Bai Suqing entered the canteen and saw the scene immediately. The incident with Zhou Yaya had been tamped down due to her special identity, and nobody dared to speak of it. Class F especially had no interest in this sort of thing either. So the news wasn’t spread to Bai Suqing and she didn’t know the incidents that had happened the day before, nor did she know the difference in the relationship between Zhou Yaya and Mu Rulan.

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Noticing Zhou Yaya there, Bai Suqing plotted inside. Her face still seemed the empathetic white lotus as she walked to the table in lily steps.

“Sister,” Bai Suqing called softly from a distance. When Zhou Yaya saw saw Bai Suqing approach, her eyebrows furrowed with a hint of dislike.

Mu Rulan waved her over, then pushed a dish she hadn’t yet touched to Bai Suqing and ignored Mu Rusen’s unhappy face. “Sit down. Do you have any food allergies?”

“No, thank you.” Translated by The Novelst

“This is Zhou Yaya. Yaya, this is my little sister Bai Suqing.” Mu Rulan introduced them.

Bai Suqing sat beside Zhou Yaya, revealing a shy, sweet smile, but Zhou Yaya gave her a cold look in response and didn’t want to bother with her. She nodded toward Mu Rulan to indicate she understood. Ever since she was young, Zhou Yaya never smiled in front of people she disliked, and she never forced herself to do it, either.

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Bai Suqing didn’t put it to heart, taking her chopsticks and beginning to eat slowly.

The three siblings weren’t in the habit of napping, so almost their entire lunchtime was normally spent eating slowly and chatting amongst themselves. They had some sort of magnetic field that no one could pass to succeed in joining their conversation; and even then the other two weren’t very close with them, either.

After Zhou Yaya finished her meal, she took a glance at Mu Rulan and Mu Rusen having a heated conversation before excusing herself. Bai Suqing also put down her chopsticks and followed her. Mu Rulan smiled as she looked at Bai Suqing’s figure chasing after Zhou Yaya.

By that time the canteen was quite crowded. Taishi Niangzi and a few friends were sitting by the entrance and noticed Bai Suqing. As their eyes followed her, they exchanged glances and one of them stretched out his legs.

Bai Suqing was focused on Zhou Yaya in front of her, never expecting that someone would tease her, so she tripped on that leg and her whole body fell forward…

Surely there was a cliché in every story, especially the kind where the hero rescues a beauty.

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Bang! Bai Suqing’s small body hit a solid chest, the scent of a strange man assailing her. She was stunned, her whole mind going blank.

However, the person immediately pushed her out of his arms, quickly walking by. The whole process seemed unintentional on his part.

Bai Suqing raised her head to look, only to encounter a very beautiful face. His eyes gave off a cold aura, like a beautiful flower atop an icy hill, only able to be seen but not touched.

“Looks like someone fell into our cold flower.” Taishi Niangzi said in a tone dripping with derision, having failed in tripping Bai Suqing. This girl had a dark core covered with a lily-white surface; if she fell in love with Ou Kaicheng, that would be dramatic and ironic. Everyone in Liu Silan knew that Ou Kaicheng pined in secret for their Lan Lan. Everytime Lan Lan appeared, his gaze would stick like glue to Mu Rulan, so obvious that everyone could tell. Tsk tsk.

Bai Suqing recovered her senses and remembered her original plan when he heard Taishi Niangzi mumbling, but she wasn’t able to hear exactly what she was saying. She took another glance at Ou Kaicheng before turning around to continue on her way.

Zhou Yaya was walking the length of the school field, her head full of the image of Mu Rusen’s lively appearance before Mu Rulan. Even though Mu Rulin kept trying to grab her attention, Mu Rusen didn’t even spare her a glance.

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She knew it; even though that boy confessed to her he was just playing around!

Zhou Yaya suddenly heard quick footsteps behind her. She turned around and wasn’t surprsied to see Bai Suqing. “Why did you follow me?”

It was as if this girl was trying to get close to her ever since the beginning, but why? The most reasonable guess might be because Bai Suqing liked her family background, so she wanted to ride on her coattails? Thinking that way, Zhou Yaya’s expression turned glacial. Ever since her childhood she hated those she couldn’t control, especially those who looked at her family background when trying to get close to her.

Bai Suqing acted like she didn’t notice Zhou Yaya’s obvious disgust and smiled to say, “I just want to be friends with you.” Last time she wasn’t even able to get out a word before Zhou Yaya ran away, so she hadn’t managed to get a grasp on her personality yet. This time she would try harder to at least start a conversation. It was said that to know one’s own strength and the enemy’s was the sure way to victory.

“Become friends with me?” Zhou Yaya’s smile dripped with disdain. Her sharp gaze scanned Bai Suqing thoroughly from top to bottom. “Who do you think you are, trying to become friends with me? Hah… You thought since you’re temporarily staying at Senior Mu’s house then you can become a member of the Mu Family? Is Senior Mu really your sister? You better look in the mirror. Just a pheasant but you dare imagine yourself becoming a phoenix? Hmmph.”

Zhou Yaya turned away after speaking. She had grown up in the upper class, so she could see through people with just a look. A girl from a good background usually gave off at least a hint of arrogance, even if it was usually concealed it could be seen from their demeanor. However, she couldn’t find a trace of it in Bai Suqing.

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Bai Suqing’s face turned ugly. She had never thought that Zhou Yaya would actually boldly say such things right to her face. What was even worse was that Zhou Yaya was actually right. Although she was from overseas, not everyone who lived outside the country was wealthy.

Although Bai Suqing’s mother was a close friend to Ke Wanqing, their background couldn’t compare to the Ke and Mu Families at all. After her family started to decline, Bai Suqing’s mother was afraid that she would lose face if she asked for Ke Wanqing’s assistance, so she never reached out.

Instead, she got married to a middle-class man and lived a poor life that they concealed from others. They lived in an old castle but ate cheap food and wore worn clothes.

She might look like a phoenix, but she had in actuality always been a pheasant; a pheasant with wild dreams to spread its wings and become a phoenix. Translated by The Novelst

Now that Zhou Yaya had bluntly exposed her thoughts of shedding her current identity, how could Bai Suqing remain calm?

The fists hidden in her sleeves clenched so tightly that her pale bones strained through her skin, her gaze sharpening to become ruthless and cold. Great, this was very great. She now knew what to do next to subdue this arrogant little wolf.

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