Jin Biaohu widened his eyes in desperation, looking at that blurry figure outside the frosted window. He could clearly see that it was a human figure in black, figure looking faintly like it was climbing up the tree…

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His heart raced like a drum, eyes filling with nervousness and hope. Please, as long as that person pushed the window open, then he could be saved. Help! Help!

The person outside didn’t disappoint, stretching his hand out to touch the window before realizing it was locked on the inside.

Lan Yiyang, one hand balanced on a branch, and the other on the window, realized the window was locked tight.

He nervously tried to peek through the window, but couldn’t see pasted the frosted patterns.

He was anxious. He didn’t know when the homeowner would return.

He thought of something, climbing back down the tree to pick up a brick from the ground. He no longer cared, wanting to check the inside. It wasn’t a big deal if he was wrong: he could just apologize and pay the owner back.

Bang! The glass window was soon cracked into pieces and the shattered glass fell to the ground.

Brick in hand, he looked into the house. What greeted him was not Mu Rulan’s figure, but something that made him widen his eyes in shock.

It was completely different to what he had expected. He had never seen a real crime before! Who would have thought that the person would be Jin Biaohu, who had stayed with him in the hospital last time?

“Mm! Mmm…” Jin Biaohu stared pleadingly at Lan Yiyang, who was still on the tree outside.

Help, help! Please! Translated by The Novelst

Lan Yiyang scanned the room for anyone else. Seeing that there was no one else, he put the brick on the windowsill, one hand on the tree branch as he reached to grip the windowsill to balance himself for a jump. He jumped.

“Mmm!” Jin Biaohu’s eyes shone with hope. He looked at Lan Yiyang like he had unexpectedly encountered a savior.

Lan Yiyang went to lock the door then hurried to Jin Biaohu’s side, tearing the tape from his mouth.

“Help! Help me! Please, help!” Once the tape was torn off, Jin Biaohu was quick to beg.

“Keep quiet and lower your voice!” Lan Yiyang said, still hearing the knocking sound and wondering where it was coming from. He turned to look for the source.

Whose house was this? Kidnapping someone to bring them to this kind of place… But he didn’t forget his main goal of rescuing a person.

“Aren’t you going to get up? You’re a big person, don’t tell me you want me to carry you out?”

“I can’t! My hands and legs are all broken. I don’t have any strength left. Call the police! Hurry and call them!” Jin Biaohu asked in a rush.

Seeing Lan Yiyang take out his phone to dial the number, he couldn’t help but urge, “Hurry, or else she’ll return soon!”

“I got it, don’t be noisy!” Lan Yiyang punched in the number and furrowed his brows unhappily.

He was also feeling anxious. What if there were several bad guys with weapons? He could be caught too.

“Hurry, Mu Rulan is a psycho. She’ll return soon, she’ll definitely kill us both. Hurry…” Jin Biaohu continued to mumble with anxiety.

Lan Yiyang froze. The call had just gone through and the police were beginning to question him on the line and he hung up.

“What… did you just say?” Lan Yiyang stared widely at Jin Biaohu. “Who was it that kidnapped you?”

The door to the room creaked open.

Creak… It opened slowly.

A young girl in beige sportswear stood at the entrance looking at the intruder to her house. She walked in slowly and greeted, “Yiyang, long time no see ya. How have you been?”

Jin Biaohu was no idiot. He could see that the two knew each other and spoke out in fear, “Don’t be deceived by her appearance! It was she who made me into this, she’s a psycho! She wants to turn me into a human puppet just like the one in the wardrobe! Help me, please, I’m begging you!”

Lan Yiyang’s entire body stiffened as he watched her draw closer. In front of him was the charming smile he recognized, but in his ears were the frightening words of Jin Biaohu.

He realized suddenly that the person he loved deeply was a scary murderer, a psycho that used terrifying methods to tortue people. How could he react?

He could only feel his entire body turn cold, both legs frozen like they were nailed to the ground. He couldn’t look away, nor could he speak out…

Mu Rulan went to the shelves and grabbed the tape to stick a piece onto Jin Biaohu’s mouth.

Lan Yiyang was watching the entire time. Her movements were natural like she had done this several times before.

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Mu Rulan then walked to the wardrobe, opening one door to look at the human puppet hanging inside alongside the alarm clock that continued to make noise. She said, “Tch, did I forget to turn this off? It’s so noisy.”

She pressed the switch and the loud knocking sound disappeared.

With the sound gone, the heavy atmosphere became much more evident.

She turned slowly to see Lan Yiyang staring in fear at the human puppet doll in the wardrobe, his face pale and quivering. He was obviously in shock. Translated by The Novelst

Mu Rulan walked to the window and looked at the glass on the ground, pulling down the curtains.

Lan Yiyang regained control of his senses, gripping his phone tightly in his hand. “You…”

Proofread by: Hannah


“Hm?” Mu Rulan stood still, smiling at him. “Yiyang, what are you trying to do?” 

“You killed someone?!” Lan Yiyang’s words were rushed, disbelief clear in his tone.

“Is knowing this so terrible for you?” Mu Rulan blinked slowly, movements still leisurely as usual. She didn’t even look like a criminal who had been caught red-handed. 

For Lan Yiyang, it wasn’t hard for him to accept the fact that someone was killed. But to learn the killer was Mu Rulan, how could he accept that? It wasn’t possible! Translated by The Novelst

The woman he’d seen as an angel had kidnapped someone and broken all his limbs. Even further, there was a corpse hanging from her wardrobe, and she smiled the entire time, like… she hadn’t done any wrong at all!

It was just like the way Jin Biaohu described her – a psycho! These kinds of acts were only things that a psycho would do. 

“Release him…” Lan Yiyang’s gaze sharpened slowly. “Release him or else I’ll call the police!” 

He couldn’t let her kill someone so simply. How could her hands be stained by blood? 

“Release him?” Mu Rulan tilted her head a little like she was thinking through a difficult puzzle. “Yiyang wants me to release him? Hmm. That’s going to be difficult after all. I’ve been waiting eagerly to make my human puppet today for a long time ya.”

“Shut up! Don’t say these kinds of things!” Lan Yiyang breathed heavily. 

“Yiyang, you’re going against me for the sake of this guy?” A hint of sadness flashed through her expression. “I’ll be very sad if you do, Yiyang.”

“This is all your fault!” Tears could be seen in his eyes, which were becoming bloodshot. “Do you think I want to do this? But look at yourself right now. How can you kill someone? That’s against the law and you’re going to become a murderer! Do you want to rot in jail? I’m trying to help you!”

“Are you sure you would be helping me? Yiyang, do you know that if this man survives this ordeal in my house, what he’ll do to me? He’s going to report to the police and throw me into the mental hospital.

“He might even act like Aunt Li Yan, bribing the people in the hospital to have fellow mentally ill patients rape me, force me to get pregnant, then force me to abort it. And who knows in the end if he’ll turn me into a puppet doll?” Mu Rulan asked. 

She smiled as she saw the ugly expression on Lan Yiyang’s face. “Do you want to see this happen?”

“Mmmm..!” Jin Biaohu struggled to let out a whimper as he glared widely at Lan Yiyang to express his sincerity. He definitely wouldn’t do what Mu Rulan had said just now. He had a worse method in mind!

“…I’ll protect you!” Lan Yiyang said, gazing becoming firm as he gazed at Jin Biaohu. 

He definitely wouldn’t allow Mu Rulan to kill someone. And for what she had said… there must be another way to solve it that didn’t involve the death of another person. 

Mu Rulan smiled deeply. “Yiyang, how are you going to protect me?”

That instant, Lan Yiyang’s expression froze. That was right. What could he do? After all, he had nothing, nothing…

“Do you want to leave? Or do you want to stand there and observe my human puppet art?” Mu Rulan picked up a nail and hammer. 

“Must… you do this?” 

Her natural response came without even a lift of her head: “Look inside the wardrobe. Killing someone is something I’ve done quite a lot already. I can’t return anymore, ya. Yiyang, it’s either that you call the police or act like you have seen nothing. Hurry and return home.”

Lan Yiyang was very agitated, his mind completely blank. He was so angry at her natural attitude that he shouted loudly, “I will call the police. I’m going to call the police before you make such a huge mistake!”

After he finished shouting, Lan Yiyang turned to go downstairs. He rushed out of the house and the phone nearly broke from his tight grip around it. 

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“What a kind person, ya,” chuckled Mu Rulan softly before hammering a nail into his hand before Jin Biaohu could even process why Lan Yiyang had walked away from such a situation. 

Sweat poured down his face as his eyes widened comically, a strangled whimper of pain making its way out of his mouth. 

“You want to leave?” Mu Rulan put down the hammer and pulled softly at the thread connected to the nail in his hand. 

After confirming the connection was firm, she smiled in satisfaction. “That makes me so sad. I’ve already put so much effort into you. Can’t you see my hard work? What do you have such a scary face on for? I will be gentle ya, compared to you guys who just kidnap some kids and toy with them mercilessly, don’t you think I’m much better? That’s thanks to how kind I am ya.”


Lan Yiyang walked out of the house with large steps. Something broke in him and he threw his phone angrily onto the ground. 

“Shit!” He shouted in anger then crouched on the ground, both hands in his hair. 

Damn it… Damn it! There was no way for him to do anything at all!

He couldn’t call the police. Then what could he do?

On one hand he didn’t’ want to see Mu Rulan stain her hands with blood, but on the other he was powerless in this situation. 

What to do… Translated by The Novelst

What to do?

Lan Yiyang fisted his hair tightly before a thought flashed through his mind, hope beginning to light up his eyes.

That was right. He was too worked up just now and had ignored a few things. How could Mu Rulan be a psycho who killed someone without even blinking? If that was the case, why would she let him go so easily after he had discovered her secrets? 

Wasn’t she afraid he would truly call the police? Wouldn’t she be scared and want to kill him off to prevent him from saying anything?

He got up and walked back to the house. 

Mu Rulan was preparing to wake Jin Biaohu up since he had passed out again. She paused as she noticed Lan Yiyang come back. 

She raised her brows a little and continued her work. “Why have you returned?”

Proofread by: Hannah


“Why?” Lan Yiyang’s chest heaved up and down.

“Hm?” Mu Rulan looked at him in confusion.

“Why must you kill them?” Lan Yiyang was eager to know the truth.

Once he had calmed down, he realized he had glossed over quite a few things. This girl’s kindness wasn’t fake and she could even sacrifice her life to save a strange child. If her kindness was fake, why would she let him leave so easily? 

There must be some kind of reason for her treating Jin Biaohu like this.

Mu Rulan paused for just a moment and smiled, seeming to find this interesting. “You know, you’re just trying to find excuses for a criminal ya, Yiyang.”

“Tell me,” Lan Yiyang said, looking at her seriously. His eyes betrayed the yearning he had for an answer, even if he was just trying to deceive himself. 

The smile on her face faded a little as she looked down to inject something into Jin Biaohu, a transparent liquid visible in the tube. 

Her soft voice sounded as though from far away. “The reason, huh… it was probably because they affected my good sleep, causing me to have nightmares.” Translated by The Novelst

Yep, that was the reason. It definitely wasn’t because she was too kind and trying to enforce justice on behalf of heaven ya. They had unlocked the psychopathy in her that had long been brewing. 

After the kidnapping, she heard the agonizing screams of those girls would echo in her dreams. Someone had stretched their hand out, begging for help, but all Mu Rulan could do was close her eyes and pretend not to hear. 

“Don’t be like this, tell me!” Lan Yiyang was unwilling to accept her odd reason. 

There had to be something else, anything that could help him accept the reason for her behavior. 

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Mu Rulan took out the needle and seeing Jin Biaohu begin to wake up, said, “If you need to hear a reason like executing the wishes of the heavens so there’s nothing wrong with me killing people… then fine, you better listen carefully. 

“This gentleman here, since he was fifteen, has caused the death of thirteen people. This includes the times he’s orchestrated car accidents to cover up their disappearances. Most of them were girls aged thirteen to sixteen. 

“Out of those thirteen, eight of them had their bodies destroyed. For five of them, he even went out and destroyed their families. So all in total the number of innocent people he’s caused to die come close to forty. The forces involved in helping him clean up his messes are the Jin Family and the underworld group that work with them: the Dark Dragon.

“I can’t get rid of the Dark Dragon and the Jin Family so I could only look for the culprit himself to torture and vent my anger. So is this reason enough for you?”

Lan Yiyang looked at Jin Biaohu in disbelief, nodding blankly. His gaze turned complicated as he turned back to Mu Rulan. “Why is it that so many people died and yet this person wasn’t arrested and was left to roam free?”

“This kind of thing, you haven’t understood yet?” Mu Rulan looked at him with a sidelong glance before continuing her work. 

“If you’re satisfied with this explanation, can you leave and shut the door behind you? The things that you’ve seen today, just ignore it like you haven’t seen anything,” she said, shaking her head to big Lan Yiyang goodbye. 

“I’ll help you,” he said, unable to just leave. He was willing to lower himself to become her accomplice. 

“No can do ya. I don’t have any intention of involving an accomplice ya,” Mu Rulan said, rejecting his offer. 

There were some things that a person could do alone without any pressure, but if you added another person to the mix, it wouldn’t feel the same. Even the fun would greatly decrease. 

Mu Rulan was firm in her rejection, even if she was still smiling. Lan Yiyang walked out of the house in a daze. 

He walked on the road to exit the Qinghe village area. The sun shone brightly and yet he couldn’t feel any warmth at all. He stared at the blue sky, feeling that the world he had known had turned upside down in just two short hours. 

On Monday morning, Mu Rulan received Lan Yiyang’s school transfer request delivered to her desk by Chen Qing. By the time she received it, he had probably already boarded the plane and crossed the border to Australia, huh.

Mu Rulan looked at the application on her desk. After a while she smiled and signed the application with a flourish. Approved. 

At the same school, during the same semester, there were two transfer students who had handed over their school transfer requests at nearly the same time. One of them was forced to stay, while the other had left even before receiving a response. Yet he was still allowed to leave. 

After Zhou Yaya heard the news, she was immediately fired up. She didn’t bother with the general perception of her behavior and rushed immediately to the president’s office to confront Mu Rulan. 

Bang! The door swung shut violently behind her as Zhou Yaya glared down her nose at Mu Rulan, who was seated behind her desk. 

Mu Rulan smiled in welcome as though she had expected this. 

“Mu Rulan!” Zhou Yaya was enraged to see the smile on her face. 

“Good morning, Yaya Tongxue. It’s still class time now. Do you need something from me?” 

How Zhou Yaya longed to tear that face apart!

She stomped towards the desk and with an unrestrained icy glare, she said, “What are you trying to do? Are you taking revenge on me?!”

“Yaya Tongxue, do you know what you’re saying right now?”

“Stop that acting of yours! We all know what kind of person you are!” Zhou Yaya couldn’t hold back and shouted, sweeping everything on the desk to the ground. Translated by The Novelst

Her chest heaved up and down, but her face was still as cold as ice: “You want to take revenge on me, right? You want to force me to stay at Liu Silan so that your fans can attack me, huh? If I don’t attend school, are you still going to force me to come?”

Proofread by: Hannah


“Yaya Tongxue, can you please bring your manners with you when you leave the house?” Mu Rulan asked pleasantly, legs crossed as she leaned back against the chair back.

“You…!” Translated by The Novelst

“Also,” interrupted Mu Rulan, smiling, “If you think I want to take revenge, why would I do it so childishly?”

Zhou Yaya’s expression contorted. “What do you mean? What are you trying to do to me? You devil! Are you going to kill me too? Come on then, if you have the guts!”

Zhou Yaya was full of ridicule. She was betting that Mu Rulan wouldn’t dare do anything to her inside Liu Silan. 

Mu Rulan remained calm. “Why don’t I give you a gift before we continue this topic?”

Under Zhou Yaya’s suspicious gaze, Mu Rulan bent down a little to take something out of her drawer. She placed the thing on her desk, letting Zhou Yaya see what it was.

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It was a small pendant, ice-blue jade crystal clear, and on top of it were the flying wings of a crane, carved to be nearly lifelike. 

Zhou Yaya’s eyes widened in wonder and she grabbed the pendant, inspecting it closely. She could confirm within two seconds that this was the lost pendant she had come in that morning early to find, only to be assaulted in the bathroom. 

The pendant had been gifted to her by her grandmother while she was still at her hometown. She liked it very much and it was precious to her. She had thought she couldn’t find it ever again, but she didn’t imagine…

She raised her head with disbelief to look at the girl smiling across from her. Her eyes filled with resentment as she ground out, “It was you?!”

That time she was dragged into the toilet, it had nothing to do with Bai Suqing but rather was because of Mu Rulan?

Mu Rulan smiled deeply, looking gratified, “That’s right. It was me ya, but you should be grateful to me. If it wasn’t for me who helped you practice, how could you have remained in one piece while Qing Qing was scheming against you?”

“How can you be so shameless!” Zhou Yaya was ablaze with rage. She ran past the desk to teach Mu Rulan a lesson. She wanted to beat this b*tch to death!

Zhou Yaya had never imagined that the person behind the incident would be Mu Rulan. How dare she arrange the assault? And in the end, she had even appeared before her like a savior, to make her grateful to her? No matter what, she would kill her today!

“So scary, ya,” Mu Rulan said, standing up to dodge her and then pushing her away forcefully. 

Zhou Yyaa wasn’t able to touch Mu Rulan before being pushed to the ground. 

Mu Rulan blinked slowly and walked to the window to lean on the windowsill. She smiled and looked at the girl on the floor. “Are you alright? Must be painful.”

Zhou Yaya gritted her teeth in anger before she spotted a fruit knife in one of Mu Rulan’s open drawers. Without hesitation she grabbed the handle and smiled ferociously at Mu Rulan, speeding towards her. “I’m going to kill you!”

Mu Rulan didn’t move, seeming frightened. 

The door swung open suddenly and Shu Min entered with two documents in her arms. She saw the knife being shoved towards Mu Rulan and shouted, “President!”

Mu Rulan seemed to come to her senses at that screen, and finally reacted by diving out of the way. Zhou Yaya couldn’t stop the trajectory of her run and fell out of the window. “Ahhhh!”

A few students who were in their physical education class outside had watched the entire altercation from beginning to end. They saw Mu Rulan fall to the side, then Zhou Yaya flew out of the window, knife in hand. Panic swept through the students.

That was the fifth floor!

Shu Min’s face was pale as she rushed to Mu Rulan’s side and helped her up. The pair looked anxiously out the window, only to see Zhou Yaya laying on the ground, unconscious. 

A crowd of students and teachers swarmed her still figure to check on her. No one knew what was going on. 

Soon enough, an ambulance arrived to take her to the hospital. Following that, the topic of Zhou Yaya attempting to murder Mu Rulan, failing, then falling through the window spread through the school like wildfire. 


The central hospital.

Mu Rulan and Shu Min were outside the emergency room being questioned. A police officer was simply doing his routine questioning. 

Light footsteps sounded as Hua Fang and Zhou Sulun ran into the area, their faces anxious. 

Hua Fang looked at the lit-up sign in the emergency room, twisting her hands anxiously. Once she turned to see Mu Rulan, her face turned frosty and she averted her gaze without a word. 

Shu Min furrowed her brows when she saw Hua Fang’s reaction. Those kinds of mothers were usually the most bothersome ones, blindly spoiling the child without teaching manners. Once the child would make a mistake, they would clean up the mess without defining right and wrong. In the end when something went wrong with the child, they would rebuke the victim instead. 

After a while, the light went out on the operating sign. A doctor walked out of the room and Hua Fang moved anxiously up to ask, “Doctor, how is my daughter?”

The doctor answered, “The patient is partially paralyzed. In the future she may need to operate a wheelchair. Her throat was also injured in the fall because of the knife; it’s not too serious but she may experience some problems when speaking.”

At that instant, Hua Fang felt as though thunder had struck her in the brain. Her face went pale and she couldn’t get a hold of her bearings for quite a while. 

What? Paraplegic? She would have to live with a wheelchair? And could even face problems when speaking?! Why did it become like this?!

“She’s very lucky. If it wasn’t grass that she landed on, she might have experienced severe brain damage.” The doctor left once he was done explaining. Translated by The Novelst

Hua Fang couldn’t even hear what he was saying, only finding it extremely difficult to accept. 

Her precious daughter that she had protected so fiercely had to suffer so, even though she was only fifteen? Why? What had she done so wrong that she had to face such a heavy punishment?!

Proofread by: Hannah

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