Two-Star Mage Promotion Assessment (7)

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“What’s so amazing about this, so easily surprised due to ignorance.” Abel muttered, and rudely took the roast goose and tore off the goose legs to eat.

Anna sat down beside him, looked at the dark lines on his face for a while and said, “Are the dark lines on your face disappearing soon?”

Abel stopped eating, glanced at Anna and said, “You want to drive me away?”

Anna thought for a while and said, “If you want, after the dark lines on your face disappear, you can live in Givina’s house. There is a spare room downstairs. I will say that you are my younger brother, and I will help you pay the rent and living expenses. As long as you don’t reveal your identity, no one will know who you are.”

Abel lowered his head and slowly chewed the roast goose in his mouth. After swallowing, he looked up at Anna: “Why are you being so kind to me?”

Because I am not the same as the demon.

Ana suddenly thought of the demon, of the words he had said in the theater, that he had been with her for five months, still thought she was his prey, had no positive feelings toward her at all. But she was not like him.

Abel had lived with her for more than two months, and she seemed to be used to having someone here when she got home at night. She couldn’t drive him away because he would reveal his identity as soon as he stepped out, and she was willing to give him a safe way to live after the dark lines on his face disappeared. He was unlike Dubian, who had a teacher he could meet up with; he was without a home.

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She smiled: “Raising a cat or dog for two months can raise feelings, let alone people. ”

Abel immediately glared at Anna: “Who are you calling a cat or dog!”

Anna waved her hand with a smile and said, “Don’t be angry, it’s just an analogy… Hey, don’t drop the goose meat, don’t waste food!”

Before going to bed, Anna still tied Abel up before laying back on her bed. In fact, she felt that it was no longer necessary to tie him up, but she was used to it anyway, and Abel didn’t raise any objection, so she continued as usual.

After an unknown amount of time, Anna’s even breathing came from the bed, and Abel suddenly moved his hand dexterously, breaking free from the shackles of the rope.

After getting to know him gradually, Anna didn’t tie him up as seriously as before. He could have loosened the shackles long ago, but he never told her or did so.

When the restraints on his feet were untied, Abel stood at the end of the bed and looked at Anna, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

It was very dark in the room, and he couldn’t see her very well, but he thought that she must be beautiful when she was asleep, much better than when she was awake and mocking him.

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He didn’t get close to the bed, and after standing for a while, he walked towards the door lightly, but halfway through, he turned around and came back, picking up the unfinished portion of roast goose.

Then, he quietly opened the door and walked out, closing the door gently again.

The roast goose was really delicious.

With that in mind, he walked down the stairs and into the alley, his figure gradually blending into the night.

When Anna woke up the next day, Abel was gone.

The rope she used to tie Abel up was scattered on the meditation mat. She looked under the bed and in the bathroom, but Abel was nowhere to be found.

Then she rummaged through the room, and finally confirmed that nothing was lost in the room except the roast goose she hadn’t finished last night.

Anna sat silently on the bed, looking a little lost in the empty room.

She was sure that Abel had no money on him, so he just left without any money?

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There were also dark lines on his face that had not completely dissipated. If he was found, he would be recognized as a dark mage and captured back to the church.

Anna couldn’t understand why Abel left. She didn’t want to drive him away. She even suggested last night that she would continue to take him in after the dark lines on his face disappeared.

Could it be that because she compared him to a cat and dog, he ran away in anger?

It shouldn’t be. When she first took him in, her attitude towards him was even worse.

Anna really couldn’t figure it out, she just felt a little empty in her heart.

After sitting for a while, she curled her lips into a smile.

Forget it, it was good that Abel was gone, she didn’t have to worry anymore about this matter being discovered by the demon and him causing big problems.

Having said that, before going to the Mage Association, Anna went to the church. She even pretended to pray inside, donating a few silver coins, and ran to the priest to say that she had a nightmare last night and dreamt that a fallen mage appeared in the city, expressing her concerns – of course she hid her mage identity while doing all this.

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The pastor told her not to worry. It had been a long time since a fallen mage appeared in Black Cloud City. Even if a fallen mage appeared, the church would protect its believers.

Anna looked relieved and quickly left the church.

She did feel a little more at ease, at least for now, Abel had not been captured back to the church.

On this day, Anna was so disturbed that even the demon discovered it. When he asked, she answered without any mistakes: “I’m a little worried about the results announced tomorrow.”

“If you don’t pass, no one from yesterday’s test will pass,” Rothgarr said.

Ana looked at the demon in front of her who seemed to be comforting her, and felt that she was indeed comforted.

It wasn’t about the results of the assessment. She had no doubts about the results of the assessment. She still had this bit of confidence.

She was thinking, with such a big demon still standing in front of her, how could she still have the energy to be gloomy and worry about others?

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