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“Rulin!” Mu Rulan looked seriously at her brother, looking strict.

Bitterness appeared in his eyes. That was right, his sister had always been a kind, responsible angel. How could she see someone in danger without lifting a finger to save them? Two years ago when she had just entered high school, she even let herself be hit with a bat by hooligans and knelt just to save those trash students in F class. The same went for today’s situation. She could’ve gotten hurt saving Zhou Yaya!

How Mu Rulin wished his sister could be a little crueler. He didn’t even mind if she was cruel to him, at least she could stay alive peacefully. Translated by The Novelst

“Rulin.” Mu Rulan stared at Mu Rulin’s injured expression, her heart softening. She sighed deeply and walked near him to fix his collar. She said, very seriously, “You shouldn’t say such words. I’m the president of the student council, and I hold the responsibility of taking care of every student in this school.”

“You can be more selfish.” Mu Rulin looked at Mu Rulan, feeling helpless. HE couldn’t even get angry at her. He could only bite his teeth and think to get stronger in his heart. Such a stupid sister. If there wasn’t anyone to protect her, she would be in danger. There were too many people like Lan Yiyang who used his sister’s kindness and sense of responsibility to get close to her.

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Looking at her cute little brother and straightening his attire so it was neat, Mu Rulan pulled a warm smile on to her face. “I have always been selfish.”

It was real, though. My cute little Mu Rulin, don’t reveal such a “only a ghost would believe in your words” face. The sister in front of you is actually the most selfish sister in the world, so selfish that if all you don’t become puppet dolls like she planned, the consequences would be very very terrible….


The news of Zhou Yaya’s incident spread quickly since it happened inside Liu Silan High School and especially since Zhou Yaya was the heiress of the Zhou Family. An investigation was opened, but shockingly the CCTV didn’t find a single trace of the hooligans – which meant they managed to avoid being captured on video by walking through blind spots.

The police believed that this schoolyard rape case was premeditated and obviously directed at only one person, Zhou Yaya. Although it was quite early in the morning and there were less students in the school, there were still a few there. Mayor Zhou was in a rage after knowing that his precious daughter encountered this sort of violent incident. He didn’t consider Liu Silan’s directors at all and demanded that they find the criminals in a few days, or else they would suffer the consequences!

That was why Ou Kaicheng had also been affected by this incident, since his father was the director of Liu Silan High School.

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The bell rang for recess after the fourth class. Ou Kaicheng, who had been absent for the entire morning, finally made an appearance in the Senior 3A class. He rested his head on the table, his expression like a dog’s that had been kicked by his owner. It seemed like he was dispirited.

Although Zhou Yaya’s incident wasn’t revealed openly, the news had already spread in the forums. The students already knew what had happened, so they left the classroom.

A bottle of milk suddenly appeared in front of Ou Kaicheng, surprising him. Slowly, he raised his eyes to see a beautiful face in front of him, a hint of worry in the eyes. The eyes were transparent like marbles, and her gaze warmed him.

His mood suddenly becoming brighter, Ou Kaicheng reached out to take the milk she offered and remained lying on his table. He looked just like a dog waiting for his owner to pat his head in comfort.

“What’s wrong?” Mu Rulan took the seat in front of him.

“My dad told me to handle Zhou Yaya’s incident.” He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about it, but the words just slipped out. He didn’t find it inappropriate, as from much earlier he had subconsciously thought that even if everyone in the world couldn’t be trusted, Mu Rulan was an exception.

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“Is there anything I can help with?”

“No need.” Ou Kaicheng started to squint down. “Next time don’t do that. If you find something suspicious don’t act rashly and barge in all alone, call someone for help instead.” Early in the morning when he had received the news that Zhou Yaya had almost gotten ahem by a few men, and Mu Rulan was the person who stopped them, he was shocked.

There weren’t many students in the school at that hour, what if those men were audacious and aggressive, what could Mu Rulan do as a weak girl? At that time not only would she not be able to rescue Zhou Yaya, she herself would be involved! While he was thinking, Ou Kaicheng started to dislike Zhou Yaya. That woman ran into trouble and she still wanted to involve other people in her problem!

“But if I didn’t act then, it would’ve been too late.” Mu Rulan found it difficult. There were many situations that decided a person’s life or death. How could she ignore a life and not lift a finger to rescue them? After all, she was a kind and pure angel, she would feel guilty if she didn’t take action.

Ou Kaicheng sighed. Just as he began to say something, Mu Rulan had already stood up. Her smile was as warm as usual, but there was a sense of distance, as if the worrying and closeness on his behalf was just an illusion. Then everything returned to normal, as if they were just normal friends.

“There’s still more work at the student council. I’ll leave first. Remember to eat your lunch.” Mu Rulan waved her hands, her figure disappearing into the bright golden sunlight.

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Ou Kaicheng gaze followed her, slowly narrowing his eyes. He clenched his fist tightly and hit his table hard, the milk on the table shaking with a “thump” just like his heart.

Mu Rulan, what’s the meaning of this? Why do you always come here and seem distant? Are you happy watching me get all worked up when you get close, and become dejected when you leave?! Why do you treat everyone in the world but me so well?! Why?!

Why, huh?

Why, do you ask?

Because… this is translated by The Novelst ;D

——When you want someone to fall deeply in love, you should keep him at arm’s length to let him remember that you’re special, so that he can have a taste of the sweetness hidden in the bitterness.

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