The End of Main Story (3)

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Anna’s eyes that had just dried up instantly became watery.

Did Natalie make it into the modern world too? How wonderful….truly, how wonderful.

Anna wiped away the tears from her eyes, but they continued to flow out.

When she first traveled through time, she was really depressed.

She didn’t know why she traveled through time, and she didn’t know how to go back. Without a clue, she could only adapt herself to this era and live in this different world.

She successfully survived, and she was alive and well in this world. According to the standards of the modern world, she, who was now a three-star mage, could be regarded as a social elite.

But seeing such a scene today, the nostalgia in her heart sprung to life in an instant, almost drowning her.

After all, she couldn’t really integrate into this different world; she was homesick.

The image of Rothgarr suddenly flashed in her mind, and Anna’s sad mood was interrupted.

He must be pissed off by now that she had zapped him like that before coming into The Abyss.

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Anna looked at the scene in the clouds again. Her parents were on the left, and Natalie was on the right.

Was this just an illusion? Or the real deal?

She didn’t know.

She vaguely felt that the cloud-mirror seemed to be calling her, asking her to jump off the cliff. As long as she jumped off, she could return to her own world.

The word home was really full of temptation.

Anna’s hand supporting the edge of the cliff was trembling.

The fruit of The Abyss still had a red imprint on her palm, and there was no intention of it turning back into the real thing. According to the guidance of the illusion last time, she wanted to throw the fruit into The Abyss off the cliff.

Now, The Abyss tree fruit was in her body, which meant that she just had to throw herself in.

Was it that as long as she jumped down, not only could she satisfy The Abyss, but she could also return to her own world?

This possibility tempted Anna.

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She initially thought that after she returned to The Abyss, The Abyss fruit would materialize again, and she could simply throw the fruit off the cliff.

After really coming here, the fruit was still an imprint. She vaguely guessed that the worst scenario had come true; she had to sacrifice herself.

But now, she discovered that she could not only save the Demon Realm and the Human Realm, but even go home! How could she not be tempted?

As long as she jumped off, she could go back to modern times!

This voice became louder and louder in Anna’s mind, and she almost lost her balance several times and fell down.

She even felt that it didn’t matter if it was an illusion, at least she still had the good hope of returning to modern times before she died.

However, Anna remained stable, kneeling at the edge of the cliff, unable to make up her mind.

Rothgarr must hate her.

She chose to enter The Abyss, and chose to jump off. He would not forgive her.

It was just, she kept on saying “chose to,” but did she really have a choice?

Before she came in here, she was already mentally prepared to sacrifice herself, and now there was just a reward of getting to go home in addition to the option of dying.

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But because of this extra “reward”, she hesitated. If she died, it was over, but if she returned to her own world, she would always remember what she did to Rothgarr, and would always be in guilt and in pain from imagining his pain after losing her.


There seemed to be a voice calling her from far away, Anna turned her head suddenly, and saw Rothgarr’s red eyes glaring at her from beyond the blue sky.

She was startled.

“Anna! If you dare to jump, I won’t let you off!” Rothgarr shouted angrily at Anna, pounding against the “blue sky” that looked transparent but prevented him from coming any closer.

From this angle, he could also see the strange scenes in The Abyss in front of Anna. He had seen these images before, he recalled. That was where Anna came from!

“You can’t go!” he yelled viciously.

Seeing a crack in the “blue sky”, Anna knew that she had to make an immediate decision now.

When Rothgarr tore open the blue sky, he would take her away like last time, and never let her get near here again.

“Rothgarr, I love you!”

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Anna raised her voice and shouted to Rothgarr, and jumped down the cliff toward The Abyss.

No matter how guilty or painful, how could she choose? People had to be alive to feel these emotions. Even if she and Rothgarr would be in different time and space, as least they were alive.

Anna was getting closer and closer to the cloud mirror. In the cloud mirror, her parents and Natalie suddenly looked up and smiled, as if welcoming her.

Anna smiled too, falling down with her arms outstretched.

The sharp winds of The Abyss blew harshly, scattering her hair all over and inflicting wounds on her body. The mark on her palm was hot and swollen, and she slowly closed her eyes.

In the moment that Anna had closed her eyes, she felt a weight on her waist. She was hugged from behind, and her falling momentum suddenly stopped.

She turned her head suddenly and met Rothgarr’s hateful eyes. He didn’t say anything, but looked away, leading her to fly up.

Anna had fallen at least thirty meters from the cliff at this moment, and there was bottomless darkness below. There seemed to be a large hole there that began to suck everything into it.

Rothgarr flapped his wings violently, but could only go up slowly with difficulty, while the suction below was getting stronger and stronger.

“Let go of me, it’s targeting me!” Anna pushed hard against Rothgarr. She could feel that the tree fruit imprint on the palm was under the greatest suction, and even her whole body became a target. As long as Rothgarr let go of her, he could easily fly up.

“Shut up!” Rothgarr yelled angrily. “Don’t you think about running away!”

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