There are too many liars out there. That’s why people should learn to protect themselves so they don’t lose anything precious to them, because the police are too busy nowadays.” There were still a lot of things that she needed to do on her own.

Mo Qianren’s eyes flickered. Translated by The Novelst

Was that a misconception?

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