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The expression on the puppet’s face was extremely terrified. His mouth was open wide like he was trying to scream. A mosquito buzzed around the body and flew into that open mouth.

“Hehe…” chuckled Mu Rulan. She stood up and pulled both the doll’s hands into the concrete setting. She seemed to be in an excellent mood, leisurely manipulating the four limbs of the puppet to let it stand, adjusting in increments until it was twisted into a strange position.

In the shadows, if one didn’t look closely, it was hard to notice that a puppet-corpse that was as tall as a man was hiding inside of the concrete setting.

Mu Rulan nodded her head in satisfaction. Translated by The Novelst

“My dear, even without your eyes you still have ears. At your new house, keep them wide open, okay? If you hear the sound of the criminal who caused you to go through such torture, you can take revenge and punish them. Hehehe… Anyway, are you also a little reluctant to leave me? Hm… I would imagine you’d be happy, since I let you stay young forever.”

As she spoke, she picked up the plastic bag from the ground, humming a song and leaving with her trolley.

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The workers returned within the hour. The operator jumped quickly into his car, not taking another look at the concrete setting before pouring the cement into it.


After leaving her villa, Mu Rulan planned to walk home rather than take the car. She preferred to walk.

The signal turned green and a group of people began to walk across the road. Suddenly a bright light beamed on them, nearing at alarming speeds. It kept going despite the many people crossing the road, causing them to scatter while screaming.

A child was pushed out of the crowd, seeming to have stumbled on something. He fell to the ground. The car was getting closer and closer and people were busy escaping, not noticing the little angel awaiting rescue.

Mo Qianren was in one of the cars behind the speeding menace. He saw a white figure rushing toward the child. At the same time, he saw that the speeding red car was unable to dodge in time. Only the sound of the screaming crowd could be heard.

“Call an ambulance,” said Mo Qianren, walking out of the car.

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“My baby! My child!” A woman said in a panicked tone, running towards the middle of the road. She quickly took the child from Mu Rulan’s arms.

Mu Rulan was sitting on the ground, smiling. Her black stockings had been torn from her fall. From her calf to her knee was soaked in blood, and even her arms were scraped. One of her shoes were missing. The car had almost run over her ankle.

Mu Rulan tried to stand up with her hands supporting her, but her shoeless leg was at least sprained by the impact.

She remained sitting, furrowing her brows as if she was upset that she wasn’t able to stand up by herself.

Mo Qianren stopped not too far from her. His gaze became complicated. He was a psychologist; he could interpret micro-expressions and body language.

Just then, he was able to read too much from Mu Rulan’s body language.

Mu Rulan stood up, and the woman with the child finally came by to thank her. She bowed repeatedly to Mu Rulan to show her gratitude.

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“Don’t worry,” said Mu Rulan with a smile. Just as she wanted to stretch her hands out to pat the child’s head, she realized her hands were covered in blood, so she quickly retracted them.

She felt a cold hand on her leg all of a sudden. Mu Rulan lowered her head in shock to see a man dressed in a white shirt and black pants squatting on the ground. His pale hand held her leg, while the other hand held the shoe that had flown off. Slowly, he put the shoe back on her foot.

“That Mu Rulan of Liu Silan doesn’t have a shoe on doesn’t suit your image,” he said, raising his head to look at her.

Mu Rulan was surprised, smiling, “Ah, thank you, teacher.”

Mo Qianren looked at her various injuries on her legs and hands. He furrowed his brows, thinking of the nearest hospital. It was quite disorganized and incompetent – much time had passed since the accident and they still had not arrived.

Before Mu Rulan could react, she was picked up by Mo Qianren. The Lu Family driver immediately received the signal and drove to them. The hospital was just down the road, and since there weren’t any serious injuries, it would be better to move her himself to the hospital.

The cool scent of mint enveloped Mu Rulan’s senses. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t struggle and allowed him to carry her to the car.

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Mo Qianren placed Mu Rulan gently in the backseat, before sitting himself and buckling their seat belts in. “Go to the hospital.”


Mu Rulan smiled, “Thank you, Teacher Mo.”

Mo Qianren didn’t respond. He shot her a complicated look before turning his eyes to her still-dripping hand. She had obviously been scratched by something on the road.

“Give me your hand,” he said plainly. Translated by The Novelst

Mu Rulan obediently stretched her hand out. A soft white cloth was wrapped around her wound, surprising her. It was the handkerchief she had given him the last time, when Mo Qianren had injured his hand.

Mu Rulan thanked him and pulled back her hand. She sniffed the handkerchief. The faint scent of mint lingered.

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