Extra-3 (What If) (1)

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Anna opened her eyes suddenly, only to find that she was being hugged by someone, and there were many whispers around her.

She looked intently; the person holding her was really familiar. She searched from her memory, and she remembered that this was Parrish Wilson, the starting point for her change in destiny after transmigrating.

Of course, it was Rothgarr that was hidden in Parrish’s body.

Anna was carried into the carriage in silence, listening to Rothgarr’s exaggerated marriage proposal, not saying a word.

Why was she reborn to when Rothgarr had just begun eyeing her? It would be very annoying to have to go through it all over again.

“Beautiful lady?”

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Seeing that Anna was silent for a long time, Rothgarr addressed her.

If Rothgarr hadn’t told her himself that once she agreed to his proposal here, he would kill her immediately, Anna would definitely say “I do”.

She still had her memories; she knew how to re-cultivate her mental power from scratch. Those spell circuits that she had learned long ago could be fully used after she had cultivated enough mental power.

In other words, she didn’t need Rothgarr. She could gradually become a powerful mage, and there was no need to entangle with him for so long.

It was just that it would be a bit troublesome to make him fall in love with her again afterwards… If she said to him “Hello, you will fall madly in love with me in a year, why don’t we keep it simple, skip the back and forth and go straight into the honeymoon phase?”, would he kill her on the spot…

So, before Rothgarr became impatient, Anna still honestly said “I refuse” according to the original script.

It was not without benefits to be reborn once more. At least Anna, who was scared out of her wits when she saw the demon the first time, was calm enough this time to observe Rothgarr’s reaction. Seeing his expression of disbelief and suspicion of life, she almost laughed out loud.

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Being reborn did have its benefits, eh?

Next, Anna reproduced her actions as she remembered, trying not to make too much difference.

However, after all, she had already experienced a lot, and she could handle many things better, such as working in the kitchen, folding napkins without teaching, and table manners, etc. Madam Mary and others were amazed.

Because Rothgarr’s character was too bad, Anna couldn’t be sure at what point he fell in love with her, so she could only try to follow the original track in matters related to him.

Except that she worked during the day while meditating secretly at night.

She had once completed the process of becoming a five-star mage, and now she had to start all over again. Her past experiences helped her a lot, and her entry speed was several times faster than when she first came into contact with meditation.

Now she finally understood why the subject of rebirth was so popular. She could avoid the detours she had gone through before, and change the regrets of the past. Who wouldn’t want to be reborn?

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Of course she had regrets, but when she was first reborn, she just wanted to keep the things related to Rothgarr as close to the original storyline as possible, and didn’t think about what to do with the later regrets. Those things were only slowly figured out later.

While meditating crazily, Anna regained her mental strength and reenacted the storyline in the City Lord’s manor once more for Rothgarr. She would secretly observe Rothgarr’s reaction from time to time, and felt that he was really “young” and cute at this time.

Of course, this was on the premise that he had not discovered that she could see him.

Pretend to be illiterate and ask Parrish to teach her.

Pretend to be illiterate, so when Rothgarr possessed Ulysses to teach her, she made it look easy, but actually had a difficult time.

Help Dubian by pretending to be illiterate and having no knowledge of spells, so that she could ask him to teach her in return.

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Pretending to know nothing about magic and asking Rothgarr to teach her.

Pretending that she was sick, no, she deliberately made herself sick and asked Rothgarr who had possessed the Holy Son to help her—because with her persistent efforts, she had relearned the Holy Healing spell, and she would cure sick little Evan, and give the credit to the holy water that was begged from the church.

And before the plot that forced her to escape from Blue Stone City came, Anna calmly gave her family the gold coins she had accumulated, and then showed them her magic. She told them that she had already learned magic from the mage of the City Lord’s Manor. Little Evan’s illness was actually cured by her, and she planned to go to a distant place to study next.

Anna, who had suddenly become a mage, had a completely different status in the eyes of Evan and Gaea. Although they were worried about her, they couldn’t stop her from pursuing the lofty ideal of “pursuing a higher mage level”. They could only accept the gold coins she gave them and tell her to be careful wherever she went.

Anna then went to the City Lord’s manor to resign. Then, she came back to invite Dubian to leave with her.

Dubian’s health had improved a lot. He readily agreed, and the two embarked on a journey to Black Cloud City.

Anna knew that Rothgarr would definitely be able to catch up with her. The reason she deliberately went to the City Lord’s Mansion to resign was so that there was an end to the beginning, and also to leave a message for Rothgarr.

On the way to Black Cloud City, the whole journey was peaceful, and before reaching Black Cloud City, Rothgarr really did possess Dubian and propose to her. She was lazy, repeating exactly what she had done in the past to deal with his proposal, and bid goodbye to Dubian happily.

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