"The devil’s statue produces light. It is heartsease and free from demons. All demons are inner demons.”

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Xiao Naihe uttered imprecations under his breath and stretched out two fingers of one hand to point in the air. Then a golden light flowed from his two fingers into the gold foil. The room was filled with a golden sea.


A few seconds later, the golden sea gathered together and shrouded Xiao Naihe's body. There appeared a virtual image of a huge arm, like a demon which went through a sea of blood, engulfing the surrounding spiritual forces of the heaven and earth.




Xiao Naihe whispered. Then the virtual image of the huge arm vanished, and that gold foil returned to Xiao Naihe's storage bag.


At this time, there still remained a ghastly cold breath, as if a demon from hell padded the room.


Though Qin’er had seen the sea of blood and the mountains of cadavers, a magic image still appeared in her heart. She hurriedly operated her magic to quell her breath, so that she gradually returned to normal.


"What is that? It seems to be an arm. Why does it have such a cold pressure? Even my The Magic of the Celestial Devil nearly didn’t suppress it." The teeth of Qin'er were chattering. She touched her arms and felt goose pimples on the skin, looking poor.


Xiao Naihe said, "This gold foil is the arm of devil’s statue. Only a special magic can start it. If I can collect a complete virtual statue, it can transform into the god of war and kill gods and immortals."


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Qin’er could not help taking a breath. It could kill all the gods and immortals in the universe. Even the invincible would be defeated! Was it the legendary grade eight or nine divine thing?


Xiao Naihe looked clam, but he has been observing the expression of Qin’er. He felt relieved when he assured she didn’t try to snatch it. Xiao Naihe wasn’t prone to suspicion. Faced with such a divine treasure, even saints might have covetous thoughts, let alone Qin’er.


In fact, Qin’er also wanted to reclaim the gold foil, but judging from Xiao Naihe’s calm expression, he must have way to keep it. Besides, she didn’t know the way to start it, so it was useless to take it. She might as well give it to Xiao Naihe and did him a special favor.


"That virtual image of the arm at least has the power of the Xiantian fairyland. Couldn’t you kill Murong Fengjian with it?" The feeling from the devil’s statue seemed to crush her, and fear came over her.


Xiao Naihe sighed, "It takes great spiritual energy and divine spirit to start the devil’s statue. Now I can only hold out about a quarter. I must kill Murong Fengjian in a flash, unless I enter the peak of the heaven spirit boundary and open up thirty-six internal circulations, I will be able to last long.”


"But with this secret weapon, I only have fifty percent of odds-on to kill Murong Fengjian." said Xiao Naihe. Of course, it should be used only as a last resort.


This kind of divine thing was extremely valuable. He was still in the Houtian spirit boundary. Exposing his cards was just to reveal his weakness.


"Quite right too. If you can get the gold foil in Murong Fengjian’s first volume, what do you think your chances would be?"


"One hundred percent!" Xiao Naihe spoke with curt finality. No matter which part of the devil’s statue he collected, it would be easy for him to kill the immortals once he put them together.

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"When the association meeting starts tomorrow, Murong Fengjian will surely come out. I got news. He’s gonna do a secret plot at the association meeting. Let’s play it by ear tomorrow. He is bound to carry the cultivation methods with him. Whenever possible, we sneak up on him and grab the cultivation methods.”


Qin’er turned around. An ugly scar emerged on her face again. She pushed the door open and left.


A lot of things occurred today. The luckiest thing was that Xiao Naihe got the left arm of the devil’s statue. In his previous life, he had just obtained the torso. But after he fought in nine wars in the Nine Heavens, the torso disappeared, and he did not know where it was.


"The statue of the god of war was a devil cultivator. When he became a god, he challenged people everywhere and defeated countless masters from four realms of gods, devils, demons and mortals, resulting in incurring much hatred. An opponent was afraid of him and lurked for a long time. When he experienced the heavenly tribulation, his opponent gathered a dozen masters to raid him. Although he killed nearly half of his enemies, he eventually died and was made into a statue by a certain demonic devil, preserving his previous strength.


Xiao Naihe was lying on the bed and looked at the gold foil in the storage bag.


"But after that, other masters also knew the devil’s statue and scrambled for it which disintegrated in the end. I remember a celestial devil was shrewdly opportunistic. He snatched two arms-gold foils and was missing. If I guessed correctly, The Magic of the Celestial Devil is definitely written by him. Each volume has one gold foil. I didn't expect the celestial devil fell into this small world, and I got gold foils by chance!”


There were myriads of opportunities in the world. Xiao Naihe had met many chances in his past and present life. But the luckiest thing was that he could reincarnate.


"If I cultivate again, I must conduct both demonic cultivation and human cultivation, and acquire the most brilliant kung fu to defeat the strongest deity."


Xiao Naihe closed his eyes and reminded of the strongest deity. The resentment emerged in his heart.

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"My heart is peaceful. My heart is peaceful." Xiao Naihe hurriedly uttered a pithy formula to calm his mind.


As night wore on, a full moon hung in the sky.


Xiao Naihe shut his eyes to rest and waited for tomorrow's association meeting. He had a hunch, as Qin’er said, there would be a great event in the family association meeting.


After the association meeting, he would get rid of all karmas and obsessions, and nothing would hinder him to ascend to immortality in due course.


His heart was thumping. He felt a strange breath and got gooseflesh all over his body.


"Intangible killing intent."


The spiritual power of his gold core rippled, and his cloak billowed out. Like a roaring lion, he sprang out of bed.


He held out two hands to grasp in the air.


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Another man in the room was surprised. Xiao Naihe looked clam, but his movements were fierce, and his both hands flailed around wildly.


"I can’t believe your nerve. Intrude into my room at this particular moment?" The guards of the State Guest Palace kept a strict vigilance, so the person who could sneak into it must be a strong master.


A figure flew past and gave a little chuckle, “"Nai-he, when did you have such a cultivation base?"


Xiao Naihe was familiar with this voice. He stepped back and reminded of a person, “Xiao Chen?"


"Haha, you still remember your uncle! Now Xiao family only left you and me. Let's catch up on old times.”


"You asked for it. I’ll revenge for Xiao family". Xiao Naihe said in a firm tone of voice, "I must kill you!"


"You want to kill me? Although you have learned some kung fu, and have a presentable cultivation base, you are still too green. I ruined Xiao family and let you live. I can kill you when I want! So what can you do?? "


A black shadow appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

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