Everyone was so astonished by the false the emperor that they ignored what happened in the hall before.

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Gong Liang finally knew why he had an intense foreboding feeling before.


Returning to normal, he looked at the corpse of Tian Juechen and asked, "Where is Murong national master?"


Feng Qianlong was slightly startled and then looked to Qiner. When he came here, Si Wenhan and Murong Fengjian were fighting fiercely. As Si Wenhan's daughter, Qin’er must know what happened after he left.


"He’s dead, and so is my father. Don’t look at me. This false emperor has some connections to Murong Fengjian." said Qin’er. She knew what Feng Qianlong wanted to ask at the sight of his eyes.

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"Dead?" Shock gripped Feng Qianlong. Both Si Wenhan and Murong Fengjian possessed brilliant kung fu. Did they perish together?


"What?" Gong Liang suddenly pointed at Qin’er and uttered, "This young lady is right. This false emperor really has connection to Murong Fengjian. General Feng, take a closer look at this person. His face seems familiar, do you agree?"


Feng Qianlong walked over and squatted to check the corpse. For a moment, he frowned and was astounded, "He…he seems the envoy of Xunxi world who offered immortal pellets tributes to our kingdom ten years ago."


"The envoy of Xunxi world? General Feng, how do you mean?" asked a prince.

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"The fourth prince, you don't know. Ten years ago, because of the physical reasons, the last emperor cannot break through the bottleneck of martial arts and was stuck in the Sky Spirit Realm. In order to break the deadlock, he sent the former national master Si Wenhan to look for rare medicinal herbs around the Wanqing small world. Later, an overseas envoy came to offer immortal pellets tributes. But somehow he didn’t show up the next day, and finally was found by Si Wenhan's disciple, Maurong Fengjian! "


"Could it be..." Feng Qianlong lowered his head to meditate and then slowly said, "The former emperor and Si Wenhan were overthrown by Murong Fengjian and the second prince, and after the last crown prince died, the second prince would ascend to the throne. I guess the second prince must have been killed by this foreign envoy and Murong Fengjian."


Now, Feng Qianlong and Gong Liang already divined the truth.


In a few moments, Gong Liang darted his eyes around all the people in the hall, including the twelve princes, and said,  "All that happened today, no one is allowed to spread it out, or there will be a chaos. I will announce the death of the emperor after the new emperor is in position. Guards, stop those concubines who run out of the hall in case they leak this information. "


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"Yes, sir!"


He made a prompt decision to stabilize the situation.


If there news were spread out, aristocratic families would be locked in a tangled fight, and the Kingdom of Dubhe would fall into chaos, and other kingdoms would invade it.


"In particular, we must elect a new emperor before the six foreign envoys return to their kingdoms. Otherwise, our kingdom is done for." Gong Liang was as cunning as a fox, and he had been dealing with many kingdoms and the state affairs since he was young, thus he knew what needed to be done right now.


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The six foreign envoys were innocent of the crime because the rebellion rose by the crown prince and the attempted assassination were plotted by the emperor. If those foreign envoys tried to kill the real emperor, Gong Liang had every reason to arrest them, but this emperor was the real one.


Now the emperor and the crown prince died. All the rest of princes had their own axes to grind and each of them had the chance to become the new emperor.


They exchanged meaningful glances, and no one knew what they were thinking.


"Now that we figured it out, knowing this is a misunderstanding, and it's a domestic affair of your kingdom. It’s not appropriate for us to stay here any longer." Tan Xinglong suddenly laughed.


Gong Liang looked at Feng Qianlong with a complicated look, and then he uttered with an official smile on his face, "Since it is a misunderstanding, I’d like to invite the six of you to take a rest at the Guest House."

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