I Love You (4)

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At this time, Anna finally remembered her last moment of consciousness before comatose.

She saw Rothgarr kill the two priests who had been guarding her, and then came out from the priest he possessed, turned around and killed him, and then hugged her, after that, she had no memory at all.

When she woke up again, she had returned to the Demon Realm.

Anna put on her pants, washed her hands, and walked out of the bathroom slowly.

Rothgarr was leaning against the window, watching her.

He was there when she jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom.

“You possessed me?” Anna looked at him and asked. She didn’t suffer any trauma before she lost consciousness, she just seemed to be in a deep sleep. At that time, the church in Black Cloud City was impenetrable, and Rothgarr could not have just taken her away like that. After thinking about it, he could only possess her body. He killed the three priests in order not to leave any witnesses. WIthout anyone knowing that the demon had possessed her, it would be much easier for him to escape with her.

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Rothgarr didn’t hold back the truth: “Yes.”

Anna was silent for a long time before saying: “So you saw?”

Rothgarr walked towards Anna slowly, raised his eyebrows and said, “If you’re asking about you coming from another world, yes I did.”

The fact that she came from another world could be regarded as Anna’s biggest secret, but it didn’t matter if Rothgarr found out.

It’s not like he would call her a heretic and burn her to death on the stake.

So she didn’t even ask Rothgarr how much he’d seen. She just backed away from his hand when he raised it to touch her.

Undoubtedly, Rothgarr’s expression darkened immediately.

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Anna took a deep breath, looked at him and said, “Those three priests did nothing wrong at all.”

Rothgarr looked indifferent: “So what?”

Rothgarr’s reaction certainly didn’t surprise Anna at all. He had burned Bobby to death for her. Presumably, if it wasn’t because killing Parrish, Ulysses and others would cause trouble for him pursuing her at the time, he would have killed them all.

He was a demon. It was impossible for him to take human beings seriously. It was useless for her to tell him that innocent people should not be killed indiscriminately. In the end, she still had to bear the responsibility of those three lives.

Knowing that it was useless to tell Rothgarr how precious human life was, and that it was useless for her to talk too much at this point, she didn’t waste any more words.

Right now, she had more important things to do.

“You can’t just bring me back like this.” Anna looked directly at him and said, “That’s something I should do, I have to do it. My family and friends are all in the Human Realm. How can I stay here with peace of mind, uncaring of their life or death?”

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“Those people are not your family.” Rothgarr, who had seen Anna’s past memories, said grimly.

“They are.” Anna retorted. Although she hadn’t been with them for long, she felt their love for her. What’s more, since she occupied this body, she naturally had an obligation to the original body’s family. She couldn’t sit idly by regardless.

Rothgarr sneered: “Fine, they’re your family. Then am I nothing to you? You’re willing to die for them, but you don’t care about me. Who do you think I am?”

He grabbed Anna’s wrist, pulled her in front of him, and looked at her with blood-red eyes: “I don’t need to hide anything now. I shared my lifespan with you because I love you. Of course, you are so smart, how could you not understand? But Anna, just because I love you doesn’t mean I will tolerate you infinitely. I love you, and I want you to give me the same love.”

Anna knew very well how Rothgarr felt about her after he had signed a soul contract with her, but she felt guilty at the time and couldn’t respond to his feelings at all.

When she was still in the Human Realm, she wanted to do something for the Human Realm. She put off facing his and her feelings. All in all, she just wanted to wait until the Human Realm was saved.

But plans can never keep up with the changes. She was brought back to the Demon Realm by Rothgarr, and he would never let her get close to The Abyss or the demon eye again.

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And now, Rothgarr had her backed up in a corner, leaving no room for her.

Anna took a deep breath. She bit her lower lip; the slight tingling gave her courage.

Now that she could no longer escape or retreat, she could only face things head on.

“Yes, I knew from the moment you shared your lifespan with me.” Anna struggled slightly, and Rothgarr let go of her, knowing that she couldn’t go anywhere.

She looked at him and smiled: “You once told me that it is impossible for a demon to fall in love with a human being. In fact, I also think that a human being falling in love with a demon is simply asking for death. There are too many conflicts between us that are difficult to reconcile. The question of longevity, which you have resolved, now appears to be the most insignificant problem.”

Rothgarr wanted to refute Anna’s first words, but he held back. He wanted to hear what Anna thought.

Anna continued: “The bigger problem is that our morals are too different. I think life is precious, but you are a demon; you don’t feel guilty about killing people casually. As a human being, I have people I care about, responsibilities, but you want me to give up all that. Am I still me without those? Is it me, or just my body, that you want and love?”

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