Lu Zimeng saw that Mo Qianren was just standing under the window of Jin Biaohu’s room. His eyes scanned from left to right as he backed away slowly.

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Lu Zimeng followed him silently, hobbling on his crutches.

Mo Qianren stepped slowly back to the end of the garden fenced by metal railing. The bushes to the side accompanied a huge, lush tree.

He took out his phone, using the flashlight function and bending down. He swept away the rich leaves and thick branches with his hands, searching for something.

Lu Zimeng couldn’t figure out what he was trying to do. It was just the same way when Mo Qianren was embroiled in a case, even the senior police inspector never knew what he was doing, or how he was coming to his conclusions.

Most people felt this man was a miracle. All he did was sweep his gaze from left to right, then he would suddenly be able to speculate things that others might need a deeper investigation to conclude.

After a while, he straightened. Translated by The Novelst

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There were three things in his hands. One was a small doll that looked like the ghost that had appeared outside the window, and two mirrors that were the same height as the doll.

“What is this?” Lu Zimeng asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

Mo Qianren expressionlessly turned around to look at the tree. “This is obviously a malicious prank. The culprit is smart enough to commit high-IQ crimes already.”

Lu Zimeng wasn’t stupid. Hearing those words, he looked at the items and sighed in relief.

That creepy ghost was only these few things? How much resentment did someone need to have towards Jin Biaohu for them to go to such lengths?!

He looked again at the things in Mo Qianren’s hands, then looked back at the room in disbelief. “Y-You’re joking, right? That room is on the fifth floor. How could these tiny things be used to create such an effect?”

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“I didn’t say that these were the only things,” was the plain response. He glanced at the tree beside them. “I bet this tree has a few more mirrors, a remote projector and an image magnification machine.”

“Mirror? Projector? Image magnification?” Lu Zimeng found it unlikely.

“By using the moonlight and mirrors to project the image layer by layer to the very top of the tree, then enlarging it to make it human-sized and projecting it to the window of Jin Biaohu’s room – that’s how they did it.”

“When the moonlight hits at the right angle, the light triggers the effect. As the moonlight disappears, the image also vanishes. That’s why the ghostly figure appears only at night, and disappears and reappears at times,” Mo Qianren gathered the items and the two walked back together as he explained.

Lu Zimeng wasn’t very knowledgeable in such matters, so while he understood parts of what Mo Qianren was saying, it was still confusing.

“If you could understand with your level of intelligence, then I would already have lost interest in this criminal.” At that, Lu Zimeng really wanted to give him a kick.

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“You might think it’s simple, but in reality this is extremely complicated,” he added.

Lu Zimeng wanted to shout, it didn’t sound simple at all to him!

He suddenly thought of something, asking, “But Jin Biaohu changed rooms. Is the culprit inside the hospital?”

“Impossible,” Mo Qianren rejected him promptly. “This kind of precise calculations involving the angles for each mirror and light reflection – even the shadows of the flowers and grass must be taken into consideration. This can’t be done on such short notice. And regarding the room change, the reason is simple: our culprit had prepared for this from the very start.”

“I remember the doctor saying before that the empty room beside Jin Biaohu’s current room had been booked before, so he had no choice but to move into the only available room. Our culprit knew this from the start, so the mirrors and doll were prepared for the initial room, and planned to let him leave one haunted room just to enter another.”

That meant that the ghostly figure had appeared in Jin Biaohu’s current ward since the very beginning, but since it was an empty room the door was left closed, so no one had realized that the figure had been appearing since days before.

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And Mo Qianren wasn’t able to see the figure in the old room because he didn’t pull down the curtains. With the use of mirrors and moonlight to project the image to the window, there wasn’t a screen for it to rest on, so he wasn’t able to see anything.

Lu Zimeng followed Mo Qianren to the inner part of the garden. As expected, they found the doll and mirrors, but no projector.

“Why isn’t there a projector?” Translated by The Novelst

“To make it simple, this is like progressive psychology. If everyday someone noticed a figure watching him, he would realize that something isn’t right. But as he gets used to its presence, the appearance of another more realistic, far more sinister figure would jolt him out of his complacence, causing the person to have a deep scar in his mentality.”

Mo Qianren looked at the two small dolls, suddenly thinking of something and narrowing his eyes.

“No matter what… Qianren ah, could you speak to my dad, I don’t want to stay here any longer! There’s a psychopath criminal hiding in this building. It’s too scary, I want to go home…” Lu Zimeng let the tears pool in his heart. Even if the criminal had targeted Jin Biaohu, it was still too scary, and he was traumatized already!

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