Bai Suqing, who had been staring out from a window, was shocked. She skittered backwards from the window, her heart thumping rapidly.

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This man… he was creepy. It seemed like all the thoughts in her mind had already been seen through.

Who was he? Why wasn’t there any information out there about him? She hadn’t taken him into consideration when planning, and now she would have to incorporate him…

“What’s wrong?” Mu Rulan noticed Mo Qianren standing there staring at Bai Suqing’s window. The corner of her mouth tilted up.

Ya, was her restless little sister up to something again? Hehe, what could she possibly be planning?

She needed to be quick, or there wouldn’t be any time left hehe… Give some more surprises to your abnormal sister~

“Crow’s lair,” Mo Qianren answered, turning around to open the door to the backseat for Mu Rulan. “Sit here.”

“Can’t I sit in the passenger seat?” Mu Rulan blinked without moving.

“No.” Translated by The Novelst

“Why?” She heard that women who were special to a man would be allowed to sit in the front seat. Was it because she wasn’t special to him that he didn’t want her to sit there?

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“It’s not safe,” he said, patiently waiting by the car door and waiting for her to get in.

When accidents occurred, the person sitting at the passenger seat was usually in the most danger. The backseat was protected by the seats in front, so most of the time if Mo Qianren wasn’t driving, he would choose to sit behind.

Mu Rulan was surprised. She was expecting an answer like he couldn’t let just anyone sit in the passenger seat, but she never expected this. Looking at that expressionless gaze, Mu Rulan could only give in.

“Alright, if you insist,” Mu Rulan said, bending down to enter the car.

Mu Rulan didn’t ask where they were going, simply rolling down the window to let the cold wind into the car. She tucked her hair behind her ears and said, “Winter is coming ya. Suddenly I have an idea for our school trip.”

“To a place where you can see the snow?” Mo Qianren guessed Mu Rulan’s thoughts immediately.

“Hm? Do you want to guess where I want to go?” Mu Rulan said with interest. Speaking with this kind of person was quite scary. There was a feeling of having all her thoughts exposed. At the same time, it was quite fun.

Humans would feel afraid of someone who could see right through them, yet they desired someone who could really understand them. They were really contradictory and greedy.

Mo Qianren was silent for two seconds before answering, “The Alps.”

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It was in accordance with Mu Rulan’s expectations that Mo Qianren would know the answer, but she still marveled, “How did you know?”

“You’ve been admiring the scenery for quite a while. You seem to like plants, like trees and flowers. Just now you mentioned winter. Girls usually believe snow is beautiful and romantic, and the Alps are the only place with a grassland at the foot of the mountain.

“Most of the people there are into agriculture. There are cattle, sheep, and plants, and it’s quite beautiful when it snows. It’s not a bad place to travel to,” Mo Qianren said lightly. This couldn’t be considered to be psychological. It was entirely about the person’s geographical knowledge alongside a little bit of observation.

Mu Rulan smiled and nodded her head. That was what she was thinking, too.

“Then, Qianren, do you want to go with us?” Mu Rulan turned her head and asked.

Mo Qianren didn’t expect the invitation and responded lightly. “I have to work.”

America was pushing him, worried that Mo Qianren would stay in his country and not return, since Mo Qianren had never returned for so long before.

Even when he returned to celebrate Chinese New Year, he would usually stay for only three or four days. But now it had already been two months, which was why they couldn’t sit back any longer.

Mu Rulan became curious at his response. Where did he work, and who did he work for?

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Before, he said he wasn’t a law enforcement officer. As a criminal psychologist, who could he work for beside the country with that kind of title? Could it be the bad guys? Did he instruct them during operations so they could evade capture?

Mu Rulan laughed at her own thoughts.

“The Ke Family seems to have acknowledged you,” Mo Qianren spoke suddenly.

The year that Ke Wanqing had been kicked out, Grandpa Ke had sent a global announcement to prevent Ke Wanqing from using their name.

Mu Rulan was a little thrown by the change in topic but still nodded, “Mn.”

“If that’s the case, why do you still want to stay in this kind of place?”

“Because this is my home ya,” Mu Rulan answered with a smile.

“When a phoenix and a crow live together, do you know what the result is?”

Mu Rulan did not answer. Translated by The Novelst

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“Even if the egg was hatched by the crow, when the phoenix’s feathers become more beautiful, the crow would still covet those beautiful feathers,” Mo Qianren said, focused on driving.

“It would first envy, then become jealous, and in the end plunder and even kill the phoenix.”

Desire could control and twist nearly everything including affection.

“Birds of a feather flock together. You’ve stayed inside the crow’s nest for too long.”

If a phoenix wanted to maintain the beauty of its wings, then it should return to its fellows.

Mu Rulan smiled deeply. “Mr. Mo thinks I am a phoenix?” She was obviously a psychopath ya. Was it alright to compliment her so highly?

“Only the phoenix… can make a comeback with a Nirvana-like rebirth.”

Proofread by: Hannah

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