Hearing Ke Wanqing’s words, the manager was no fool. He knew immediately what she had in mind. 

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“I don’t believe I have an obligation to report to you, Madam Mu. Please.” The manager ordered her to leave. 

“Hmph. You better not regret being so rude to me today!” Ke Wanqing was so mad that her chest nearly burst. How did Mu Rulan discipline her underlings?! Geez. Translated by The Novelst

The manager revealed a hint of disdain and ignored Ke Wanqing. Why would he want to argue with a mad dog? 

Ke Wanqing paled with anger and spat a few venomous words before leaving the office. 

As she passed the room where Mu Rulan and the others were, she coincidentally bumped into Lu Zimeng, who was just leaving. He was in a hurry to go to the bathroom so he apologized lightly and ran away. Ke Wanqing was already in a bad mood and was so furious that she scolded, “Did you leave your eyes at home?!” 

He was in such a rush that he’d already disappeared from sight. Ke Wanqing breathed heavily and turned to leave, but spotted Mu Rulan and Mo Qianren inside the room before the door shut completely. 

She saw her daughter talking happily to Mo Qianren. 

“Lan Lan!” Ke Wanqing pushed the door open, her face dark with anger. 

Startled by the sudden roar, the two looked to the entrance. 

“Mother?” When Mu Rulan saw Ke Wanqing, she spoke with surprise. “Why are you here?” Usually she would have lunch at the company. 

Ke Wanqing, thinking that Mu Rulan was asking such a question because she felt guilty for being caught on the scene like this, spoke even more aggressively. “I’m the one who should be questioning you. You should be at Liu Silan, not having lunch with a man at a restaurant!”

Mu Rulan shut her mouth immediately, looking shocked at the explosive Ke Wanqing. 

Seeing Mu Rulan sit there wordlessly, she glared angrily at Mo Qianren and grabbed her daughter’s hand. “Get up and follow me back home right now!”

“Mother, don’t be like this!” Mu Rulan furrowed her brows and tried to get her hand out of Ke Wanqing’s grasp. Her mother was holding her so hard that red marks were already forming. 

“What’s wrong with you? What are you planning to do, staying here and sharing this room with a man. Aren’t you afraid of what people will say when the news spreads? Have you no shame?!”

It’s just a meal in a restaurant. There were many people who shared a room with a man or a woman, why was it so nasty in Ke Wanqing’s mouth?

“When you have no shame, no matter how noble you try to act, no one will give you face,” a cold voice interrupted. Before Ke Wanqing could react, Mu Rulan had already been pulled away. 

Mo Qianren lowered his head to check the marks on Mu Rulan, completely ignoring her mother’s existence. 

“I told you before there are consequences for living together with crows,” Mo Qianren said lightly. He took a bottle of white wine to pour some on a tissue to help Mu Rulan disinfect her wound. Ke Wanqing had nail polish on her fingers. So dirty. 

“I have the ability to protect myself,” Mu Rulan said, allowing him to treat her wound. 

“Is that so?” Mo Qianren looked at her. 

She smiled angelically in response. “Of course.”

Ke Wanqing was nearly driven insane, looking at the two off in their own little world. Before this man appeared, Mu Rulan had always been very obedient. After he had come around Mu Rulan had begun to disobey! 

She stepped forward again to grab Mu Rulan’s other hand to drag her back to her side. She stood in front of Mo Qianren angrily. “Don’t you have any shame?! Who do you think you are, laying your hands on my daughter? You have no money or power, you’re nothing but the illegitimate child of a teacher. Who gave you the guts to approach my daughter!

“I’m telling you not to even dream about it! In this life, Lan Lan will continue staying by my side or marry into the Huo Family! You better get lost!”

Mo Qianren narrowed his eyes. Translated by The Novelst

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Her soul had already been corrupted by interest in power. 

“Mother!” Mu Rulan said stormily. Ke Wanqing was too rude, had she forgotten her manners at home?

“Shut your mouth! We’re going home. I see you’re getting naughtier by the day. You’re grounded. You can’t go out until the exams come around, only then will I let you out of the house!” Ke Wanqing scolded angrily. 

She felt it was more secure to keep Mu Rulan locked in the house. At least then she could monitor her at all times without worry about her running off with some wild man!

Once Lu Zimeng came back to hear Mu Rulan being scolded, he was unhappy. How could she say such a thing? Did their Mo Qianren look like someone who would abduct a girl? She wanted to lock her daughter in, oh wow. This woman must have gone crazy!

“Hey, hey, Madam Mu!” Lu Zimeng walked in front of Mo Qianren to placate her. “Madam Mu, please don’t be so angry. They aren’t in this room alone, I was also here eating with them. I just went to buy some drinks just now…”

“You better shut up! Who are you? What gives you the right to talk?!” Ke Wanqing was like a crazy dog, biting anyone in sight. 

Lu Zimeng was shocked and he couldn’t help but think inside: Gosh! This damn old woman was being too unreasonable!

“Madam Mu, I see you’re in a bad mood. Are you venting it on us?” Lu Zimeng stared at her frostily. “If I hadn’t come to speak for them, people not in the know might think Mu Rulan and Mo Qianren did something unsightly to make you so angry.

“Just now I passed by the manager’s room. I heard you’re requesting money from the manager. It looks like you were unable to steal the shop from your daughter so you’re venting it on her instead? You’re such a great mother, Madam Mu. Your daughter shouldn’t be called ‘Mu’ but rather ‘Qian’, right?”
TL note: Qian means money in chinese.

Proofread by: Hannah


“You…!” Ke Wanqing didn’t expect Lu Zimeng to have overheard. She was so embarrassed she stopped speaking. 

Mu Zhenyang was preparing to enjoy a feast at Loulan Court, but overheard the argument while passing by. Seeing this scene, he walked into the room to ridicule, “Hmph! You’re a nuisance as always, I see.”

Ke Wanqing never expected this heartless man to appear before her again, especially using this kind of tone with her. “Mu Zhenyang! How dare you still appear before me?”

“Father,” Mu Rulan called softly.  Translated by The Novelst

“Why wouldn’t I dare appear before you? Who do you think you are? I thought you were a little snobbish before, but you’re much worse now! You want to steal from your own daughter, who knows if you’re willing to sell her for your interests!”

“Shut your mouth! What nonsense are you saying!” Ke Wanqing flew into a rage. Humiliated, she started whacking and kicking Mu Zhenyang as he fought back. 

Damn it, I’ll kill this b*tch!

Punching, kicking, tearing at hair and scratching faces, it was pure chaos. Slapping and scolding could be heard. 

The two people who had been madly in love before had turned into enemies. 

Lu Zimeng stared disbelievingly at the two fighting. Never in all his years on this earth had he seen a couple that fought like this. Especially since they were from the upper class. This had to be an enormous joke! 

Mo Qianren looked at the two fighting without care for their image, and coldly turned his head to watch Mu Rulan instead. 

Seeing the ponytail he’d tied for her resting smoothly on her neck, he couldn’t help but stretch his hand out and twirl it with his fingers until it slid beautifully from his hand, then he did it again. It was as if he was a child who had found something interesting to play with, repeating his actions over and over again.

Should he comfort Mu Rulan? What a joke, he knew what psychos were. 

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A psycho didn’t have emotions nor did they have feelings. Even if they had feelings, it would be for egocentric purposes. So why would Mu Rulan feel sad about watching her parents fight one another? 

Mu Rulan was off in her own world before she felt that cold hand at the nape of her neck, playing with her hair so childishly.  

Mu Rulan raised her head to look at the man beside her, but he looked impassive as usual. It was hard to reconcile that face with the hair-playing going on behind her head. 

Mo Qianren noticed her gaze and only then realized what he was doing. He froze and slowly returned his hand to his pocket, turning his gaze away innocently. 

Lu Zimeng had already noticed the romantic bubbles popping up between the two of them, so he reacted quickly and went to close the room door. What would her parents do if they saw their daughter was busy on a date while they were fighting?

The ponytail rested quietly on Mu Rulan’s neck once more. She blinked at him, “Qianren, are you not going to take responsibility after touching my hair?”

A dim light flickered in his eyes and he swallowed. “How do you want me to take responsibility?”

Mu Rulan smiled. “Give me your corpse after you die.”

“…In your dreams.” Mo Qianren was a little ruffled. 

Mu Rulan blinked, “Are you angry?”

He looked expressionlessly forward, but his entire pose gave off the feeling of: “I’m angry, so hurry and come coax me.”

She rolled her eyes and grabbed a pinch of her hair to sweep it over his arm. “I’ll let you play with my hair, don’t be angry.”

Mo Qianren remained wordless. Just then she had been thinking of his corpse and not caring about his life at all, and the next minute she wanted to use her hair to coax him? How cheap, hmph. 

Mu Rulan saw him ignore her, so she drew closer and tugged on his sleeve. “Qianren?”


There she went again! Using that kind of soft and gentle voice to call his name sweetly, transmitting deep into his heart and making it skip a beat. 

She was the only person he had met in his twenty-five years of life to make him parry blows without being able to hit back. And it was the kind of person he was interested in researching, to boot. 

He suddenly thought of the words Mu Rulan had said to him once. Hunters might fall in love ith their prey, and a clever person might fall victim to their own cleverness. He had followed his hunch and come all the way from America to lay eyes on Mu Rulan. In the end, he had put himself into this situation. How silly of him. 

“Qianren?” She tugged his sleeve again, head tilting up towards him. 

With such a height difference, they looked adorable standing next to each other. 

In the end, he couldn’t hold back and lowered his head to look at her. Inside his eyes was a hint of helplessness. 

He smoothed her hair. “How much longer are you planning to watch them fight?”

“You’re not angry anymore?” Her lips curved into a slight smile. 

“I’m not angry.”

“Which means you’re sulking.”

“…” He didn’t want to answer her. 

On the other side, Lu Zimeng was scared of watching the two fight non-stop. He slid over to Mu Rulan and Mo Qianren. “Hey, if this goes on they’ll definitely beat each other to death!”

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Mu Rulan smiled as she watched them fight. She took the white wine on the table and walked towards the pair. She poured the wine on them, and as their wounds were touched by the cold liquid, they immediately stopped to cover their faces, screaming in pain. 

“Ouch! It hurts!” Translated by The Novelst


The two were finally separated. Mu Rulan put down the wine glass and ignored them to say to Mo Qianren, “Teacher Mo, we should return for class ya.”

Mo Qianren didn’t even glance at Ke Wanqing or Mu Zhenyang before following Mu Rulan out of the room.

Lu Zimeng was speechless, following quickly behind the pair and asking, “Hey, you’re just going to leave like this?”

“If not, what else is there to do?” was Mo Qianren’s light response. 

“Huh? Uhh…”


Proofread by: Hannah


It was silent and empty inside the massive home.

Lan Binglin stood on the red carpet, scanning the empty surroundings until he laid his eyes on the tall, majestic seat.

“How is it? Do you like my palace?” A sweet, pleasant voice came from the spiral staircase.

“Tch, it’s too luxurious,” Lan Binglin said, looking at the flowers in the vase. Even those were high-grade flowers imported from abroad, truly too much of a splurge.

“Don’t use such senseless words to describe my palace,” the voice drew nearer until a person came from behind the pillar of the staircase.

Lan Binglin stared at the person and smirked. “Who would have thought that Duan Yao of Class F in Liu Silan High would be the young master behind that organization. And you even asked to cooperate with me, what news! Aren’t you worried that your goddess Mu Rulan will be sad when she hears of this?”

“I didn’t skip class just to hear you talk nonsense.”

“Of course, neither did I,” Lan Binglin said, tossing over a stack of documents. Duan Yao reached out to catch it gently.

“Initially I wanted to speak with Lan Yiyang, but it’s too bad that he’s not around anymore,” Duan Yao said, crossing his legs to flip through the document on his lap. “Speaking of which, why did he suddenly go abroad?”

“Tch, I don’t know about that,” he frowned. Hearing this brought up again, it riled him back up all over again. That jerk Lan Yiyang had run home, packed his things, and booked a plane ticket and left.

“Not bad,” Duan Yao said, reading through the document with a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

“Of course,” Lan Binglin had a confident smile on his face. “The net has been laid. All that’s left to wait is for the prey.”

“Before all that, put a little extra bait out to bring them in faster. I’m starting to get excited,” Duan Yao said, rubbing the ring on his index finger with his thumb. Translated by The Novelst

Lan Binglin stared at Duan Yao. The young man who had always been so confident of himself felt a slight sense of danger. Was it a mistake to choose to cooperate with this person? Working with such a ruthless guy, he wondered if one day he might wake up to those claws pointed silently at him? Thinking of that, he felt a chill run down his back.


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Qinghe Villa.

Policemen were combing through the houses nearby, warrants in hand, searching villas one by one.

Mo Qianren had expressed his lack of interest in this case, but the search request had still gone through. Several units were dispatched to comb through each inch of the villa area.

It was another mysterious murder case with no clues nor evidence. The only clue they had was the manufacturer of this thread, but no matter how they questioned him, the manufacturer also had no clue. The police were entirely helpless and changed their focus to the villa area instead.

“Raelly, Mo Qianren is too much. He helped the Americans solve so many cases, but plays dumb once returning to the country?” A young police officer complained unhappily beside the captain, still angry about Mo Qianren’s refusal to help.

“Tch. Mind your own business and stop speaking nonsense,” the captain said, glaring.

Of course he was also dissatisfied, but what could they do? Even the higher-ups couldn’t do anything about it. He was a special existence, unbound by restrictions. His employers were the Americans, not China. How could they force Mo Qianren to help?

“I’m just telling the truth,” the young man grunted back.

With the search warrant, everything was progressing smoothly. They searched through the houses quickly, and soon enough they were about to arrive at the grey villa.

“This building kind of has an eerie vibe. Maybe we can find a clue,” muttered the young policeman.

Uncle Bao rushed over, stopping the policemen from searching the house. “Wait, wait just a second. The owner isn’t home, you guys can’t enter.” Even with a search warrant, it wasn’t good to barge into someone’s home when they were away.

“What’s the owner’s name?” The captain asked.

“Mu Rulan,” responded someone else.

“This is Mu Rulan’s house?” A few people were shocked as they gave the building another glance. It didn’t fit her image at all!

“The previous homeowner was her grandmother.”

“Since it’s her house, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

“So we’re not going to search?” Translated by The Novelst

“Of course we’re going to search. Let’s head in.”

The heavy gate creaked open easily because they had a key. A damp smell lingered in the air. The police officers entered the house, surprised to find that it was pretty clean despite the exterior.

“Some of you go check the second floor.” Following the captain’s orders, a few officers branched off to the second floor.

At that very moment, inside a room located at the end of the hallway on the second floor, Jin Biaohu was lying on an operating table, four limbs threaded and nailed, his figure having slimmed down considerably. A needle had been inserted into his throat, connected to the liquid hanging from a rack beside him. His mouth was taped tightly shut. All he could do was stare at the ceiling, eyes filled with despair.

Mu Rulan was the devil. She must be a devil! She was no angel, having tortured him to this state, and yet still keeping him alive to breathe his very last breath! How he wished that Mu Rulan would simply finish him off. Living with this torture was too much.

He didn’t know if his eyes were working or not, darkness having swallowed his surroundings. The only thing left for him was that dreaded despair.

Suddenly he heard footsteps and voices from the first floor. He blinked, astounded, as though he was trying to prove to himself that it wasn’t a dream. As the sounds drew nearer, he could near several people coming up the stairs, voices speaking to each other. They seemed to be searching… Could it be that… it was the police? Police?!

Jin Biaohu tried to look in the direction of the door, eagerly trying to call for help. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t, as he hadn’t eaten for days. The sound of his futile pants in the air were like feathers in the wind. He didn’t manage to attract anyone’s attention.

It was alright. There were only a few rooms on the second floor. They would be able to find this room at any moment, and he would definitely be saved!

Proofread by: Hannah

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