Bai Suqing was at the hospital, asking desperately whether there would be a scar on her face. The doctor responded again and again that as long as she applied the medicine as instructed, there would be no trace of the injury.

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Even if there was a small scar, with modern medical techniques, all she would need to do was go to a beauty salon and repair her face that way.

After hearing this from the doctor, Bai Suqing was a little relieved inside. Translated by The Novelst

Then her phone rang. A man’s voice sounded over the call, conveying news that made Bai Suqing’s eyes shine brightly. “Are you serious?” she asked in excitement.

“Yes, we’re delighted to tell you that we did witness Miss Bai’s acting skills in Ziyuan’s performance this year. As long as Miss Bai agrees, we at TMT Company will immediately prepare a contract and assign you a manager that used to manage Dong Sixuan. What do you think?”

Bai Suqing wanted to accept immediately, but she managed to hold back.

Not only was her face currently wounded, but she was busy handling Mu Rulan’s matters now. How could she make enough time to accept the job of an actress, where she would have to work at least 48 hours a day?

But… Every girl dreamed of becoming a star, shining brightly, and standing center stage and hearing cheers. It was the same for Bai Suqing.

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The person at the other end of the line, hearing her reject the offer due to her heavy workload, began to persuade again, “Miss Bai, don’t be so quick to decide. You should know that TMT Universal Entertainment is one of the top ten companies in the world. Not just anyone can sign a contract with TMT.”

“Just so you know, all the actors who signed under us are all Hollywood stars now. And our company intends to assign Dong Sixuan’s old manager to you – we have the intention to make you into the second Dong Sixuan. Think of the number of fan clubs Dong Sixuan has right now, Miss Bai. I believe if you let go of this kind of opportunity, you might regret it your entire life.”

Bai Suqing was going to hang up, but her finger froze in the air when she heard his words. Dong Sixuan, the star of TMT, the top Hollywood performer… and most importantly, backed by the Hawk Group….

That’s right. TMT wasn’t the main focus here – through them she could climb up to the Huo Family!

Being that much more attractive than Mu Rulan, and gaining the adoration of more people than Mu Rulan… Everyone who loved Mu Rulan would be stolen right away…

Thinking this way, she was unable to hang up the phone, her body heating up…

“…Let me think about it. I won’t be long, I’ll let you know as soon as possible.” Bai Suqing stared into the mirror, meeting her own eyes above the gauze wrapped around her cheeks.

These were just light injuries, so eh didn’t need to be hospitalized for months as Mu Rulan was. It would probably only take a week or two to be completely healed, just as the doctor said. If there was a scar on hre face she would just go to a beauty clinic to repair her skin.

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The person on the other end agreed and they ended the call.


On the other end of the line was TMT Universal Entertainment, headquartered at G City.

Atop the building, an office surrounded by glass windows held a black sofa inside. A person lounged there like a leopard. A deep voice sounded from those thin lips: “Bai Suqing? When did TMT start to hire babies?”

Dong Qi sat behind the office desk and glanced at him, picking up a pen to continue his work on the documents. “Maybe you should ask what kind of person this girl has offended.”

Dong Sixuan’s blue eyes narrowed and he let a devilish smile take over his face. “You’re right, it’s not just anyone that can enter TMT…”

“Your latest MV is at Liu Silan High School, so you can get lost now.” A cold light reflected off Dong Qi’s glasses.

“Fine, fine, fine…” Dong Sixuan scratched his head and walked out of the building.

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The man turned his eyes to a photo on his desk, spacing out.

In the photo was a young girl, seeming to be only sixteen or seventeen. She was dressed in a white one piece, her hair so long as to touch her waist. She had a beautiful smile and a pure gaze. So when he had returned to his senses, the moment she had smiled was captured by the camera, but the girl herself had disappeared.


The Qinghe resort had completed construction, never pausing, even when the Jin Family had been banned during the construction period.

The workers who had labored nonstop for over two months finally stretched their sore bodies: “Let’s go, let’s go. It’s finally over! Damn, I feel like my back almost broke.”

“Hehe, let’s go for some midnight snacks.”

“Sure, sure, let’s eat. Today I’ll treat! Let’s go, let’s go.”

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The group tidied their things and walked out together, switching off the electricity to the houses of the resort. All of a sudden the surroundings dimmed.

“Eh, I forgot my phone!” One of the young men of the group touched his pocket and exclaimed.

“The lazy ones sure have a lot of trouble. Quickly go and get it, we’ll wait for you outside,” the lead waved his hands and said.

“Alright,” he answered, running back. Translated by The Novelst

Just as he ran back in, the darkness began to crowd in on him. The air was dead quiet because no one had moved in just yet, and it was cold. He slowed.

The young man wanted to switch on the lights but electricity had been shut down just then. Since he was already inside, he was too lazy to go back out.

He scanned the area before seeing a flickering light in the corner. It was his phone!

The wind blew in from the window, blowing his bangs into his eyes. He squinted his eyes against the intrusion.

When he lifted his eyes, he saw a human-like figure in an odd pose about twenty centimeters from him. He let out a frightened scream and fell back to the ground, the shrill tone of his voice echoing inside the empty room.

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