“I’m sorry, I don’t have the time. Happy birthday, Miss Liu.”

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Liu Mian was quick to respond, “Aiya, Qianren, you can just call me Mian Mian, don’t be shy. You really don’t want to come over? My sisters are all looking forward to meeting you.” Translated by The Novelst

“…Miss Liu, you’ve been drinking, huh?” Mo Qianren responded after two seconds of silence. 

“Only a little,” she said, smiling happily as she glanced at her sisters like she was taking Mo Qianren’s words as concern for her. 

“No wonder. I would advise Miss Liu to drink less in the future, as alcohol can lead to a person doing silly things. In the future please don’t contact me again for things unrelated to work. It would bother me,” Mo Qianren said coldly and hung up. 

On Liu Mian’s end, nobody reacted to his words except Liu Mian, whose good mood was immediately ruined by Mo Qianren’s busy tone. Though they weren’t close, he had caused her to lose face in front of so many of her friends. She was angry. 

Once everyone had regained their bearings, no one said anything, but their gazes at Liu Mian turned strange. Liu Mian had a bellyful of fire. 

As the atmosphere turned to be so awkward, Bai Suqing and Ou Kaicheng appeared. 

“Aunt Mian, happy birthday,” said Ou Kaicheng, glancing at the gathered group as he handed over her present. 

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Bai Suqing also quickly handed over her two presents and said cutely, “Aunt Mian, happy birthday. The present with the red stripes is from me and the green one is from Sister Rulan. She asked me to bring this to you.”

Liu Mian glanced at Bai Suqing. She wasn’t in the mood for this, so she looked at Ou Kaicheng. “Kaicheng, this is…?”

He glanced at Bai Suqing. “She’s Bai Suqing. She used to stay in the Mu Family but is no longer with them. Rulan had something come up so she couldn’t attend, so she asked Bai Suqing to deliver the present on her behalf.”

Bai Suqing had waited outside of Qinghe Villa and was able to stop Ou Kaicheng before he entered. She explained that she had no other way to contact him, so she had to wait outside the villa entrance. She even had a present for Liu Mian, so Ou Kaicheng had no choice but to bring her with him. 

Seeing Ou Kaicheng’s attitude was so cold and the lack of mention of her parents, Liu Mian inferred that Bai Suqing was likely not an important person. After saying a few polite words and receiving the gifts, she continued to eat and drink with her friends. 

Bai Suqing had tried to get close to Liu Mian in order to strike up a conversation, but Liu Mian wasn’t in a good mood. 

If the other party refused to cooperate, no matter how much effort Bai Suqing put in, in the end she could only watch the party end and the guests trickle out.

Bai Suqing had been standing at the entrance for quite a while, shivering in the cold breeze before suddenly remembering that… when she was trying to engage Liu Mian in a conversation, Ou Kaicheng had left early!

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Did that mean her only choice was to leave alone? 

Should she walk back to her hotel? But that place was on the outskirts of town. She would need to walk quite a while before she hit the main road. And furthermore, at this time of night, there might not even be cars on the road!

Bai Suqing didn’t know what to do. She didn’t have a phone on her. Should she walk back to the villa and ask Liu Mian to let her stay the night? But Liu Mian would definitely look down on her… Not only did she lack a private car to call, but even lacked a phone… 

That was right!

Bai Suqing thought of something, her eyes sparkling. She took out the black keys from her pocket. They were the keys to Mu Rulan’s house!

She didn’t hesitate as she walked back towards the villa area. 

Hmmph. She had no choice but to stay the night at that old house, then!


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Liu Mian threw her presents onto her bed, expression ugly. It had been a great party before Mo Qianren had swept her good mood away!

She let out a few deep breaths and began to sort through her gifts. 

Among them, she grabbed the present wrapped in green stripes. Mu Rulan had told her she would give her what she wanted most, but Liu Mian had already forgotten what she had told Mu Rulan she wanted. 

After tearing through the paper, Liu Mian opened the box and her mood fell further. “What is this?”

Liu Mian looked disdainfully at the watch. It wasn’t a Cartier nor was a Tiffany. It was off-the-rack!

Liu Mian furrowed her brows and threw it into the trash, the favorable impression she had of Mu Rulan vanishing. 

Even if it wasn’t something she wanted, it should at the very least have been a branded product. 

Liu Mian looked again at the pile of gifts, the red stripes catching her eye. 

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Just by looking at her, Liu Mian could tell Bai Suqing couldn’t afford anything nice. Ignoring her initial instinct to throw it all away, she opened it, curious to see what was inside. 

She never expected the puppet doll. It looked very high class. 

Liu Mian was mesmerized as she took out a small green snake from the box. The snake was made of several blocks and it seemed they were all hollow – perhaps she could find something interesting if she opened them up?

The snake was smiling, cheeks blushing red and looking cute. 

It was obvious that this was no cheap gift. Translated by The Novelst

In actuality, the gift wrapped in red was from Mu Rulan and the one in green was from Bai Suqing, but Bai Suqing had exchanged them to leave a good impression on Liu Mian. 

She wanted to ask her to speak on her behalf to Ke Wanqing. 

And it was obvious that Bai Suqing had taken the right step. Liu Mian was very impressed.

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