Reincarnation of the Heaven Chapter 2

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Having cultivated into the deeper stage, Xiao Naihe already felt a trace of spiritual power in his body and couldn't help but smile faintly. As for the discussion outside, he didn't care.


At this time, Xiao Naihe inferred that the place closing him should be a coffin.


The Yun family thought Xiao Naihe was dead, but they didn't expect that he was possessed by the celestial demon and came to life again. If he rushed to act, he would scare the two maids outside. Then the situation would be even more troublesome.


Upon thinking about how to go out of this coffin, he suddenly heard someone shouting, "Here comes the son of Ye Family, Ye Jinyan, to condole!", Which was followed by hurried footsteps. Xiao Naihe listened carefully and found that a lot of people entered this hall.


At present, Xiao Naihe has cultivated spiritual power. Although he didn't have any cultivation base at all before, Celestial Demon's Bible was a peerless martial arts manual which made Xiao Naihe reach the middle-stage of yellow spirit boundary in Houtian spirit boundary in a short time.


With sensitive hearing, Xiao Naihe could easily distinguish the number of people coming.


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There were seven people!


The butler, Hong Renyi, stood in front of Xiao Naihe's coffin, and looked at Ye Jinyan with a calm face, saying, "Childe Ye is so kind. I believe that if our sir knows in the nether world, he would be pleased!"


Looking sad, Ye Jinyan sighed gently and burned three incenses, "Childe Xiao and I were acquainted with each other. When Xiao Family existed, he and I were sons of five big families. Now Xiao Family has declined, I'm sorry for him. Getting married into Yun Family is a good thing. But I never expect him..."


"What can't you think of? My sister is so kind to let this man join my family, but he is so bold to harass Miss Hao. If I were there at that time, even if he was not dead, I would also kill him!"


Yun Yonghuai could be said to be Xiao Naihe's brother-in-law. But he didn't like Xiao Naihe at all. He even looked down upon his brother-in-law from the bottom of his heart.


"This is also human nature. Despite in the Yicui Garden, Miss Hao is the first talented woman in the capital, and she is just an entertainer but doesn't offer sexual services. But Brother Xiao is really over-eager. Even if he really finds it difficult to purge the fire in his heart, he can't be rude to Miss Hao. "


Hearing this, several people present casted a disdainful look at Xiao Naihe's coffin.

Xiao Naihe, lying in the coffin, just laughed away. Today he was no longer as he had been, but how come he didn't know the meaning of Ye Jinyan's words.

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In the memory of Xiao Naihe, Ye Jinyan was the person who framed him up. Now Ye Jinyan gave him sugar after a slap, pretending to be a good man.

Regardless of whether Ye Jinyan had wronged him, now Xiao Naihe, who had changed his soul, was enjoying Ye Jinyan's performance with interest.


"Nevertheless, Brother Xiao was a member of the five big families. Although Xiao Family has declined, its original patriarch was the person who gained instructions of the messenger of Rosy Clouds Mountain, and gained the Immortal Bamboo Jade Card."


Immortal Bamboo Jade Card?


Yun Yonghuai looked blank, and he had never heard of it. But Xiao Naihe, lying in the coffin, slightly moved his face.


He remembered that twenty years ago when the messenger went down the hill to explore the world talents, he sent the Immortal Bamboo jade card to the patriarch of Xiao Family, Xiao Zhongheng.


Despite of the small Wan Qing World was a tiny part of the whole big world, the sect of Rosy Clouds Mountain served as the holy place of martial arts in small Wan Qing World.


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Martial artists in Dubhe country mainly focused on Houtian spiritual boundary, while the Xiantian fairyland was one-in-hundreds of millions, and the Rosy Clouds Mountain gathered not only many warriors of Houtian spiritual boundary, but also a great number of immortal experts who were above the Dubhe country.


At the beginning, the messenger of Rosy Clouds Mountain valued the bloodline of five big families. He thought that the five family members would inherit the talents of their fathers, and gave five jade cards to the five families respectively. They were asked to participate in the test meeting of Rosy Clouds Mountain with the jade card after 20 years so as to compete to be the core disciple.


Rosy Clouds Mountain enjoyed a high status, and its requirements for receiving the apprentice were harsh. Everyone in the five big families was eager to enter it.


"It seems that Ye Jinyan desires the jade card on me." Xiao Naihe sneered. Although Xiao Family had declined, Xiao Naihe indeed inherited the Immortal Bamboo jade Card from Xiao Zhongheng. Presumably Ye family should also have a jade card, and they would not miss the second title.


The former Xiao Naihe was not stupid. He knew that this piece of jade card was precious and he hid it in a secret place. Otherwise the people in Yun Family had already obtained it.


Ye Jinyan observed the looks of several people in the field and sighed, "This jade card is very precious. If buried with Brother Xiao, it must be wasteful!"


Hong Renyi nodded and threw a glance at Ye Jinyan, saying "The Mistress also told me this matter. Xiao Naihe is a member of Yun Family, so the jade card can be regarded as a belonging of Yun Family, and we can't waste it! Come on, open the coffin!"

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Seeing manservants hurriedly opening the coffin, Ye Jinyan showed a bit of resentment on his face, and he fixed his eyes on the coffin. He must find a way to get that jade card!


It was a pity that the jade card had not been on Xiao Naihe.




Those manservants breathed a sigh of relief and finally flipped the lid. The crowd were about to see where the jade card was, but they saw Xiao Naihe blinking at them with smile.


Despite Yun Yonghuai was a martial artist, seeing a person who was supposed to die suddenly winking at him made he feel that his blood frozen, and a chill rose from his back.


Hong Renyi and Ye Jinyan both changed the color of their face and took two steps backward.


Those two maids turned pale and shrieked, "The dead man rises!"

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