The End of Main Story (5)

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He was begging her not to leave him.

Anna looked down again, the image of the cloud mirror blurred from the tears in her eyes. Her parents and Natalie were still smiling at her.

That was an illusion, right?

She once thought that since she came here, the original body must have gone to her world. She also dreamed that Natalie became the female CEO with a bunch of boy toys… The images in the cloud mirror was exactly what she imagined.

How could there be such a coincidence, that everything she thought in her heart came true.

Anna raised the palm with the red mark again, the red mark was slightly raised, as if something was about to come out of it.

She looked up at Rothgarr, and said, “I…”

At this moment, a blade of wind whooshed up and struck Rothgarr’s arm. More blood gushed out, soaking their intertwined hands instantly. The tighter they grasped, the more slippery their hands became. Anna’s hand slipped from his palm out.

“Anna!” Rothgarr exclaimed, and was about to let go off the rock to chase after her, but green branches quickly emerged, tightly wrapping around his entire arm.

On the other side of the branch was Anna.

Anna hung herself on Rothgarr, looked down at the fruit in her palm slowly coming out. It finally became a solid fruit.

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It turned out that it had to be continuously sucked by the strong suction under the cliff to come out.

She threw the fruit down the cliff. In an instant, the suction force at the bottom of The Abyss disappeared, and no wind blades were thrown up.

And the images in the cloud mirror gradually became blurred.

The home she could never return to anymore.

Anna felt a force coming from the whip tree demon. Rothgarr lifted his arm upwards and grabbed Anna’s forearm, hugging her waist and holding her tightly in his arms.

The cliff began to crumble, and the entire valley also began to disintegrate.

Rothgarr hugged Anna with both hands, burying his head in the crook of her neck, hugging her so hard that she couldn’t breathe.

The Abyss began to shrink.

Anna and Rothgarr fell down slowly, and after a while, everything was black before their eyes and their feet had landed on solid ground.

At the same time, the Human Realm’s demon eye also shrank rapidly, spitting out one human mage after another. It shrunk to a small dot before finally disappearing.

The human mages who witnessed this scene couldn’t help expressing the excitement of their lifetime.

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They were saved! The Human Realm was saved!

And The Abyss in the Demon Realm shrunk to its original size, as if nothing happened before.

Balan came down from not far away and walked over quickly. Seeing Anna and Rothgarr looking worse for wear, he couldn’t help asking, “What happened to you two inside? How did The Abyss change back?”

Rothgarr raised his head from the nook of Anna’s neck, and spat out a sentence: “I’ll tell you later.”

He spread his wings and motioned to Anna: “Heal it.”

Anna’s mind was in a mess at the moment. She seemed to have a lot to say to Rothgarr, but she didn’t know what to say. Upon hearing his order, she almost unconsciously pressed on his wings and performed the Holy Healing spell.

Seeing that something was obviously wrong with the two of them, Balan frowned and didn’t say much, looking at the other three demons who were spat out after The Abyss retracted.

They obviously didn’t know what was going on. They were hovering in mid-air, as if hesitating about whether to come and ask.

Balan thought for a while, and flew towards them, ready to send them off perfunctorily, lest they disturb Roth and Anna.

After Anna’s mental strength increased, the effect of her Holy Healing spell was faster and better. After a few minutes, even the most serious injury on Rothgarr’s wings was almost healed.

After she stopped, she wanted to heal Rothgarr’s other wounds, but he shook his wings out. After confirming that there was no problem with flight, he held Anna in his arms and flew towards his castle.

Rothgarr was very fast, and Anna couldn’t speak against the wind, so she buried herself in his chest, quiet for a while.

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Although she had made her decision, she still couldn’t help but think, was that really an illusion?

Did she give herself a way out, or did she lose her only chance to return home?

After a long time, Rothgarr’s castle appeared in the sight of the two of them. He landed on the terrace, strode back to his room with Anna in his arms, threw Anna on the bed, pressed against her, and tore her clothes apart without mercy.

Anna suddenly remembered that at the cliff of The Abyss, he said that when they escaped, he would remind her of everything…her eyes, her movements, and how she pandered to him.

“The injury on your hand hasn’t healed yet!” Anna hurriedly grabbed Rothgarr’s arm, “Let me heal it for you first.”

Rothgarr withdrew his hand and sneered: “No need, this little injury won’t prevent me from reminding you of everything!”

He held Anna’s shoulder roughly; there was only anger on his cold face.

Anna said, “But I chose you in the end.”

Rothgarr paused.

Anna looked at him fixedly: “Before I didn’t want you to stay and die with me, so I told those lies on purpose. I apologize….And, I shouldn’t have thought of leaving you behind.”

The anger on Rothgarr’s face gradually dissipated, but he still said with a cold face: “How do I know that what you said now is true and you’re not just lying to me?”

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Anna put her arms around Rothgarr’s neck, pulled him down, and whispered into his ear: “Because my eyes, my movements, and my pandering to you can’t fool you.”

Then, she kissed his Adam’s apple, and boldly held his horn.

Rothgarr took a breath, his eyes instantly became blurred and fierce. He kissed Anna fiercely, his voice hoarse: “Then tell me, do you love me?”

Anna’s voice broke: “Of course…”

“Of course what?”

“Of course… I love you.”

If it wasn’t for loving him, even if she suspected it was an illusion, she might be willing to jump down and give it a try.

After Anna’s confession, Rothgarr’s pent-up anger finally dissipated…but he did not hold back.

He wanted her to know how much pain and horror he felt almost losing her in The Abyss.

He wanted her to think of her love for him, and to feel how much he loved her.

Finally, Rothgarr whispered into the semi-conscious Anna’s ear: “If I can have offspring…don’t even think about stepping off this bed until you conceive my child…”

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