The young girl had her head tilted on the back of the couch, her sleeping appearance seeming much more childish. Who would have imagined that under this pure visage, a hair of evil black wings were spreading?

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All psychopathic criminals had one thing in common, and that was their distrust in humanity. No matter how crazy or calm they appeared to be, they would always be alert and afraid of being seen for their true selves. They had the instincts of an animal: fearing those that were dangerous.

And they all knew that Mo Qianren was dangerous; no one dared to let their guard down before him.

But Mu Rulan had actually fallen asleep. Translated by The Novelst

This gave him a complicated, strange feeling.

He walked to Mu Rulan and took the pen and paper softly out of her hands.

Why did she have so many secrets? She was only sixteen…

He stared silently at her for a while before bending down and carrying her to the bed. After that, he went back to his seat and continued to read through his documents. But feeling something was wrong, he looked at the girl lying on his bed again.

Ah, she was still in her jacket, and her shoes were still on her feet. And the way she was positioned seemed uncomfortable.

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His body began moving before he had made a decision. Mo Qianren peeled her shoes and socks off along with her jacket, arranged her body to sleep straight, and covered her with a blanket. Once he was done, he finally felt better.

Lying flat was the best posture to sleep in, but if a person wasn’t trained that way since their youth, it would be impossible for her to keep this position the entire night. So within a few minutes, Mu Rulan rolled to the left, which was the worst way to sleep because it put pressure on the heart.

Mo Qianren heard her move and raised his head to see her sleeping once again on her side. So he went to turn her back.

Ah, there. It looked much better now.

But even before Mo Qianren left her side, Mu Rulan turned once again to her left, her face rubbing comfortably on the blanket, her head burrowed into it like an ostrich…


On the fifth floor of a club, inside a room.

Bai Suqing woke up foggily, feeling her whole body was overheated and weak, very uncomfortable. The inside of her mouth tasted bitter and pungent, making her feel like vomiting.

She could hear heavy breathing and scolding, as well as the delicate crying of a girl.

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What was going on? Bai Suqing didn’t have the strength to open her eyes. When she was finally able to lift her eyelids, the scene that met her eyes was so ugly that she began to throw all her effort into struggling.

“This one is awake,” said a man, breathing heavily.

Director Li was busy with another woman. He answered in annoyance, “Whatever… Damn, this little fairy is truly a b*tch!”

“Hehehe… This one isn’t bad, either! I would never have imagined this is her first time!”

“Is that so? Then I’ll try later, hehe…”

They didn’t care about the small issue of Bai Suqing. When these two women were sent to them, what it signaled to them was that as long as they didn’t kill them, they could do whatever they wanted.

To be more clear, it meant that these two women must have offended someone they couldn’t afford to offend.

Bai Suqing finally came to the realization that her struggling was useless, so she came to a stop. She stared blankly at the ceiling, eyes filling with resentment.

Why was it that she had to encounter such things? If it were Mu Rulan, all she would have to do was reveal her identity as the daughter of the Mu Family, and the granddaughter of the Ke Family. She wouldn’t need to suffer through these sorts of insults, right?

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How she wished to stain that angel into a deep, black color…

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but the torture finally came to an end. “Let Miss Bai be the main character of this drama. As for you… come and find me once you’re recovered.”

From the information he had received, he knew that Bai Suqing was to be tortured slowly, while the other would be sent to shoot an AV.

The door shut as Bai Suqing processed what Director Li had said. She turned her head to look at the woman across from her. Noticing the anger in her eyes, Bai Suqing pulled on a proud smile.

At least she had won.

As long as she won this game, she would not need to worry about the how.


The next day. Translated by The Novelst

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When Mu Rulan woke up, her first thought was of how comfortable she was. The bed was very soft and had a nice scent. Her second thought was of how this wasn’t her bed, and the third was that she seemed to be in an odd situation.

Her arms were pressed down by something heavy and she could hardly turn her body to get up. Once she made it up, she realized that what were pushing her down were two very heavy dumbbells.

Mu Rulan immediately felt very 囧. She touched the dumbbells lightly. What had she done yesterday? Why was she in Mo Qianren’s bed? That was fine, but why had he used dumbbells to restrain her? She hadn’t even had any alcohol!

She turned to the window to see it covered by the curtain. A man was sitting on the black sofa, his leg crossed over the other, one hand supporting his head. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be sleeping. On his leg there was a document.

The bed was so big it looked as though it could fit three people, but this person had not taken advantage of her while she was sleeping. Though she couldn’t be certain of the point of those dumbbells, it was not likely to have been used to attack her.

What a gentleman. He obviously knew she was a psycho but he was still so gentle to her. If she were a man-eater, she would definitely have eaten him up earlier, because he seemed… very delicious, ya.

Mu Rulan went to the bathroom and stood in front of the sink to rinse her mouth. She took the opportunity to glance around to see the decor. There was a soap dish with a yellow-orange block of soap on it. The color and shape together were beautiful.

Mu Rulan spat out the water in her mouth and reached out to take the soap and inhale the scent deeply.

And so as Mo Qianren rubbed his brows and opened the bathroom door, he saw Mu Rulan holding his soap under her nose. Mu Rulan heard the door open and turned around to meet his gaze.

He stared at the soap in her hand and his ears turned red though his expression did not change. “What are you doing?”

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