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When the red flag swung down, the six bikes on the path sprung like arrows to rush forward, buffered by the screaming around them.


Zhou Yaya and Mu Rulin stood aside at the road where there was less of a crowd. Zhou Yaya’s face was still an ugly mask; Mu Rulin didn’t look too happy either.

He had never thought Zhou Yaya’s personality would be so domineering. It was even to the point that she seemed to want to control everything about Mu Rusen. But this would just make Mu Rusen irritated. In the end, if he wanted to break up with her, then all his effort would have been in vain.

“If you want a robot that follows all your orders, then ask your father to make one. Sen isn’t someone you can change.” In the beginning, it was Zhou Yaya who had asked him for help while trying to get with Mu Rusen. Mu Rulin didn’t even think about it before accepting her request because of Mu Rulan, but that didn’t mean he didn’t care about his twin.

“He’s my boyfriend, am I wrong in trying to become the closest to him?”

“You’ve overestimated your worth,” Mu Rulin said, smiling disdainfully.

“You…” Translated by The Novelst

“If you refuse to listen and do whatever you want, then I don’t want to waste my time with you anymore,” he said, standing up and walking toward the crowd after he was done talking.

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Zhou Yaya took a deep breath, trying to suppress her anger, and after awhile she nodded stiffly. “Fine.” Very well!

Twenty minutes had passed. The roaring sound of the engines could be heard once more. Coming around the corner was a figure in red, cutting across the S-shaped road like an enormous snake, while a figure in black roared behind him, catching up.

The game had come to an end.

Just when Zhou Yaya prepared to walk to the front, the phone in her pocket vibrated. Someone had sent her an MMS; a recording. Wasn’t this a conversation between Bai Suqing and Mu Rulan? Although it didn’t seem like much on the surface, there seemed to be a hidden meaning under it all.

Zhou Yaya’s face turned dark, her hand holding the phone so tightly she almost crushed her phone to pieces…


The next day.

Mu Rulan sat at her study desk. She heard a knock at the door and raised her head to see Chen Qing come in. She revealed a warm smile, “Good morning.”

Chen Qing spaced out for a bit, staring at her smile, and when he recovered his senses his ears turned red.

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“G-Good morning.”

“Anything happen?” Chen Qing was the vice chairman of the student council – in other words, he was Mu Rulan’s secretary.

“Uh… It’s about this.” Chen Qing walked to her and handed a few documents to Mu Rulan.

Mu Rulan seemed doubtful as she scanned the document. “Mu Hua and Liu Silan student exchange program?”

This was the first time this kind of idea was pitched. There were three prestigious schools in the country. The worst of these was said to be Mu Hua. It was far from the capital and the students there were all from wealthy family backgrounds. Their discipline was worse than the two schools in K City.

Such a rotten school actually wanted to hold a student exchange program with Lu Silan, the best international school here? And most importantly, would Liu Silan even agree? Which school would want to send their good students over to be ruined?

“Rumors are that a new headmaster has just taken the post at Mu Hua, and the headmaster is trying to improve their behavior,” Chen Qing explained. At the top of the document, Mu Hua had even listed Mu Rulan’s name as a requested student of the exchange program. It seemed like Mu Hua had certainly taken a big bite at Liu Silan.


Mu Rulan chuckled as she shook her head, not in disdain, but only to explain: “That headmaster is truly very brave. Since the plan is for next semester, there’s no rush to reject them right now. Let’s see how far that headmaster can go. If they’re really sincere in trying to make a change, I don’t mind helping them out.”

“Alright,” nodded Chen Qing.

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As he prepared to leave, he seemed to remember something. He stopped walking and turned his head back to say, “Oh, right. President, today there’s a new teacher coming to replace the biology teacher from Class A. she’s going on maternity leave.”

“And his profile?”


No profile meant that the teacher might not have a clean background, or it could mean that the teacher was a mysterious big shot.

Mu Rulan raised her brows slightly, not asking any further. Since the teacher was teaching Class A, she would surely have the chance to take a look. If the teacher didn’t have any real ability to teach the class, she wouldn’t bother worrying about the directors and immediately fire the teacher herself.


Mu Rulan had been busy handling other matters until fourth period. She had already studied earlier so it was fine for her to skip a few classes.

Closing up the last file, Mu Rulan took a look at the time and noticed that her fourth period was biology. So she decided to attend and check up on the teacher that had managed to evade her evaluations and be hired directly by the directors.

The senior students of Class 3A were very still. This had begun upon the arrival of their new biology teacher. His existence had exuded some sort of aura that was strong enough to make their hearts skip a beat.


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A pleasant voice sounded in the classroom. Although his tone was a little cold, all the students of Class A were listening quietly to him. The man at the podium had only introduced himself as Teacher Mo. Aside from that, he hadn’t said anything else and had jumped straight to the point and started teaching.

However, the students knew by some sense not to look into his eyes, as if none of them dared to step outside the carefully drawn boundaries.

In the end, a soft knock interrupted Teacher Mo’s explanation of a question. Mu Rulan pushed the classroom door open, the figure clothed in black and white reflected in her eyes. She was surprised.

Mo Qianren looked at Mu Rulan standing at the door, his expression the same as it had been. Then, he spoke plainly, “Name.”

“Mu Rulan,” she replied, standing straight.

“Reason for tardiness.” Translated by The Novelst

“Sorry, there is no reason.” Giving him a reason might have increased her chances of reduced punishment, but that didn’t excuse her of her wrongdoing.

Mo Qianren stared at her quietly for a while, before finally saying, “Back to your seat.”

“Yes, teacher,” Mu Rulan said, smiling warmly.

Mo Qianren’s body stiffened slightly as he turned back to the whiteboard. He was obviously “reacting” to the word “teacher” as he’d been addressed by Mu Rulan.

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