Zhou Yaya looked at Mu Rusen. The girl was having a hard time; after meeting the gaze of the boy she was interested in, she couldn’t help but desire some degree of comfort from him. She stared at Mu Rusen, biting her lips with her tears trembling in her eyes.

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Mu Rusen, captivated by the sight, missed the elevator doors closing, preventing him from seeing his precious older sister. He felt uneasy, looking at Zhou Yaya to say, “You… alright?”

Earlier, Mu Rusen heard that Mu Rulan left Liu Silan in a rush, so he was worried that something had happened. He didn’t know what had happened between Zhou Yaya and Bai Suqing.

Who knew that with just that one word he seemed to have unlocked a valve. Zhou Yaya had her feelings all locked up inside, but suddenly jumped into Mu Rusen’s arms to cry loudly.

Mu Rusen’s body was stiff, both hands in the air like he’d surrendered to this girl. However, she hugged his torso tightly, burying her face in his chest. Soon his shirt was soaked with tears.

Mu Rusen had never encountered such a situation, but like anyone, understood that she needed comfort. But he didn’t know how to comfort her, so all he could do was raise both his hands while letting Zhou Yaya cry on him. As soon as he noticed the elevator had almost reached the bottom floor, he stretched out a hand to press the button for the topmost floor, then again the bottom, repeating the process. She was the person he’d been chasing anyways, so he just bore through it.

He didn’t know how many times he’d pressed the elevator’s buttons over and over, but Zhou Yaya’s crying finally slowed, softening. She raised her head slowly, her red eyes looking at the handsome young boy who was obviously annoyed, but continuing to stretch out his hand to press another button. His body was stiff, like he wasn’t used to being hugged by a girl, or as if he disliked it. However, he didn’t push her away…

Unexpectedly, this young boy seemed very gentle…

Something flashed through Zhou Yaya’s eyes. She furtively held onto him much tighter.

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Mu Rulan looked at the slow close of the elevator doors, blocking the two figures inside from her sight. She paused in front of the elevator for some time because slowly turning around and walking into another elevator.

The elevator went up one floor to the VIP area. There weren’t too many people there. She walked to Lu Zimeng’s room and knocked softly on the door. After she heard the voice call out permission, she turned the doorknob to walk in.

Inside the room there were two people, Lu Zimeng and Mother Lu.

Lu Zimeng hurriedly hurled his banana skin into the trash, before raising his hand and revealing rows of white teeth: “Yo beauty, looking for me?”

Mu Rulan smiled at him. “Mn.” Translated by The Novelst

Then, she nodded toward Mother Lu and greeted her with bright eyes: “Hello.”

Mother Lu also nodded in response.

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Mu Rulan walked to his bedside and took out some ointment from her bag, passing it to him, “Could you please give this to Mr. Mo?” Mo Qianren had her phone number, but she didn’t have his.

Mother Lu was surprised when she saw the ointment, her gaze on Mu Rulan turning complex.

She’d been shocked the day before when Mo Qianren returned with an injured hand, but with his usual insistence on doing everything alone, she hadn’t had the chance to ask him what happened. But she’d noticed that the handkerchief wrapped around his wound was a very feminine one, and obviously belonged to a girl. Mother Mo, who had been worried that Mo Qianren would end up alone, was very excited to hear the news from Mother Lu.

However, the two had miscalculated: rather than worrying about Mo Qianren’s relationship status, they should also worry over whether Mo Qianren would find a psychopath as a wife…

After Mu Rulan left the ward, Mother Lu pounced eagerly, trying to dig some information out of her son. “Eh eh, Xiao Meng, who is that girl? From which family? Does she have a boyfriend? She looks very young, is she still in high school? She…”

“Mom!” Lu Zimeng rolled his eyes. “Are you trying to run a background check?”

Mother Lu slapped her obtuse son. “Isn’t it obvious? Of course I need to do a background check!”

“Ouch… Mom! You hit my wound!” Lu Zimeng was in so much pain that his expression distorted. He screamed in his heart, was his mother really his biological mother?!


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After Mu Rulan left Lu Zimeng’s ward, she went to Lan Yiyang’s side.

The room that was opposite and off to the side of Lan Yiyang’s room was where Jin Biaohu had stayed. Since the incident with Madam Jin the night before, Jin Boxiong had finally appeared after so long. He clearly knew that he was not right, so he offered an apology to the Mu Family, so the matter was at long last resolved even after suffering the difficulties deliberately created by Ke Wanqing.

Just as Mu Rulan walked over to Lan Yiyang’s room, she heard a shrill voice shouting from Jin Biaohu’s room. It seemed that Jin Biaohu was angry that Mu Rulin wasn’t punished, while he himself was stuck in the hospital.

Should she say Jin Biaohu was too unlucky? If he left the hospital yesterday he would’ve been able to roam around town. Even if Mu Rulan wanted to lay her hands on him, his 1.9 meter tall figure made it too difficult. Otherwise she wouldn’t have waited to this day without having made him into a puppet doll. But now… his hands and legs were disabled by Mu Rulin and she bet Jin Biaohu would have to stay in the hospital for at least a month. Hehe…

Lan Yiyang had already noticed Mu Rulan passing by his window, so he waited on his bed for a while but she still hadn’t come in. He suddenly felt anxious. He supported himself on his crutches and walked to the door, one leg encased in this plaster. He opened the door to see Mu Rulan staring in the direction of Jin Biaohu’s room. His face turned dark: “Don’t tell me you’re thinking of taking care of him?”

Jin Biaohu had been badly injured by Mu Rulin, while he himself had also fallen victim to Mu Rulin. There was no way that Mu Rulan was going to treat Jin Biaohu the way she’d treated him?

Mu Rulan smiled without giving a response, taking a step into his room. She was surprised to see a few law books laying on his bed.

Lan Yiyang saw her expression and let out a ‘hmmph,’ a blush appearing faintly on his handsome face: “Stop staring. Wasn’t it you who said it? Either I come in empty-handed… or I can equip myself with the strongest weapon in the world.”

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In reality, there were many weapons that were stronger than the law, but the law was the only weapon legally admitted by this world.

Mu Rulan chuckled softly: “Then you’ll have to keep it up. If you can really learn to wield this weapon, I’ll be very impressed.” In the past, she had already witnessed how invincible he was while brandishing the law in his hand. If he really had the desire, he could easily become a legend.

Lan Yiyang was a little embarrassed. He turned away and asked, “Why did you come here now?” It wasn’t Sunday and there were still classes being held at Liu Silan.

Mu Rulan shook her head. “I had something to do.” Translated by The Novelst

At this time, Bai Suqing had already convinced Zhou Sulun, right? Mu Rulan had not a single doubt that Zhou Sulun had asked Zhou Yaya to pretend that nothing had happened. Whether or not it really had occurred, in both Ke Wanqing and Mu Zhenyang’s eyes, it still had marred their reputation. This wasn’t even factoring in the reality that Zhou Yaya’s father was the mayor of K City.

But it was just that Bai Suqing was still ignorant to the fact that Ke Wanqing had already begun to dislike her.

Without realizing how much time had passed, Mu Rulan stood straight very suddenly. She smiled softly and intoned, “I’m leaving.”

Lan Yiyang stared at her as she left the room, like he could see an angel’s radiance enveloping her figure, separating her from the mortals with a layer of protective film. People who wanted to get close could only look, but not touch.

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