Extra-5 (2)

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She had an inexplicable sense of excitement now. This was a lot more fun now than Rothgarr’s The Abyss curse attack last time. At that time, she was terribly afraid, but now, she could play to her heart’s content… It wasn’t that she didn’t take the initiative before, but it was the initiative with Rothgarr’s “permission”. How could that be more interesting than right now?

Anna backed away, pressed lightly on Rothgarr’s lips. She raised her eyebrows, shook her head, and said with a smile, “Lie down now.”

Rothgarr kept his eyes on Anna, and slowly lay down at her command, revealing himself completely to Anna’s eyes.

“Now is your reward.” Anna said, the green vines of the Whip Dryad protruded from her palm, slowly wrapping around his body.

Ten minutes later, Anna retracted the tree demon, and ordered Rothgarr, whose eyes were hazy and looking forward to her further actions, “Get dressed now.”

Rothgarr still had a dissatisfied look on his face, but he still got dressed stiffly.

Although Anna thought it was a lot of fun, considering Rothgarr’s face, she certainly wouldn’t bully him in front of others, so she actually didn’t plan to go out.

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Seeing that Rothgarr was fully dressed, she took off her clothes little by little, lay down on the bed, and said to Rothgarr, “I am very tired from walking around today. You can massage me, but you can’t touch here and here.” She pointed to two places.

Rothgarr took a deep breath, sat down on the edge of the bed, and began to massage Anna’s calf slowly.

Rothgarr’s technique was not bad; the strength he used was moderate, Anna was massaged very comfortably and she became drowsy, but she would still scold him if he overstepped.

When the back massage was over, Anna rolled over and asked Rothgarr to continue.

Before she turned her back to him, she could only hear his heavy breathing, but now when she looked at him directly, she found that his eyes seemed to be a little slack; he would not move his eyes away from her.

Anna bent her legs again maliciously, and said as if desiring nothing: “Keep massaging.”

Seeing Rothgarr’s burning stare, Anna was satisfied and amused. Like before, she kept him from touching where he shouldn’t, and waited until he made her feel comfortable with his massage, then she beckoned him to lie down, and put her arms around his waist. She said: “I’m tired, let’s sleep for a while.”

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Rothgarr endured for a long time, and finally whispered at this moment: “Master, don’t you need me to help you? Your sweet scent entrances me…”

Of course Anna also felt it, but now she wanted to see Rothgarr have to restrain himself, so she said, “No, sleep!”

Of course, Anna didn’t really fall asleep. When Rothgarr finally couldn’t bear it and moved his hands and feet, she suddenly let the whip tree demon come out and tie his hands up.

The whip tree demon couldn’t stop Rothgarr, but it would have broken if he tried to break free, and hurting it was hurting Anna, and he wouldn’t do that.

So in the end, Rothgarr stared stiffly at Anna’s sleeping face until she awoke sleepily.

“You have done a good job, let Master grant you joy now…”

Anna didn’t let go of Rothgarr, she just rolled over and sat on top of him, truly taking the initiative.

Rothgarr and Anna were the lord and the lady of the city, but in fact they didn’t often take care of the affairs of their territory. That was managed by people recruited by Anna.

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Therefore, it didn’t matter if they were wrapped up in each other during the day, or even if they didn’t show up for a few days.

However, compared to Rothgarr, Anna was on the relatively restrained side. She would let him have a taste of the sweetness, and if she didn’t want to anymore, she stopped him very simply and neatly.

It was the same for the rest of the days.

Therefore, under Anna’s “hunger marketing”, Rothgarr was in a state of unable to get what he wanted every day. And he could only accept this, because the current Anna was not the weakling he could control with one hand at the beginning. If he dared to use strength on her, Anna would fight him. He could easily defeat her, but he could not subdue her without hurting her.

The residents of Peace City recently discovered that their lord’s wife was always flushed, and the lord has not shown his face for several days. If the lord and the lord’s wife hadn’t been a loving couple for hundreds of years, and the lord was the most powerful Grand Duke of The Abyss in the Demon Realm, they would have suspected that the lord’s wife had squeezed the lord dry.

Of course some people already had this idea.

Anna secretly heard such rumors when she was patrolling the territory, and she couldn’t help sighing; they really had no imagination.

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Power was the best medicine, she was convinced; it felt good to have Rothgarr at her mercy.

Anna enjoyed these days very much to the point where she forgot to count the time.

This morning, when she woke up, she felt something on her lips, and she heard Rothgarr’s light voice: “Master…”

Anna played with him as usual, and was about to get away when he grabbed her wrist.

Rothgarr raised his lips and watched her smile dangerously and charmingly: “Where’re you going?”

He turned over and pressed Anna under him, stroked her delicate neck and said, “Did you have fun playing with me these few days?”

Anna knew that she was doomed, but she was already mentally prepared for what she did to Rothgarr, so she answered very firmly: “I’m very happy! I will do the same in the future!”

Rothgarr laughed, and then doubled and tripled what his master had done to him.

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