Where is Anna (5)

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“Miss Margo!” Someone in the crowd exclaimed. This shout shocked everyone awake. They looked at this beast-like demon and couldn’t help but feel fear in their hearts.

He looked handsome and slender, but those blood-colored eyes were not like human eyes at all. They looked at them like looking at weak prey.

He suddenly moved and rushed into the black-robed crowd, causing screams to sound out.

On the other side, Anna finally struggled to get out of the collapsed wooden cell. When she saw the massacre going on over there, she was shocked, and hurriedly went to the side to pull Natalie out.

That was not the Abel she was familiar with. The Abel who was slaughtering the dark mages was like an irrational beast at the moment!

So, they had to run away!

When the cell collapsed, Natalie was hit on the head. At this moment, blood dripped onto her cheeks. She was still a little dizzy, and when she looked at Anna, she saw two of her.

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“I’m going to dig Leon out, don’t move!” Anna urged, and quickly ran to the other side to help Leon out.

Leon was already injured to begin with. When he came out, he stumbled a bit.

He glanced at Abel, his pupils shrank, and he said hurriedly, “Let’s leave quickly!”

Although he has countless questions to ask Anna, now was not the time to speak slowly.

Anna supported Leon, tugged on Natalie, and walked toward the door.

This underground space was as big as two basketball courts, and the cell was at the innermost point. The only door was more than 20 meters away from here. Anna dragged the two wounded people along with her, only daring to walk along the wall, and carefully, at that.

She hoped those dark mages could hold on a little longer!

When they were still half the distance from the door, a black-robbed figure slammed down in front of the three of them, causing a bit of blood to splash.

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Natalie screamed in fright, covering her mouth and looking at the corpse in front of her, trembling.

The “corpse” in front of him stood up, he wasn’t dead yet!

The dark mage had just seen the three of them and suddenly reached out to grab Leon, the closest one, wanting to throw him out. Anna slapped him on the arm in a hurry, a flash of lightning flashed, and the dark mage was electrocuted. He shuddered, and staggered back half a step.

Anna said in surprise: “My mental strength has recovered a little!”

She could use the Wind Gathering Technique to speed up their escape!

But at this time, the demon Abel, who had chased the dark mage over here, had already arrived in front of them. With a flick of his hand, purple light exploded like fireworks. This scared Anna, who gathered some wind to push Leon and Natalie away. She herself also rolled away awkwardly.

A scream sounded, and Anna looked over in horror. The one who screamed was the dark mage just now. He was entangled in purple light, and his skin seemed to be rotten. He screamed extremely violently.

Anna quickly retracted her gaze, and saw the blood-red eyes of demon Abel staring at her, she suddenly felt a chill on her back, and quickly said as the dark mage’s screams slowly faded: “Abel, it’s me, Anna. Remember those roast geese I treated you to?”

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Anna didn’t know if it was any useful to say this, but she was very aware of the difference in strength between herself and this demon. If she didn’t try at all, then she wouldn’t even have a chance.

Demon Abel stared at Anna. He opened his mouth, suddenly hugged his head and roared, and his left wing that was open suddenly swung towards Anna.

Anna hurriedly formed a water shield on her side, but the power of his wings was too great. After smashing the barrier that she temporarily formed, which did not block much at all, the wing slammed into Anna’s side, and she was knocked into the air. At the same time, she felt a piercing pain.

Her right arm, which originally had a puncture wound, was probably fractured now.

Anna fell to the ground, realizing that she had suffered multiple injuries at the same time, the severe pain swept through her whole body. Cold sweat broke out on her forehead instantly, and she gasped sharply with her mouth open.

It really hurt so much!

Anna heard two exclamations from a man and a woman. Her thoughts were temporarily taken away from the pain for a few seconds, and she recalled their current situation.

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She glanced at her right arm, her hand was twisted weirdly. Blood was spurting out. She covered her left hand, used simple Holy Healing just to stop the bleeding of the wound on the outside, and then sat up with difficulty, leaning on one hand.

Only to see that Leon took the initiative to attack the demon Abel. The demon Abel didn’t know what was going on, and was still holding his head and roaring, but the power of his pair of wings should not be underestimated, and Leon was almost hit.

Anna glanced at Leon, saw Natalie who wanted to run towards her, and shouted: “Natalie, you are the closest to the door, hurry up, use the wind gathering technique to escape first! Go to Raymond!”

After she finished speaking, she sat on the ground, and desperately threw lightning spells at demon Abel, trying to attract his attention first.

As long as one person escaped, they could find someone to save them! Now only the demon can fight this demon, even if it meant that the true form of the demon had to be exposed.

Although she did not have much mental power left, Anna didn’t spare her mental power at all. If she didn’t use it all quickly, she would never have the chance to use it again.

Hearing Anna’s words, Natalie gritted her teeth, knowing that she was too weak and that she wouldn’t be much help if she stayed behind. She hurried to the door.

Anna, Mage Leon, you have to hold on! She would find someone to save them right away!

Those huge wings suddenly stopped in front of Natalie. Her heart skipped a beat, and she heard Anna shout, “Get down!”

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