Yun Weixue had witnessed that the real Tian Ying was dead, and only she and mysterious Bei Nanyi knew the truth.

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"He must be Bei Nanyi! But why does he disguise himself as Tian Ying to stay with Murong Fengjian?” An idea just came into Yun Weixue’s mind, but she remained cool to avoid Murong Fengjian discovering something different.


Only his people knew the order to eliminate Yun family. Murong Fengjian realized that this girl had learned a lot of things as he heard Yun Weixue’s words, but he laughed even louder.


"What else do you know?"


"I know you are also Yin Yang constitution, teacher."


This sentence made Murong Fengjian’s heart jump. He pondered over for a while and asked with a cautious look, "Who told you? So you also know the secret about Yin Yang constitution, don’t you?”


"Really, it’s true!" A hurt expression showed on her face, and she cried, "I was skeptical about it, but now your words confirmed my suspicions. I always respect you, but you just want to take my blood to promote your cultivation base!"


"Of course, I taught you kung fu for a purpose. Otherwise, even though you have a gift, I still won’t take you as my student, and you should have been sent to be the concubine of the crown prince." As things stood, Murong Fengjian had a showdown.


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With trembling fingers, the girl uttered, "For the last time, let my family go, unscratched, or I’m going to kill myself before you."


"Are you threatening me?" Murong Fengjian glared at her.


His killing intent surged up and swirled around his head like smoke, making Yun Weixue quiver with fear.


Yun Weixue tried to dispel the fear and replaced it with tenacity.


All of a sudden, Murong Fengjian held his killing intent, and smirked, "You promise me one thing, and I’ll release them immediately."




"You should know about the gain and lose. I’ll set them free as long as you reach the highest level of the Sky Spirit Realm in three years, and then let me take your blood to obtain a greater cultivation."


Before arriving here, Yun Weixue had guessed Murong Fengjian's request. He had deliberately planned to teach her cultivation methods with so much energy, so he wouldn’t waste the opportunity to advance his cultivation.

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"Deal!" Yun Weixue took a deep breath, "But you have to let them go right away." She had already made her mind before she got here.


"Come on, go to the inspection house and release twelve people of Yun family. Then send them out of the city safely."


"Yes, my lord!" Someone responded immediately.


Xiao Naihe mused: She hasn’t taken in the Washing Marrow Pellet and three incantations that I gave her yet, but she came to save people. What was on earth her plan?



As Tian Xingxi came out of Hall of Mental Cultivation, several guards hastened to follow him.


"Don’t stay with me. I got some stuff to do."


"But Your Highness, there are some..."

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"No more nonsense, or you’re gonna die!"


The guards turned pale and stopped talking. Tian Xuexi grunted and left alone.


He walked to the outside of a black building and there stood a tablet on which the character "Prisoner" was inscribed.


"It’s His Highness."


"Why did His Highness come to this prison?"


The prison was located amid several outer halls. Tian Xuexi had come here before, and he was familiar with its structure, so he walked into in directly. When he saw two jailers were ready to greet him, he laughed, "I have an oral instruction from my father to interrogate the three foreign envoys. Just lead the way, and no talk."


"Yes, Your Highness!" Although two jailers were very curious about why the emperor sent the crown prince to this gloomy place, they knew that they shouldn’t inquiry about what they were not supposed to know.


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Tian Xuezhi felt a bit of a misfit the gruesome atmosphere in the prison as he came in it.


The six foreign envoys were imprisoned in the innermost cell and were heavily guarded due to their guilty of attempted assassination.


"Your Highness, here we are!" A jailer stepped back respectfully.


Tian Xuexi's cast his eyes on the six men who were talking and laughing with him an hour ago, but were taken captive now.


"You’re dismissed."Tian Xuexi said to the jailer.


"Your Highness, they’re important criminals. We..." The jailer hesitated.


"The prison is heavily guarded and there are many hidden weapons and formations, if they escape, that shows you guys are incompetent. I’m afraid you can’t bear the crime of dereliction of duty."


"Of course, Your Highness." The jailer gesticulated several guards to leave. They knew that as the student of the national master, Tian Xuexi had a high cultivation base, and even the General didn’t dare to offend him.


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