Turning back to the call with Mo Qianren, Mu Rulan had no intent to continue the conversation. She still had papers to do.

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“Goodnight, Qianren.”


Mo Qianren ended the call and stared at the screen. Only after quite a while did he put away the phone and turn off the lights. His eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Translated by The Novelst

He wasn’t sure if the word “condom” was a little stimulating or if it was the fact that Mu Rulan had them on her fingers that was a little stimulating. Mo Qianren let out a sudden hum and pulled his blankets up to cover his face in the dark.


After passing by the iron gate, there was a long winding road lined by trees.

Bai Suqing had no comment about this place. She preferred to stay in the city, where the neon lights lit the night.

Why someone would like such a remote, quiet place like this she would never understand rich people.

After some time walking, Bai Suqing could see the house in the distance, obscured by tree branches. She had a moment of resistance, but couldn’t bear the thought of sleeping on the road, so she continued walking.

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She opened the iron gates with her keys.

She walked in with a look of disgust, taking a glance at the swing hanging from the dead tree and the fountain pool, dry and piled with dead leaves. No matter how she looked at it, the house looked abandoned.

Like a witch’s residence.

She reached the door and unlocked it with her key, exerting some force to push open the door.

Creak. The heavy door let out a deep sound, the light from outside shining in to illuminate the bronze planks on the floor.

Suddenly dropped onto her head. The sensation was so obvious that her body stiffened up. It was soft, furry and moving – was it a mouse?!

The mouse on her head fell to the ground, scurrying away into the distance.

Bai Suqing swallowed hard, looking like she was going to cry. She took a deep breath and took a few more steps into the house.

It’s just a mouse, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Be calm, be calm.

The faint light from outside gave just enough light for Bai Suqing to find the switch to the living room. The lights turned on and the terror inside Bai Suqing’s heart slowly dimmed.

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Now that she could see, it wasn’t so scary at all. The house seemed clean, and the interior was very European.

It was much better compared to outside.

She let out a sigh of relief, going upstairs to check the rooms. Other than Mu Rulan’s bedroom, the others seemed fairly empty.

She was tired, and so went to sleep in Mu Rulan’s room after eating.

Clank, clank, clank…

The wind blew outside. The trees shook violently like a typhoon was arriving.

Bai Suqing was woken by a strange sound. She opened her eyes, her surroundings so dark she couldn’t even see her fingers.

She tried to switch on the bedside lamp, but realized the electricity might be out, since the lamp wouldn’t turn on no matter what she pushed.

Clank, clank, clank…

Just as the window shook from the wind, it sounded like something was hitting the doorframe.

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Bai Suqing tried to locate the source of the sound, it seemed like the sound was coming from the last room of the corridor.

She had no light source, and she wasn’t familiar with the house, so she felt very insecure.

So she laid back down, covering her ears and trying to go back to sleep, pretending she had heard nothing.

A few minutes later, she was resigned to it, lifting her quilt and bracing herself as she walked over to the source of the sound. Wasn’t it just closing the window? It’s not like she would run into a ghost. Ugh, how annoying!

Bai Suqing left the room, walking slowly against the wall as she moved to the end of the hallway to the door.

She bit her lip and pushed the door open. The clanking sound was louder here, so she had found the right room.

Bai Suqing walked slowly in order to avoid bumping into things. When she turned, she felt that the surface under her fingertips had changed. It didn’t feel like a wall, but maybe wood? She could feel the pattern of it too – it seemed like a wardrobe.

She didn’t think too much of it. All she really wanted was to make that sound go away so she could go back to sleep!

Once she passed the wardrobe to reach the window, her whole body turned stiff, eyes widening.

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This window…

It was already closed! Translated by The Novelst

But the annoying clanking was still echoing through the room. She didn’t know if it was her imagination, but the noise seemed to draw nearer, and she felt a chill on her neck…

“Ahhh!” Bai Suqing couldn’t hold back the scream of terror, twisting her body as if dodging something and knocking into the wardrobe.

Due to the impact, the door popped open and something fell heavily onto Bai Suqing’s shoulder.

She could feel through her clothing that it was a human hand, cold and rigid, like it was made out of wax… or like it was a dead person’s hand.

“Ahhhhh, ghost! Ahhhh….” Bai Suqing was so frightened that her face rapidly paled.

She ran mindlessly out of the house, the only thinking to escape. She missed a stair on the way down and fell down the steps.

Fortunately or not, the stairs were carpeted, so she didn’t lose consciousness. Eventually, body aching, she managed to run out of the creepy house…

Proofread by: Hannah

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