Zhou Yaya’s face darkened. She threw the menu down on the table and stood up. Mu Rusen was shocked by the sudden reaction.

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Then Zhou Yaya looked down imperiously from her standing point and asked coldly, “Do you want to be with her that much?!”

Ever since Bai Suqing had sent her the voice message, Zhou Yaya began to feel unhappy whenever she saw both Mu Rusen and Mu Rulan get too close. Translated by The Novelst

Of course she wouldn’t believe Bai Suqing’s words that easily. In her eyes, Bai Suqing would soon die in her hands anyways. But it couldn’t be helped that her heart became a little more sensitive.

Although she was only his sister and sooner or later she would have to marry out of the house, why did Mu Rusen treat her so well? Though she was his sister, she was still a woman! They were fifteen and sixteen, they should start avoiding each other to avoid suspicion. It wasn’t reasonable that they still held hands and hugged each other!

The man she chose could only have her in his eyes! Even if the other person was his sister, she wouldn’t allow it!

Zhou Yaya had snatched the menu from him and then stood up to speak loudly to him. Her attitude implied she was looking down on him and not every man could bear the shame, though he wasn’t a chauvinist.

Mu Rusen turned back to glance at Mu Rulan. Fortunately, she was talking with Taishi Niangzi, so she didn’t notice Zhou Yaya’s yelling.

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He furrowed his brows and looked at her with sharp eyes, “What are you doing?”

“I’m asking you if you really want to go over there and sit with Mu Rulan.”

“She’s my sister, do I even need your approval if I want to sit with her?” His tone was icy.

Though Mu Rusen was obtuse at times, he could hear she wouldn’t allow him to do so just by listening to her voice. She didn’t allow him? Who did she think she was? Even if she was his girlfriend, so what? He had never heard that a girlfriend could control her boyfriend to the extent of what he ate and what he did during a date.

Zhou Yaya’s chest was heaving due to her anger and her fingers trembled like she was going to pick something up and throw it at him. Just like a dog – if the dog didn’t know how to listen, you needed to beat him until he listened obediently, until he wouldn’t dare resist!

Mu Rusen frowned tightly. He felt that she looked strange, and her gaze was making him uncomfortable…

Mu Rulan noticed what was happening behind her. She was surprised to see that it was Mu Rusen and Zhou Yaya. “Huh?”

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Sitting at the same table, Duan Yao leaned lazily back on his chair and said, “Your baby brother seems to be having a quarrel with his girlfriend.”

“I’m going to go take a look,” Mu Rulan said, taking her crutches and hobbling off, one leg still encased in plaster.

Duan Yao stared at her back, letting out a tsk and following her. “This girl, really. Even when her leg is injured she can’t sit quietly. When will she correct her busy body personality.”

Zhou Yaya’s glare was glued to Mu Rusen. Her hand had gripped the menu and her nails left a deep score on the transparent cover.

Bai Suqing and a group of people arrived on the stairs from the second floor. As she rounded the corner of the hallway, her attention was immediately drawn to the ruckus. She paused to watch.

“Rusen, Yaya,” Mu Rulan walked slowly toward Zhou Yaya with her crutches. Just by looking at the situation she knew that Mu Rusen must have made Zhou Yaya unhappy, so of course that was where she was going.

Zhou Yaya seemed not to have heard Mu Rulan, still glaring at Mu Rusen.

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When Mu Rusen heard Mu Rulan’s voice, he immediately felt as though he’d received an electric shock, turning around to look at Mu Rulan. Without knowing why, he suddenly became so anxious that both his cheeks turned red.


“What happened between you two?” Mu Rulan walked to Zhou Yaya’s side and asked. However, just before she could finish speaking, Bai Suqing’s voice interrupted her.

“Sister and Rusen are really close. I bet Rusen must hope that sister won’t marry and stay by his side,” Bai Suqing’s voice was so loud that the whole floor could hear her clearly.

The sentence ignited a fire, getting on Zhou Yaya’s every last nerve. Before anyone could respond, she held tightly onto the menu in her hand and threw it viciously.

But the person knocked over wasn’t Mu Rusen, but Mu Rulan.

The hard, solid cover was thrown at full strength, at that speed, and at that distance, so all anyone heard was a bang – the sound of something hiding someone’s head.

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Mu Rulan was injured and so it was hard for her to move. Though she had her crutches to help her stand, when she was hit by the menu, not only was her head in pain, but the impact pushed her to the floor after making her lose her balance.

“Ahh!” Someone screamed loudly, the voice triggering a return to reality for the people surrounding the altercation.

“Oh my god! Oh god!” A girl sitting next to Mu Rulan said, her hands over her mouth.


“Lan Lan!” Translated by The Novelst

“President-sama!” A few people had finally reacted and surrounded her. Their expressions were pale, looking at Mu Rulan lying on the ground.

The situation was suddenly messy like a pot of porridge. The restaurant was filled with noise.

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