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Mo Qianren looked at the other policeman who was listening in. “Would you get jealous of Dong Sixuan?”

The young man was stunned, but his eyes widened in disbelief. “How could I?” A superstar like Dong Sixuan – could he even compare himself to him? And Dong Sixuan was his idol!

“That’s right. It’s impossible for an ugly duck to become jealous of a swan. They can only admire. Only when their base capitals are equal would jealousy climb into a human heart, evolving eventually into a twisted sense of resentment.”

His audience was enlightened. That was indeed how it worked; most people tend to compare themselves to others of the same age and background, which was why they came to resent: they were of the same origins yet received different treatment.

Instead, if the other person was many times richer than you from the beginning, one might believe it was natural, or admire from afar as an idol or a far-off dream. Translated by The Novelst

Now that the leader had his answer, he did not waste time and sent people to Liu Silan High School to confirm the suspect.

Mayor Zhou would not expect that the things he expected to be handled were so easily revealed with only a few words from Mo Qianren.

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In the end, Zhou Yaya would still be brought to the police station to be interrogated.


Both Mu siblings did not have serious injuries, so they were discharged from the hospital once they awoke.

By the time they arrived home, Ke Wanqing had already left to go to the company.

Mu Zhenyang hid inside his room once he brought them home. He called Bai Suqing to complain about how forceful Ke Wanqing was and how immature his daughter was.

He was pleased to listen to Bai Suqing’s soft words of comfort. His heart became so soft it nearly melted away. He couldn’t help but think how nice it would be to have Bai Suqing as a daughter, rather than Mu Rulan.

Mu Rulan was their source of pride, and could handle everything on her own since she was young. They were rest assured that they did not need to worry about her.

The girl herself stood at the entrance listening to her father’s complaints and sweet nothings as he spoke to Bai Suqing. In her hand was a cup of tea, being cradled as the smile on her mouth deepened.

She turned away and went back into her room.

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When she sat at her desk, the white pigeon wandering around the garden noticed the return of its owner and flew back to rest on Mu Rulan’s finger.

She smiled warmly as her fingers rubbed its head.

“Ah, that’s right,” Mu Rulan said, thinking of something. She carried the pigeon before her and asked, “My little dear, could you lend me a hand?”

It tilted its head, bean-like eyes looking adorably at Mu Rulan, like it couldn’t understand what she was saying.

Mu Rulan tore a piece of paper and wrote with a pen.

She used a thin rubber band to attach it to the pigeon’s leg. Looking at this, she couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. “This looks quite interesting, ya.”

The white pigeon let out a few clucks.

“Why not be a good bird and look for that handsome man you saw last time at Ziyuan High? I’ll draw you a map,” Mu Rulan said, her eyes curved into crescents. She didn’t have any expectations that this would work out, but she wanted to see.

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Though this little thing had managed to help deliver a letter to Wang Qiang’s house, it was because she had brought the pigeon to the building personally.

Mu Rulan drew a route from the Mu house to the Lu house, and used a green color to draw the route because it was the pigeon’s favorite color. She showed it a few times and then chased it away.

The white pigeon flew a circle in the sky and tried to fly back to its owner, but was chased away before it could land on her shoulder. It felt wronged and clucked again a few times, flapping its wings and flying away.


Mo Qianren went to the hospital but came away empty-handed. By the time he returned home, he saw both Mother and Father Lu trying to capture a poor little white pigeon in their living room.

He stood at the entrance and stared at the pigeon perched arrogantly on top of the chandelier.

Seeing Mo Qianren was home, Mother Lu said, “Qianren, hurry and close the door so it can’t get out. Aunty will boil you a pigeon soup and you can send it to Lan Lan!” Such a fat pigeon would be tasty in soup. Since it had flown into their house, it shouldn’t dream of leaving alive!

The white pigeon seemed to understand her words, clucking twice and pooping on the floor to show its anger.

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He then spoke out very lightly. “This pigeon is hers.”

Mother Lu didn’t hear him clearly. “What?”

“This pigeon… it belongs to Mu Rulan,” he said.

They finally heard him clearly and they froze, looking at him in shock. “This pigeon was sent by Lan Lan to eat?”

The white pigeon chirped in protest and pooped again.

“I don’t think so,” Mo Qianren entered the house at last and the pigeon swooped towards him. Translated by The Novelst

He took a pillow from the sofa to defend himself and it was unable to dodge in time, smacking into the pillow and falling into the sofa. It seemed the jolt was too hard and made it dizzy.

At this time Lu Zimeng returned to his senses and screamed in agitated, pointing at his head, “Qianren, look! This little thing pooped on my head, look!”

Mo Qianren expressionlessly threw the pillow to him, grabbed a few pieces of tissue and picked up the pigeon by its legs and went upstairs.

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