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Chen Hai parked the car at the entrance like usual, letting Mu Rulan off at the entrance. A guard approached her from the security room and revealed a bright smile. “Miss seems to be coming here more often this month.”

In the past, Mu Rulan only came to this house once every few months. In order to ensure the safety and privacy of the residents, each of the villas were separated by large distances, with trees and bamboo between them. Most residents didn’t know that the old building painted such unlikeable colors and was occupied, and furthermore didn’t know that it was such an angelic girl.

“Mn.” Mu Rulan nodded with a smile. “Uncle Bao, is your body feeling better?”

Last time Uncle Bao was on duty, he’d fainted to the ground. The second day, Mu Rulan noticed him on the floor on the roadside and immediately took him to the hospital.

The doctor said he was overworked and too tired, but Mu Rulan knew that there was a bastard in his house who was fond of eating and averse to working. He also liked to gamble. In the end, he borrowed money from loan sharks, took all the money in the house, and ran away.

The two elders of the home were forced to pay the debt. Mu Rulan couldn’t stand seeing this happen and lended Uncle Bao some money to at least pay back the debt. Loan sharks were the worst kind of lenders. Once in debt, that person might not be able to repay the amount in full in his entire life. That was why Uncle Bao and his wife were very grateful toward Mu Rulan.

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“I’m fine now, thanks to your concern.” Recalling that matter, Uncle Bao’s eyes teared up. Mu Rulan smiled and nodded, and he watched her white figure slowly drift into the house. He wasn’t certain if it was an illusion, but he felt that Mu Rulan seemed to have wings on her back, so beautiful.

Naturally, Chen Hai also knew of the matter. Mu Rulan had lended him an enormous amount of money, and he estimated that Uncle Bao might not be able to repay her during his lifetime. So he took Uncle Bao aside and said, “Tonight you should patrol two more laps than usual.”

“En.” Uncle Bao nodded in agreement. He was someone from the martial arts sector. Although he might look simple and honest, he wouldn’t be able to be here as the night shift guard without any skill.


The dark gray villa still exuded an ominous aura. The house was surrounded on three sides by trees, and even the small road on the slope to the entrance of the villa was only two meters wide.

The dog hole where the two rabbits snuck in last time had already been filled up by Uncle Bao. She checked the surroundings again and added a lock to the door. Mu Rulan didn’t want to see another pair of cute rabbits barge into her blissful hell.

Squeak—— Translated by The Novelst

The thick black door gave a creepy creak, the moonlight streaming in through a crack in the door. Her soft footsteps sounded in the hall as the thick door thudded shut.

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She didn’t switch on the lights. Only the dim moonlight shone through the white curtains, and all was tranquil.

A faint smile on her face, she leisurely climbed the stairs like she was strolling through a garden.

Again, she walked to the innermost room of the corridor. Only the sound of her footsteps slowly coming closer could be heard. The dark door was mottled, seeming to have been stained with blood.

The door was softly pushed open…

With a “pa” sound, Mu Rulan switched on the lights. Inside that wide, empty room, there was only a huge, red armoire against the far wall. The smooth surface of the closet reflected a cold light.


Long time no see. Her favorite thing in the world was most definitely still the puppet dolls. Her blood had already started to boil in excitement. The process of making a puppet doll had always made her so excited that she couldn’t help but wish that she could cut an artery to see the beautiful sight of blood splashing out.

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Mu Rulan’s smile deepened as she walked to the closet, reaching in to pull the door open softly.

An unpleasant, rotten and acidic smell came from the closet.

The scene inside the closet would disgust any normal people that looked at it.

The young girl inside the closet was tightly wrapped with strings, held aloft.

There was a small needle inserted in a vein on her neck, the transparent tube connected to a large bottle filled with liquid and hung at the top of the closet. It seemed like the liquid was letting her cling to life, that scrawny, dilapidated body seeming close to death.

Mu Rulan stood with a smile on her face in front of her. She took out a pair of gloves and slipped them on in a relaxed manner. She stretched out her hands and lifted Jin Moli’s head since she was so tired she didn’t have the energy to move on her own.

Her protruding eyes opened, both eyes bloodshot and frightened. Jin Moli’s expression when she realized it was Mu Rulan was resentful yet begged for mercy. However, her throat was so dry she couldn’t make even a sound.

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“What’s wrong?” Mu Rulan worriedly held her sunken face. “Was it painful? I’m sorry, are your arms and legs in pain? Oh my, if it was a puppet doll then your body should be preserved beautifully.. But because you’re a mummy, it doesn’t really matter.” It sounded as if she was comforting her. Mu Rulan was smiling gently. But in the eyes of Jin Moli, she was as creepy as a haunting ghost.

Jin Moli exerted herself to force a glare at Mu Rulan using those protruding eyes that seemed to be close to falling out. She looked at Mu Rulan in terror, watching her stretch her hands out slowly to release her from the strings wrapped around her.

Before, she was being tortured so painfully that she had wished with all her heart to die immediately, but now she deeply wished that she could kneel down and beg her for mercy.

“Mm.. mm…” Without the strings to support her, Jin Moli immediately fell to the ground. However, her four limbs had been disabled, so she couldn’t move an inch, nor did she have the energy to move. She could only struggle by whimpering through her dry throat.

Everyone was afraid of dying, even if they had no intention to continue living. In this kind of life threatening situation, especially facing such a slow death, they could still do many things in their desperation to survive.

“Oh right, I’ve been meaning to introduce you to something,” Mu Rulan said, grinning like she couldn’t hear Jin Moli’s frantic whimpers. She took a few steps to the closet doors and opened them up. Translated by The Novelst

Before Jin Moli could react, her blonde hair was grabbed and pulled upwards, forcing her sight onto the scene before her. The sight had her pupils contracting in fear. Between the two sides of the closet, there were three young men with their eyes wide open, their skin pale and they were stiff like wax figures, forced into odd postures.

Jin Moli thought they seemed like mannequins in a fashion shop, except their eyes were glowing with the kind of light that could only belong to a real human being…

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