At the headquarters of TMT Universal Entertainment.

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Knock knock.

“President,” a woman in a black suit held documents in her arms, standing at the entrance. “Miss Bai’s contract has been prepared. Please take a look.”

“No need,” Dong Qi said, not even turning his head to reply. “You should know how to handle this.” After all, it was just a small insect. There was no need for him to attend to the matter personally.

“Yes, sir.” Yan Jin was not surprised. Translated by The Novelst

“How did the shoot for Ah Xuan’s MV in Liu Silan go? Did he cause any trouble?”

Yan Jin nodded. “The second master has always been serious in his work. Miss Sang, however…”

Yan Jin did not finish her sentence. Sang Han’er was Dong Qi’s fiancée. Though neither party was too willing to marry, she still held the title.

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“Hm?” Dong Qi furrowed his brows. Had that idiot done something stupid again?

“I heard she was impolite to Mu Rulan, the president of the student council of Liu Silan,” answered Yan Jin truthfully.

“Let someone else replace her. Tell her to go back to the capital to continue her studies immediately,” he said, face turning dark.

If it wasn’t for Sang Han’er clinging to him, telling him that if he didn’t give her a chance she would not renounce their engagement, he wouldn’t have agreed to let her star in Dong Sixuan’s MV. Now she had tried it and should return to her original position.

“Yes sir,” said Yan Jin with an expressionless nod. She looked at the watch on her wrist. “The appointment is now, so I shall leave first.”

Bai Suqing stood in front of TMT and looked up at the building, her heart thudding fast in her chest. Something hot surged in her veins: the desire to stand at the top.

She took a deep breath and pulled on a confident, sweet smile. She walked into the building and made a beeline for the counter.

“I’m the new artist who’s come to sign the contract.”

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The receptionist glanced at her and smiled. “Are you Miss Bai Suqing?”

Seeing Bai Suqing nod, she continued, “Miss Bai, please take the elevator to the eleventh floor. Take a left and walk to the last office.”

Bai Suqing was a little unhappy. If they wanted to sign her so much, why were they being so cold to her? Shouldn’t they have sent someone down to receive her at the very least?

But of course, no matter how dissatisfied she was, she would never let it show on her face. She nodded her head and smiled again to the receptionist before making her way up.

Bai Suqing arrived at the office and knocked on the door. A strict voice answered her, so she pushed the door in.

“You’re Miss Bai, yes? I am Yan Jin. I’ll be your manager. I’m going to be responsible for your daily schedule and activities once you sign with us. Sit.” Yan Jin walked to the guest sofa and seated Bai Suqing across from her.

Yan Jin handed over a document. “This is the contract that TMT has prepared. Take a look. If there are no problems, you can sign now. I can immediately arrange for your training afterward.”

“Training?” Bai Suqing interrupted Yan Jin, her expression surprised.

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She didn’t seem to have any manners, her etiquette was below average. Yan Jin thought this in her mind, but her expression didn’t change. “Naturally you will need to be trained. We need to see which direction you’re suited to. TMT is strict on every artist and their development. Even Dong Sixuan took half a year to train in TMT before his debut.”

“How can this be!” Bai Suqing’s reaction was very intense. Soon, she realized that she had been rude, so she apologized, her face pale.

Half a year… It was impossible. Half a year was too long. If she waited to finish her training and start to get popular, it would take nearly a year! By that time, Mu Rulan would have already graduated high school and began preparations to attend university!

“Miss Bai, what’s the meaning of this?” Yan Jin pushed up her glasses.

Bai Suqing organized her thoughts before starting out confidently, “Since you discovered me, I believe you should know my talent lies in acting. I believe putting in immediate practice is the best way to improve. Extraneous training in other areas are useless to me.”

“You mean… you want to debut immediately?” Yan Jin narrowed her eyes. It was true that this girl’s acting skills weren’t bad, but there were many others who had better skills than her. This girl was too impatient.

“Yes, I hope to start as soon as possible. Don’t worry, I have confidence that I can keep up.” Bai Suqing noticed that Yan Jin was wavering, so she added the last part quickly.

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“When you say this sort of thing, you will need to bear all responsibility. TMT is very strict on every artist.”

Bai Suqing smiled widely. She was confident in her skills. That person had said to her before: she was born to act. “Please believe in me.”

“Then look over the contract quickly and sign it. Yesterday, Director Li’s new drama opened for auditions. He left a slot specifically for TMT. Originally, the other artists were too busy to pick up the position, so I guess it’s your lucky day,” Yan Jin said expressionlessly.

Bai Suqing didn’t know who this Director Li was, but since it was someone who could hire directly from TMT, he was probably quite popular. She skimmed the contract happily until she found two peculiar points.

“This is for fifteen years? Isn’t this too…” Bai Suqing was a little hesitant. Signing a contract like this would mean she would sell herself for fifteen years. And if she were to break it, the liquidated damages amount would probably be outrageous!

“Miss Bai, you should understand our stance at TMT. Several of our artists make it into Hollywood, and nearly all of them make at least a million a year. Lately, there have been too many artists who become popular at TMT after our investments and leave, so it’s natural that TMT would want a guarantee.”

“Even Dong Sixuan signed a contract for twenty years.” Yan Jin took a sip of her coffee, continuing, “Artists are usually quite busy. Though you think this is a long period of time, it will pass in the blink of an eye.”

Bai Suqing found it reasonable after listening to her explanation and so accepted that point. But there was one more. Translated by The Novelst

“I have to listen completely to all the company’s arrangements? Isn’t this too unreasonable? What if I’m uncomfortable that day? I still have to drag my sick body to finish whatever arranged tasks?”

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